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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. wait... I just noticed, Inyri has a moustache on her avatar >.> and im guessing the viewer uses java? im just guessing here
  2. guess im stickin with my mediafire till it they get some stupid clause on there too
  3. the only issue I have with putting mystuff on my filefront, is if its not downloaded X ammount of times within a week, the system auto purges it, ever since they were going to go offline, then were brought back. So I moved to Mediafire on that reguard, since it was needed for super smash bros brawl mods anyhoo >.> but if someone has a fix for the auto deletion thing, let me know, since when I upload id use both one as a primary and a mirror in case
  4. I never noticed the things you had to fix, i was too busy taking in the ambience your map generated
  5. Rofl I cant view the 3D part, "Sorry your using windows XP" basicly
  6. this is a grey area, and unless you get permission from the original source author, your kinda SOL when it comes to redistribution, from what ive learned from ports though, they can go all wonky, and deform on you, plus its better to learn the modelling process, so you'll have one more thing under your belt
  7. sometimes I hate the internet, especialyl when it doesnt want to work

  8. its a PNG with alpha layer, i Use these for alot of my fence and gate textures, my suggestion, photoshop
  9. besides holodecks, I just realized I could take advantage of the "transporter" as well and have an entirely different area, hmm star trek did have a convient way of enabling writers

    1. CaptainChar


      could be a planet, or another ship even, but a planet sounds more fun :P

  10. SV_SetBrushModel: NULL ive done the manual tracking of those down through the entitly list, usually each entity in the list has somehting attached, ive had a few on me (when radient has decided to crash) where a player spawn point was created but no point was ever placed in GTK, but they've gotten easy to spot these issues, in radient, mind you the more brushwork you got, the longer the list >.>
  11. I can see your nightmare, but im not a great mapper, in this case I look to how old game handled this issue, which was either back in the day low draw distance distancecull in this case, or "fog" which was also just to hide the draw distance. and I dont know what your current distancecull is atm either, just another theory im tossing out there
  12. Szico's image coveres about the same area and angle i was viewing, i was just closer to the bridge
  13. I need to get mapping, unless im having a christmas party on the enterprise >.>;

    1. CaptainChar


      or I need to take artistic license and use a Holodeck or 2 hmm I has an idear

  14. I use wave format for most my maps now for seemless looping method ive peiced together, uses 2 wave files, one is the intro part of a song,t he other is the loop segment waves must be 22,000khz, sound effects have to be mono, map music can be stereo, and remember audocity will put a "silence" at the end of any edited track by default, it'll have to be editted out of you want seemless looping music
  15. from the power plant, looking towards the duff beer plant, and town, it drops significantly about -40fps from 59-60 throughout the rest of the map, im not sure if it was just what I have in my base, but the green goo wasnt present in this build for me, again not sure if this was my side or not
  16. odd My framerate never dropped in the map, it stayed steady
  17. I was happy to have beta tested this map, I used the xbox 360 game of the simpsons as a suitable comparison
  18. Im postive that there is a homer player model
  19. Doesnt lugarmod support edge grabbing? if so I has an idear
  20. Current Normandy that ive mapped would fit in the enterprise's cargo hold >.>

    1. CrimsonStrife


      well the Normandy was a fairly small vessel, she had nowhere near the crew of the Enterprise.


    2. CrimsonStrife


      Well the Normandy only holds about 50 to 60 people I think.

    3. CaptainChar


      yeah and a Constitution aka Entperise has a crew of 400

  21. Constitution Class' main engineering is pretty large >.<

  22. the only pity I have that ladders dont exist in JA
  23. I also plan to have the decks numbered, and the tubes at intersections have plates telling you where your going, other wise players would get lost in what seems like an endless a maze
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