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Status Updates posted by AnonMC

  1. They bought a universe, and they threw it away...

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. AnonMC


      But the gist of it stands, and strong action is needed from the fanbase to save our legacy and culture.

    3. AnonMC


      And, in case it isn't obvious, when I spoke of freeing people from "corporate influence", I mean not being swayed by marketing hype and corporate propaganda. Keeping your head clear and down to earth, knowing your culture/background and stance (your personal worth), and not letting corporations twist you around their finger as they please. You're not a puppet, you're a person.

    4. AnonMC


      You have a moral right to like/love, to dislike/hate, to support, to not support, to voice your concerns, to be critical, and to hold your own legacy and beliefs without stigma/discrimination. They do not own you, nor the culture and legacy you carry with you; they need us to spend, and they can't manipulate us if we know our worth and stand up for our rights -- they have to deliver.

  2. KK has just received a contract extension for being in charge of SW for the next 3 years as well! :@ RIP Star Wars... >.<' https://screenrant.com/kathleen-kennedy-lucasfilm-contract-extension/

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. AnonMC


      Which, to me, in fact, goes to prove, despite her long history in the field, and supposed experience, that KK doesn't know what the hell she's doing with Star Wars. Perhaps she's following some extremist pop-culture agenda, hoping that it will impress? That seems to be the crazy rave these days. I don't know.

    3. AnonMC


      In any case, that isn't Star Wars culture -- it's not the universe Lucas and a huge community of passionate, dedicated, and talented people following his original creative vision since has built and expanded on.

    4. the_raven


      @The Punisher, I think you missed something. In my first comment I said "c)I doubt Filoni would even agree" (implying that he'd probably not agree to replace KK). In your reply you said: "c) Sae aas "b" (plus that's up to DF)" (i.e. is irrelevant). That's what I was saying in my previous message.

  3. Wow, creative Star Wars modding never died so fast as since Disney took over Star Wars... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Noodle


      Quality > Quantity. If you want more content, you can start by creating some yourself.

    3. AnonMC


      That's exactly the problem. They're trying to turn Star Wars into a regular superhero franchise, like the Marvel Universe. Except they're doing a very poor job at it. Also, they're killing the Marvel Universe, too, now... And Lucasfilm is made up entirely of Disney figures, now, so that didn't say much...

    4. AnonMC


      Quality was better, too, in the past, Noodle. And trust me when I say that I have done more than my share in the past. Also, I don't like your arrogance.

  4. KK Roast:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the_raven


      Like I wrote under that video, if she's gonna do a rant, she should avoid reading prompts. Also, her voice is kind of annoying, but that's just my personally distaste.

    3. AnonMC


      Give her a break, she's just getting started (did her first YT video literally 8 months ago). ;)

    4. AnonMC


      This is from end of last month (much improved): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGWbySoUw6o

  5. Disney's Goofy inspired Jar-Jar Binks:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnonMC
    3. the_raven


      But Disney didn't own SW back when Jar-Jar was created. Your argument is invalid.

    4. AnonMC


      You're missing the point. :P This is a clever pun by Lucas (knowing his fans) to get back at Disney for never directly working with him, and to comment on the terrible quality of Disney's Star Wars work (worse than his own, prequel work), which actually received less backlash from the fans. It's humble (self-deprecating), and it's subtle, but it works for those who know what to look for. Notice the hidden smile. (He can't go all-out on Disney due to business reasons.)

  6. Looking forward to Star Wars Episode IX: Failure Complete. :P

    1. the_raven


      Don't try to reverse psychology us into watching it! :P

  7. The Last Jedi: 2/10 - Someone needs to learn to build better. The movie collapses in on itself, and takes the whole neighborhood down with it.

  8. The new movies are so much better for all the wrong reasons.

  9. Rey is her own mother: power mystery solved.

  10. Looking back, now, someone please tell me that this is not a direct criticism/calling-out of Disney/KK by Lucas:

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