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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. @@Rick here it is in action: Here's the build if you don't want to wait and compile yourself. I'm sure there'll be one up on the build page itself soon enough. edit: Atlantica fixed lookie:
  2. Nope you're right, I was thinking multiplayer for some derp reason. I don't know what kind of information it'll allow to be tracked by though, I haven't looked at it much.
  3. I hope no one sane would try to use # in their shadername. That's just wrong. Well don't scare him off, now that we have one captive to experiment with.
  4. Its possible sure, we have source code access nothing is stopping you. Has anyone implemented those things? No, not really. 1. JKG did this a bit, but that was multiplayer and it was still sort of broken (armor clips through player models occasionally). 2. JKG started to do this - this one should be significantly easier to create though in singleplayer. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a mod out there that tried this. 3. Lot of different mods have done this already. An older one was Open Jedi Project (OJP). 4. This could be easily done with scripts. 5. So replay maps? The problem is the engine doesn't keep persistent map data after you switch levels, but I'm sure you could easily store this info to a text file and then retrieve it when loading the map and stick it into the map/change maps cfg based on data. This would take a bit more work though. See below
  5. Well yeah, but he still has to go and open each pk3, open the shader file and then delete all the #####'s save it and then repack it. That's a bit of a time commitment when you have 30 maps and don't know how to write a python script to do it for you. At least I assume that's what he meant. Seems fine to me, I don't know of any reason why it wouldn't work. I'm not sure there really is a better route, and shader's don't use #'s anyway afaik so it shouldn't cause any problems if you ignore the rest of the line like that after encountering a #.
  6. ^^Wait he can? How? Great. Trying to depreciate me are you?
  7. I was thinking more like Tavion_Sith_Sword but without the sword and a different model.
  8. What about making a possessed/thought controlled human guy that stands there and talks for it, a prophet or mouthpiece if you will that gets possessed by le brain?
  9. Such is the life of a software developer.
  10. But then it breaks a lot of people's old shaders that work with vanilla jka and they complain that openjk isn't backwards compatible.
  11. I can appreciate the attitude (since these shader copiers should learn), but a lot of the old mappers aren't going to fix them since they've left JKA. :/
  12. Does the brain speak audibly or in your head?
  13. Looks good to me. (Assuming Xycaleth's concern will be okay). The only thing I'd add is maybe change the warning description a bit so people are less likely to be confused by why they're getting an error warning. eg: ri->Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: Depreciated # style shader comment \"%s\" on line %d in file %s. Please correct to use c++ style comment syntax.\n", shaderName, shaderLine, filename ); Lol...does this non-standard comment style even have any specifications? Python style #'s? Or...two required? What are most of the broken map shaders using?
  14. ...I'm with ensi, but is it better? ...hey wait a second. You got me derailing the thread again jerks. So das jkhub master server seems to be doing better now. No more DDOS?
  15. If you want to write a parser to deal with #### comments no one is stopping you, the problem is it is actually a lot of work due to the way parsing is currently implemented just in order to get shaders that are non standard to work. You could always just edit the problem shaders in the maps that don't work to use proper comments. Probably could do all the maps you have with a nice script to remove ###'s. I agree it'd be nice, but the problem is mappers who used #### were not doing it correctly and its too much work to get it to work. Most of the maps I know about that did this incorrectly, have corrected versions (for example Atlantica) that their creators re-released. Unless you find someone willing to do it - I don't think it is going to happen. Look at that ensiform likes you!
  16. Sorry I edited my post on you, but I suppose just dropping the one bad shader is a valid solution since coming up with additional parsing stuff probably isn't worth the effort. Still it'd be nice to add ## comment support even if it is non-standard. Ah well. EDIT: RGR. No more derailing.
  17. Can't we just count ##### as a 'legitimate comment' so it doesn't break existing map shaders (which worked previously because of the vanilla bug)? And then make it warn about 'out of date syntax', but accept it anyway? Obviously incomplete/not very thorough at all but something like: if(token[0] == '#' && token[1] == '#') { ri->Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: Shader File %s contains out of date syntax, that does not comply with existing shader standards. ## is not an acceptable form of comment, please use c style comments.", filename); break; }
  18. They're basically just command line arguments. eg: ./nameofexe -some argument I'm not super experienced with cmake, but I'm sure you can use it to add arguments with it. You'd want something like this: openjk +set r_mode -2 +set map mp/ffa3 Which compiler are you using g++?
  19. Sounds like you want to start it with command line arguments. eezstreet has a good tutorial about debugging here: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/183-debugging-like-a-pro-win32/ that I'll quote from, but I suggest you read the whole thing before getting started:
  20. @@SecretApprentice You can get the latest openjk windows build here: http://builds.openjk.org/openjk-2015-01-05-afa1c691-windows.zip Then just unpack it (the zip) to Jedi Academy's GameData folder. Bandicam is a good resource for recording in game video.
  21. I don't remember seeing that particular problem on the github issue list, have you reported it yet (though I haven't looked through all of the issues recently so I might be wrong)? OpenJK is suppose to be backward compatible - so it sounds like a bug or possibly error with your setup. Support user-friendliness...? What do you mean, like when it comes to installing openjk?
  22. Somebody started the ball droid: http://jkhub.org/topic/4950-balldroid-anyone/ I'm hoping someone makes speeder bike chick/han solo's daughter probably though.
  23. Using the older drivers might work, but that's a bit ridiculous since his other games will likely suffer. Worth a try I suppose since it isn't all that hard to rollback a driver if it doesn't do anything. I believe he said he already tried that...
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