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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. I blame Szico for my recent wanting to build more space theme'd maps

  2. is there a way to have the lightspeed effect displayed on the cockpit window of a ship? and constantly running?
  3. wow when she gets cracking, she really does
  4. ive only used Gmax, 3Dmax6 and milkshape, and in school lightwave for macs, but all in all, I suggest if you dont want to learn via self knowlage, to use a tutorial video, since I find video or visual learning helps greatly then a textbook version
  5. well steam is no longer on my pc, imminent HDD failure detected, please backup now, etc etc, so meh needed new hdd's anyways

    1. CaptainChar


      considering it greatly since my OS drive is fragmenting like hell

  6. "A modders skill flows from the internet, but beware of the troll's side" the hardest part i had to overcome was working in a 3d enviroment from multiple angles, but if you've had experience in some form of 3d before, even mapping, the same basic knowlage can be applied in moddeling plus I was taught Lightwave and 3dmax in highschool, but mapping with GTK basicly gave me my fundimental 3D skills, my advice, just screw around, or start of by playing around with existing or premade models
  7. I beleive most of us are ADD or ADHD when it comes to modding
  8. only going to do music once a week now

  9. what was I thinking, watching all the star trek series thats like 200 hours

  10. its all fun and games till you break your friend's cable modem with an xbox

  11. who resurrected the spibot? it was better off dead

    1. MUG
    2. spior


      Yeah I moved it on #spibot. Figured only me and eezstreet use it for anything, so no need to flood a channel full of people :|

    3. CaptainChar


      no, spior, I hate all bots with equal passion

  12. open GL is usually better then direct3d these days, but sometimes newer cards drop elements that enabled "legacy modes" for older applications, ive yet to try JA on my netbook yet, as it uses the Intel Chipset for video, but the HDMI out is handy, the machine wont run some older game, they just explode the models, but DX10 type games seem to work fine, DX9 or DX8 seem to screw up royally for me, the hardware is openGL based in my case. so I maybe facing the same issue as you soon It has to run JA since I can map while im not home, and its not useful if I cant test the work for me
  13. greetings, dont mind feed the trolls
  14. so the best way to do this, is offset my camera angel, and screenshot away with the giveall cheat on Now if i remembered how to do the camera angel >.>
  15. this site needs more mods coming in, :P guess I need to keep mapping GoldenEye

  16. we dont turn away people, free admission even
  17. Im looking for a collection of ingame weapon stances, so I have a reference to work with, since I need to know how the character holds each weapon
  18. 007 Nightfire maps will join my GoldenEye map releases as well

    1. MUG
    2. CaptainChar


      it would make a good online map

    3. CaptainChar


      well sniper and CTF matches would be fun

  19. could be worse, it could be netscape
  20. im also going to go out on a limb here, when they were gathering data from other mods at the time, i bet alot of those skinners modellers retired from the whole thing, or they couldnt be contacted to have their files hosted
  21. so im curious, why does everyone hate IE thesedays? and if your going to make claims, id like to see some technical data to back you up for your browser's choice I have IE, Firefox, and Chrome on this machine, mind you my pc is still running XP and ive not made the jump to 7 yet (fuck win 8)
  22. story writer, composer, digital artist, and modder, where does one find the time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nihilus


      In all reality, Caelum is just a little alien who can't sleep due to the frustration of not being able to communicate with his "people" back "home".

    3. CaptainChar
    4. Nihilus


      No... Flemmian.

  23. that spibot is a pony, i am not amused

  24. I tihnk Inyri spends more time playing the game then modding after it I get called into "duty" every time i log onto a game though, so i cant blame her, if shes a good shot, she'll be in demand
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