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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. looks about how I made my pipes you can go in in some of my maps, a space station, hmm I got one of those in the works too,
  2. are we building a fleet of star ships lately? Normandy, Enterprise, a few destroyers,
  3. this is actually an inspiring topic still, makes me just wanna see what I can do with my mapping skills
  4. well I can see that jetpack getting a lot of use out of it
  5. Slave 1 might be able to actually fit inside the Enterprise's shuttle bay
  6. Moon that info might really be also useful in the wiki, if they have a subsection under mapping for "advanced mapping" say cause that info was never specified in any tutorial I've read
  7. im going to have to study scizo's toggable teleporter in detail, since I can make use of the transporter as an artistic tool

    1. CaptainChar


      The Enterprise Map has at least 4-5 decks being assembled, so its is controlled turbolift or function train

  8. So in other words, you would use structure brushes in sector like arrangements, to divide the map up into chunks for VIS purposes? Sorry this is a learning experience for myself as well
  9. most mine was learned from trial and error, and some was passed onto me from another mapper, and tutorial wise was rich diesel's but yeah some stuff isn't covered in the text books, this would be one those cases, where even I didn't know about the max number of detail type brushes so i'll have to rethink my current map
  10. im starting to think the Enterprise is harder to map the the SR-Normandy

  11. I can give you a Tokyo high rise skybox If that'd help
  12. what model are you trying to work with? NVM I see the only think I can think of is erasing or completely deleting the collar form the texture if its a TGA and assigning that as the alpha layer
  13. well major kusangi's hair the texture is rather flat, and Im assuming the shader removes the black from the image or the TGA has alpha models/players/kusanagi/hair { cull disable { map models/players/kusanagi/hair.tga alphaFunc GE192 rgbGen lightingDiffuse } }
  14. Yeah I didn't catch on it was for models, my bad, most models ive worked with have their alpha in the rendor stage (3D max) so I still assume its a shader, the only models ive made are map objects
  15. my old method of mapping was to make a box around the map that was structure, and the rest of the map was detail this method is rather useless now though
  16. I dunno if this would answer what I did with TGA files, the originals were PNG's but the tutorials called for TGA's if I recall the TGA is a 24bit + alpha you can open it in photoshop though and verify, I can dig up the original PNG as well, since I kept all my Castle textures archived This is from my Haunted Graveyard Map Fence TGA: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?z6hrhqv998gi9qv textures/graveyard/fence { Cull none qer_editorimage textures/graveyard/fence.tga { map textures/graveyard/fence.tga blendFunc blend alphaFunc GT0 depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap rgbGen identity blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO depthFunc equal } }
  17. weird, site was down for a bit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      keeps going down for about 10 minutes at a time, not sure whats going on, sometimes it just says there is no connection to this site

    3. CrimsonStrife


      Weird, I haven't been having any issues, report it in the bugs section.

    4. CaptainChar


      it cleared itself up, it may have been issues on my end network wise

  18. I thought texturing a starship would be easy, hah that was a big mistake on my part

  19. I could just use "caulk" lifts for the ladders or invisible elevators at the ladders, just a hunch or do away with ladders for lifts all together in game screen of what the top of the bridge will semi look like: (needs better textures and a glossy shader) Last screen for today, you can see the bare bones of the bridge now, and just what kind of view it would offer, main view screen needs some work but I have to use what I got for source, all of the original movies have poor consistency No textures are final, since the bridge isn't even in the right area yet on the mapping grid, its currently part of engineering deck
  20. not much to say other then the refit bridge is a bitch to do, but now that I look at it, it looks like an intake for a jet engine. started working on that now, and it already looks way better then the first bridge attempt.
  21. Do people enjoy hunting for things in maps to unlock secrets? eg, Midgar V3

  22. I only did one music pack years ago, for a beta version of the vampire blood chronicles mod (now stuck in limbo) but it wasn't that hard, but I have to agree the ambience music should be fitting for that area or scene, where as action music is needed for firefights say, and something epic for a boss battle, even the super star wars games on SNES had the same overture from the movies, cept battles had some thumping 16-bit music to accompany them, but I suppose at the time the game might have had development limitations, but it doesn't stop us as modders from expanding on these ideas
  23. Well after viewing this entire thread so far, I'm impressed with the work thus far, and feel this project is going along rather smoothly, I applaud all who participated in this community activity, and I hope to see more WIP pictures on this project, sorry but I have to return to the Enterprise, if I wasn't so busy already I might have joined, but sometimes its just as fun to watch the process
  24. never enough clones in the clone army
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