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Everything posted by AnonMC

  1. AnonMC

    Less Annoying Rosh

    Don't know about "less annoying", but it's a lovely cosmetic change -- until I disfigure his face.
  2. Looking forward to Star Wars Episode IX: Failure Complete. :P

    1. the_raven


      Don't try to reverse psychology us into watching it! :P

  3. KK Roast:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the_raven


      Like I wrote under that video, if she's gonna do a rant, she should avoid reading prompts. Also, her voice is kind of annoying, but that's just my personally distaste.

    3. AnonMC


      Give her a break, she's just getting started (did her first YT video literally 8 months ago). ;)

    4. AnonMC


      This is from end of last month (much improved): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGWbySoUw6o

  4. A+ for imagination, flexibility/courage, and effort. Keep learning, keep modding. *thumbs up*
  5. KK has just received a contract extension for being in charge of SW for the next 3 years as well! :@ RIP Star Wars... >.<' https://screenrant.com/kathleen-kennedy-lucasfilm-contract-extension/

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. AnonMC


      Which, to me, in fact, goes to prove, despite her long history in the field, and supposed experience, that KK doesn't know what the hell she's doing with Star Wars. Perhaps she's following some extremist pop-culture agenda, hoping that it will impress? That seems to be the crazy rave these days. I don't know.

    3. AnonMC


      In any case, that isn't Star Wars culture -- it's not the universe Lucas and a huge community of passionate, dedicated, and talented people following his original creative vision since has built and expanded on.

    4. the_raven


      @The Punisher, I think you missed something. In my first comment I said "c)I doubt Filoni would even agree" (implying that he'd probably not agree to replace KK). In your reply you said: "c) Sae aas "b" (plus that's up to DF)" (i.e. is irrelevant). That's what I was saying in my previous message.

  6. They bought a universe, and they threw it away...

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. AnonMC


      But the gist of it stands, and strong action is needed from the fanbase to save our legacy and culture.

    3. AnonMC


      And, in case it isn't obvious, when I spoke of freeing people from "corporate influence", I mean not being swayed by marketing hype and corporate propaganda. Keeping your head clear and down to earth, knowing your culture/background and stance (your personal worth), and not letting corporations twist you around their finger as they please. You're not a puppet, you're a person.

    4. AnonMC


      You have a moral right to like/love, to dislike/hate, to support, to not support, to voice your concerns, to be critical, and to hold your own legacy and beliefs without stigma/discrimination. They do not own you, nor the culture and legacy you carry with you; they need us to spend, and they can't manipulate us if we know our worth and stand up for our rights -- they have to deliver.

  7. What a simple/fundamental and great idea!
  8. I voted Alora, but I second Han and Leia or Mara would have been interesting, just to provide a lighthearted break from the main storyline. Plus, with Han or Leia, it would have meant that we would have a nice model for them now in the game.
  9. Life and family, and 3D modeling for work as well as hobby projects with a more versatile approach.
  10. Looking back, now, someone please tell me that this is not a direct criticism/calling-out of Disney/KK by Lucas:

