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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Nah, let's just have you make something in MS Paint and enjoy it.
  2. I'm a fan of this idea.
  3. You'd probably have to have a tiny mod to allow game to pull current cpu clock time and use that as the starting time.
  4. Give out an official boxed copy of OpenJK, burn it onto a CD with an installer and then mail it out to the winner(s).
  5. You still have assets0-3.pk3 right?
  6. A more serious reason is because they are a) Waiting for Starwars 7 b) Waiting for Battlefront 3 c) Its stupid to have 2 Starwars games competing with themselves.
  7. Futuza

    Master Server

    Hmmm...I bet now is a good time to kill peeps (since normally I suck, but with the influx of crappy new players I can finally be good!) Lol. In all seriousness, if y'all meet people you should point them to JKHub so we can grow.
  8. Because talking about projects before they're ready to be announced to the public just causes problems.
  9. I just use openjk and point it to Steam's JKA install assets (fs_cdpath).
  10. I did buy it, but I got it since I don't have Battlefront or Kotor2.
  11. Is that bad if you don't care about it getting out there?
  12. Lol. I originally owned a copy, but I no longer have the install discs...so...
  13. Futuza

    Master Server

    Oh? Hmm...maybe I should look at it.
  14. ...I never understood why they just didn't turn around and try and park on the iceberg once they realized they were going down. Could have gotten a couple thousand people floating on top of that thing. ;(
  15. Do I have to kill people to get to the life boats?
  16. A JKHUB run monthly in-game event (or even more often) would probably also help. Even if it isn't super 'competitive' every time persay. Maybe even have a theme with the event. eg: Wookie Bowcaster Only CTF match or something.
  17. So you say you made one...like a real floating one or like a computer model?
  18. Hang on, aren't you the one that was complaining about some vague lines or something and no one could see them in the screenshots you posted? Or was that someone else? If it was you, plz video.
  19. Futuza

    Master Server

    But but but they said it was a free upgrade from 8.
  20. In my experience, usually this happens when one of the variables being passed is off by one. (A common mistake is misordering elements in an array so that they are off by one from their actual values, eg: position 0 is the first element, NOT position 1. At this point passing a value that is off by one, because you assume 1 is the beginning makes things break).
  21. Futuza


    Oh right. I just reread what he wrote, didn't read it very carefully.
  22. Futuza


    Didn't Boba Fett do this with JKG at one point? I seem to remember at one point it had a nice loading screen where it gave you details all the way through each file being loaded...
  23. Futuza


    You should do something crazy and increase it to 20,000 and tell us what the performance is like.
  24. I think the point most people are trying to make is: if you're going to violate copyright, don't come whinning to us about how you got sued/cease and desisted if something goes horribly wrong. Like others have said, LucasArts/Raven/Disney is unlikely to do anything to you even if you are violating copyright illegally - but it is always a possibility. Instead of worrying about it though, why not just find some assets where permission to use them in other works is granted?
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