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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Futuza


    Information like this might be useful if there was a big faq list on the openjk github page. I know you aren't necessarily in charge of it, or that this isn't the best place to talk about that, but I think it'd probably help out a lot of people that are new to coding.
  2. I think this would only be useful if such things become popular enough to warrant their own section, until then the Art, Media and Technology fits fine.
  3. Sounds like 2 or 3 women screaming with some effects layed over it. Never heard the sound before though.
  4. Here's something I made really quickly: 1. First select the area you want the stripe at with the box tool (Example) 2. Then select the paint brush tool and the color you want (Example). If you want it to be slightly transparent, change the default opacity slider bar from 100% to something lower (I used 50% in this example). 3. Then drag your brush across the boxed/highlighted area you selected in 1 (do it all in one mouse click, don't release the mouse button). (Example)
  5. robar es malo y hay que ir a casa y replantearse su vida
  6. In otherwords you probably shouldn't help him, since he wants to rip and port the map without the author's permission.
  7. http://jkhub.org/topic/4441-help-help/page-2
  8. Just drag it (so you aren't repeatedly clicking)?
  9. Lol. Ceres is all "we should be nice to each other and compliment each other, etc..." While Ping is like, "I WANT TO SEE CHILDREN'S TEARS. IT BRINGETH ME JOY."
  10. That is correct. I'll see if I can write a proper server guide for you soon, unfortunately I've got a lot on my plate at the moment. The jkgalaxiesded file is not available as a linux binary, as we have not yet built support for linux. However, the source code is open source, and if you would really like one you're welcome to compile it yourself. @@Xycaleth might be interested in trying to get it to work for you in a few months perhaps.
  11. I think lukex did the manual install, possible that doesn't have jkg_assets5...
  12. If you continue to abuse your like privledges, I shall be forced to make fun of you like Circa. Thank you for your patience, -The Office of Futuza-
  13. I am known far and wide as the worst jka player. I say hard.
  14. Floats are inaccurate due to their nature, using a double might work out better or a long double. As far as the randomizer I'm not sure what's going on there, possible it only supports limited ranges properly, or you might be seeding it incorrectly.
  15. 2 is probably more accurate.
  16. So like plain old int / double / float has issues? and good old rand()?
  17. Really? Are you using the std library or quake3 defined types/functions?
  18. Although you are technically correct, it doesn't really matter since visually it accomplishes the same purposes as motion blur.
  19. I agree it isn't useful for base jka. Mods on the other hand... ...drink too much blue milk? There's a motion blur for that. http://www.moddb.com/media/iframe/110387
  20. You can make it still work for XP users, there's an option you just have to set on vs2013.
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