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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. when doing a collab, its best to establish a general scaling, or you could toss scaling out the window in this case, unless you want it to flow uniformly or evenly
  2. even though I am not participating in this, I am glad someone else had the same idea as me, I look forward to this one's completion
  3. Ironically I had also penned out a plan to do a take on the "Super Star Wars" games but this seems interesting as well
  4. JKA is back in, now I need to use a more modern GTK, so im a tad lost

  5. its been a while since ive posted, only a minor thing to show right now, the turbolift interior, some areas of the ship while its being constructed will be hidden as I plan to have at least one major easter egg in this map Engineering deck is basically completed, at about 4000 brushes, I will tweak this a bit to lessen the amount of brushes being used, but it sets up if I go by the 30k limit, I can have 5-6 decks then, the entire ship will use the Enterprise refit design now Also I don't know why its so glowy, It never did this in windows XP but in 7 its all shiny now. Engineering also received an expansion based off the movie set stills and some of the diagrams based off the ship, the EPS manifolds haven't been installed yet or the Y shaped conduit at the rear of the warp core Reference image used for main engineering:
  6. Looks like i'll have to use a steam copy of JKA now, cant find disk 1 anywhere damit jim

  7. Odd, when i went to windows 7 pro X64, my video card shows it as a 2.7 gig card now, in xp it was shown as 1gig

    1. eezstreet


      XP only allows for up to 1GB of memory (or it might be 2GB, I don't remember which).

    2. CaptainChar


      apparently its how windows 7 allocates memory, it supposedly gives a shitload to video cards for no reason, even though the card has 1gig dedicated memory, the OS gives it a percentage of max ram

  8. thats not a bad size backup though, everyone to the speed test range to see who has to draw straws
  9. at the time I had 50% of the site on my HDD and dvd backups already, since I grabbed most of the mods to begin with, I have some that were even removed due to some "issues"
  10. Would the community like a goldeneye gun pack to go with the maps?

  11. hmm engineering deck is already almost at 3k brushes, may have to limit the ships design to only the "main" areas

    1. CaptainChar


      so roughly I could get away with 5-6 decks

  12. the second screenshot reminds me of a room from War for Cybertron >.> but im curious of this mod
  13. Would a dual map be better if there is a 1 hit KO hazard present that could kill both players?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar
    3. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      dual map? whut?

    4. CaptainChar


      dual, duel, ive been working on to much things to spell right lately

  14. need to complete some of my current maps before I start "Operation Clean Sweep"

  15. Ever since Cal left, who actually assigns the files now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. therfiles


      "assigns the files"? Do you mean approve them?

    3. CaptainChar


      that works too

    4. therfiles


      All of the staff approve the files as they become available. :)

  16. backuping up all data and finally upgrading from windows xp

  17. Deciding on the last 2 areas of my "Death Egg" Map

  18. maps usually, I will grab a shiny model if it catches me interest though
  19. ended up changing my entire enterprise map to the refit design, due to it having 2 turbo lifts, makes more sense from a mapping perspective

  20. when you see a big red button in a map with yellow warning stripes, what do you do?

  21. whats this? im actually getting mapping done, and on 2 maps at the same time

  22. CaptainChar


    great all us old farts are offcially here
  23. "well shes got a fine engine, but i think she was put together by monkeys"

    1. CaptainChar


      star trek 5 quote, ive been working on the Constitution class starship map, aka the Enterprise, and I realized some mapping blunders ive done, lol engineering deck is complete at least

    2. Mog


      I await this mod...just don't include a red shirt skin with it....I really don't want to die.

    3. minilogoguy18


      #1 cause of death in starfleet: exploding bulkheads

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