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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. for a test fitting, yeah it does look good, even the basic colour looks pretty good,
  2. special is an understatement Inyri >.> JKA is more tempermental then a banshee with her time of the month >.< Im also tempted to scrap the normandy map in favour of some of the firebase maps from ME3, perfect in size for 4-8 players, or a survival mod, we already got geth troopers, so i could see some fun going on there >.>
  3. I forgot about Liara >.> but I am curious to see how the omni blade will turn out
  4. If its mass effect, the "Forge" will taunt us
  5. When you actually visit this site enough, new content somtimes appears

  6. I always liked city or urban maps, doesnt matter if its a thriving city, or a dead city, as long as it has lots of areas or cover, and exploration, im game to check the map out once thats done
  7. even with the FPS limiter turned off, most my maps cap out at 90fps, but as it would seem effects, and FX_runners etc play a role too, even some of my newer maps that are making optical illusions dip down to 50-60fps in some spots, but as long as it can stay above 30 in a skirmish, i consider that a passing grade, and I consider most my maps ideal for 8 players online, ive never made a huge map for a "big team ffa" per say
  8. I need to actually get back to mapping, I got ideas, but that metaphoric plate is still full

  9. its never fun when your bank account reads -33$

    1. KDR_3XILE


      -1089. I'm in overdraft mate.


    2. CaptainChar


      yeah im in overdraft, have to fix that before interest takes hold >.>

  10. 32 was the general limit i thoght for older games, most modern games I see support 50-60 players (im looking at you arma 2) as for your question id think it might be pure server side related, but dont quote me on that
  11. The Death Egg map will feature 2 dueling (final boss) areas

  12. cause who doesnt love bottomless pits, spiked pits, and pistons that can crush you in a level?

  13. that intereface looks easier to use then my curernt 3Dmax
  14. it might have been a bad idea to give Dr Eggman the Longinus Lance >.>

  15. most NPC i have in mind will use the stormtrooper NPC file, i just want lots of things that shoot at you
  16. I also know from my Death Egg map, since the final boss of sonic 2 was supposed to be present, that custom models can use custom animations etc for attacks, if dragons from neo dark ages have taught me anything, there is alot we can do for customs in JA, its just putting forth that effort to make it happen, im still learning my way around 3dmax id love to actually be able to model and uv-wrap etc
  17. hmm Might need a new bot like it, or several starting off with the NPC_stormtrooper Ai and progressing up
  18. on a side note, the Saber training bots would make nice Hyperion robots >.>
  19. the seekers might break it, no idea though
  20. have to look into what all NPCs are avalable in MP,
  21. Just wondering if the saber training bots in SP are spawnable in MP
  22. what would a sonic theme'd map be without some bosses?

    1. zicmak


      A time racing map.

    2. eezstreet


      Theme'd? Themed.

    3. CaptainChar


      here in canada we dont care about spelling

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