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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. I'd say your best bet would be to get one of our modeller's interested in it, by watching Legend of Korra. If you can get them to do that, then they might appreciate Tenzin enough to make him.
  2. Well the current build is still functional, if a bit buggy (shop prices/lightsabers for example) for this sort of thing, I'm always down for a match if people ever want to do one every once in a while.
  3. Yeah its ded. You might see me occasionally doing stuff with it, but it is mostly for my own benefit/experimentation. Thing is though, that was never what most of us wanted. We like FPS gameplay for a reason...we just wanted more than just starwars counterstrike (leveling, quests, object persistence, etc), but unfortunately trying to make such a thing without a team of 50-75 full time paid organized developers with years of experience is impossible and unrealistic. I'm not as bitter about it, if anyone is wondering, I think trying to make it taught me a lot and gave me a lot of experience I wouldn't have had otherwise. Also I got to meet some pretty cool people like eezstreet, Pande, Stoiss, Xycaleth and the rest. But yeah
  4. I'd prefer Zahere personally...but this would be pretty awesome.
  5. Welcome DrXann we've been expecting you...
  6. I think most of us do. It seems to happen at about 20-22. Or about 4 years into modding a game.
  7. Would you mind if someone ended up converting this map for Jedi Academy when you're all done with it @@IrocJeff?
  8. NPC of course, how would it even use a saber?
  9. For some weird reason I'm getting this idea that the stormtrooper in the trailer is going to be force sensitive (the "awakening")...
  10. ...then the only way I can communicate with you is by Morse code crouching
  11. Futuza

    Secret Santa 2014

    Hmm...will I have time...will I have time...
  12. Definitely. Lemme find you a tutorial... This?
  13. Put a hole in the floor somewhere with a crumbly passage that leads to an underground cave full of lightsaber crystals and dead slaves.
  14. Yes. Will take a bit of work though.
  15. Lol. Moving dlls around I do not advice, unless your prepared to brick your machine.
  16. If you do Korriban KOTOR style you can still retain 'modern' designs for certain structures.
  17. Futuza

    Webhosting Downtime

    JKG is still waiting patiently. Thanks for your work so far eezstreet and staff.
  18. Futuza

    Donate to JKHub

    I've been working a lot lately, so I will pledge some money this year. Will need to wait for paycheck time though.
  19. So will you be planning the map for saber gameplay or something else?
  20. Futuza

    Webhosting Downtime

    Thanks for the update eez. Anything you'd like us to do to assist you guys?
  21. Should give them negative health. Then they'll be zombies.
  22. I'd love to see someone like @@Pande share some tips.
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