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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. I'm not sure why someone go through the time and effort to install a edited exe, if they won't install openjk or take any of the other solutions. Not sure it is worth your time eezstreet.
  2. Futuza

    Master Server

    We must send a committee to ascertain the situation!
  3. This is beautiful. I think I may have just found a way to get my brother to play Jedi Academy with me. Even if the proportions look weird I highly suggest you make it a player as well (but the vehicle suggestion would also be pretty hillarious - swoop Yoshis!)
  4. AFAIK notarget does this...though its been a while, maybe that's just enemy npcs?
  5. /condump console.txt will create a text file called "console.txt" that will give us a text log of technical information ensi is looking for to help you. Just copy and paste that text to pastebin or something similar.
  6. Should have at least allowed them inside of spoiler tags.
  7. Dunno. That's why I summoned Razor.
  8. As a small token of thanks for bothering, I present to you a joke: EDIT: Only dangnabittit you disabled them!
  9. I'm not sure about the saberhilt thing, that's probably a broken saber mod you've got somewhere. @@Raz0r JA++
  10. Okay I figured it out, I should have waited one more minute to discover the answer... "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3fb4i41rek8eg6l/ERw2LuU6Jj8.swf" So change the "www.dropbox.com" part of the url to "dl.dropboxuercontent.com".
  11. Okay so I'm a moron and don't know how to change dropbox urls and can't seem to find the answer halp Here is a sample url: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3fb4i41rek8eg6l/ERw2LuU6Jj8.swf?dl=0 I know I can do a raw=1, but I need a direct swf file extension - how to change? @@Circa
  12. I dunno I just see it happening there all the time. That comes from personal experience not research.
  13. Link is broken, I'm guessing your file hasn't been approved yet.
  14. Does it do this with ONLY Texture Overload and no other mods (other then say openjk)?
  15. Well I guess it depends on what you want to do/are interested in doing. There's a lot of different type of modding you can do for JKA. Are you more interested in modelling, skinning, coding, mapping, scripting, or something else? Since it sounds like you're most interested in making inventory, you probably want to do some coding. eezstreet has a good starting tutorial here: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/145-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/ I suggest you first get openjk to compile then play around with the code and just try and change a few things. eg: projectile speeds, or something similarly easy Then when you feel you have a bit of experience, go hope on the jacoders irc channel and start asking some questions.
  16. Welcome! It's a 'dad joke' meme thing that originated on imgur.
  17. ^^TBH sounds like you were doing something wrong. If you're using multiplayer its /model instead of playermodel
  18. Did you try it on debug or release mode? I did my testing on release. Also possible it could be a linux specific issue or something. I could fire up my vm and try it, but that probably won't happen any time soon since I'm be pretty busy this weekend.
  19. ^^Aye, if there's a coder with some spare time I'm sure Caelum could find you a page to host such a script. There's no foreseable reason we would remove this before the stable release of openjk, so unless it has issues/someone finds a bug with it - it should be there to stay. (But that's why we need you players to help us find all the broken stuff we missed). It isn't really a "roleplaying" map issue, we were just generalizing, but yeah I'm sure there's other maps out there that used naughty shaders. BTW if you want to correct the shader errors, just open the map up and unpack (pakscape or whatever) and then find the shader files in it and either delete all the offending ***'s or ###'s or encapsulate them within a /* */ and then repack the files back into a pk3.
  20. @@BruceJohnJenner So I did some testing and it worked fine for me. (Well other then the fact that my models are broken as hell, but that's something else unrelated to the mod).
  21. I'll do some testing with it and let you know. Also, was it just singleplayer you tried or multiplayer or what? Mod not intended for multiplayer.
  22. Futuza


    Has anyone encountered issues trying to use this mod with openjk?
  23. First map is Midgarv3. I have an updated version of Atlantica, but I downloaded the broken one for testing so you could have magic screenshots of broken shader warnings.
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