  11. Could this be related to the new, HTTPS Chrome bullshit/censorship? I'm looking at that crossed out HTTPS indicator in the address bar.
  12. The other movie Lucas has produced and released since selling the company, Strange Magic, is also quite innovative and a lot of fun. The marketing for it (done by Disney) was dismal. That also happened before the shooting of this interview. Since then, Strange Magic is becoming somewhat of a cult classic.
  13. Yep, a solid air-war movie, and both Lucas and Spielberg know that. Hence Lucas' bitterness directed towards Hollywood corporations/publishers (a.k.a "white slavers"). They'd rather redo the same story a hundred times, abuse it, repackage it and sell it than actually invest in and promote a brand new, quality film that is trying something different. The movie has a lot of memorable characters. I loved Easy's drama/story, and I love Smokey as a character. Also, their all-faith major (Cuba Gooding Jr.) was quite interesting. And, of course, Terrence Howard delivered a solid performance as the colonel. The air-fight scenes were spectacular.
  14. Just curious, how many people have actually watched the whole length of this infamous interview since it was released, three years ago? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jWtbJxzGpQ Three years later, after he had been heavily attacked by the media following this, it appears to me that George is being completely sincere here (as he felt he had nothing to lose), and he explains here why he made the decision to sell Lucasfilm and Star Wars -- a heartbreaking but morally responsible decision if there ever was one. It also offers a good glimpse into how today's movie business operates and why the quality of new movies produced is on a constant decline (as well as a glimpse into Disney's movie business logic). Also worth pointing out that Lucas had recently wrapped up working on Red Tails when this interview took place, an all-black movie that was poorly received by Hollywood, hence why he felt inclined to use the metaphor of "white slavers" -- which, while harsh, IMHO, is not entirely inappropriate, and valid criticism, especially now that we've seen what Disney has been doing with the world of Star Wars. I urge anyone who hasn't watched the full interview to do so, if you are interested in the future of both the movie biz and Star Wars. It is also worth mentioning that Steven Spielberg, the creator of the blockbuster, has similar thoughts and predictions about the current state of Hollywood.
  15. Definitely worth a look if you like animated feature films -- it has many twists and it's different from what Disney always produces (a little akin to the effect of watching The Lion King for the first time). Personally, I found it inspiring. And, yeah, it's no surprise that you've never heard of it -- the marketing for this movie (done by Disney) was dismal. We only hear about what big publishers/corporations want us to hear about. I remember seeing the poster back in the day and it completely putting me off from watching the movie -- it was simply too grotesque and cliche.
  16. An interesting interview with Lucas that goes beyond talking about Strange Magic, and into the current state of the movie biz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNFh5hiO01Q For those who don't know, George has been working on other projects since, such as building a museum (in parts collaborating with Spielberg).
  17. Oh, also, I've noticed a peculiar chance pattern: every time Disney "revives" a particular Star Wars content, it's the beginning of its end. The Force Awakens and the sequel trilogy was to "revive" the OT era and characters -- instead it killed it/them off, quite literally, bringing things to a(n unsatisfactory) close. Rogue One was to revive the flame for A New Hope and the OT -- instead it messed with its opening, killing some of its magic, and providing nothing lasting to make new stories from. Solo was to bring back Han Solo's character and story into the spotlight -- instead it made him look insignificant and sink. Now The Clone Wars... Is really no-one else getting a bad feeling about this?
  18. It is not entirely different. In fact, it states many of the same points I have made (I have never denied that profits are the driving factor in the decision-making process), except for putting more faith into Disney's flexibility as a company. Let's be honest, though, Hollywood is anything but creatively flexible. It relies on templates time and time again. And what the Disney management is trying hardest to do, now -- so far completely unsuccessfully -- is to fit Star Wars, an age-old template into a new-age one -- essentially, to turn an epic into a comic book. The notion that corporations are trying to control their consumers is nothing new, and Disney has been a company to do that since its original creation. If you want, I can give you conrete examples where the company has sought to steal, cheat, manipulate, and politically and legally silence to further their own agenda, save their profits, and change public perception. The Disney Vault is also a simple marketing example of psychological consumer demand control. Furthermore, I can give you evidence of "Machiavellian-style" audience manipulation is Disney's classic movie range as well, by comparing the movies to their source material -- but that will pretty much change your perception of Disney forever, and potentially ruin a part of your childhood (which I feel is too much responsibility for me to bear). You are free to do your own research if you like. Also, while my research reaches an independent conclusion based on well gathered data as evidence, you can't deny that at least in part it makes good sense. To shun it as "speculation" does it injustice. Everyone is free to draw up their own conclusions from it, but, yes, I firmly believe that my insight and predictions are very close to what is actually happening within the company, and what is likely to happen going forward. Note that this is factually wrong. The firing of the original Solo directos, Chris Miller and Phil Lord, was prompted due to the directors doing what they do best: artistically improvising. In other words, their style of work did not fit Disney's rigid expectations and template. Disney was not being flexible, here, at all, and the action was not done to improve on the final product, but rather to make it more predictable: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/han-solo-directors-fired-reason-2017-6 They will if this means a) strenghtening relationships with a strong asset for their new steaming service (Filoni as a TV show director) going forward b) there are profitable financial returns from releasing the final season of the series c) they can throw in promotional material for Rebels and the next series into this wrap-up. The Clone Wars was the last Star Wars content Lucas has successfully produced to his own vision, and Disney's entire creative battle plan (from the start and) going forward involves abandoning anything to do with Lucas' original themes and concepts, as is evident from the new content they've produced, and turning Star Wars into something they can produce, market, and sell more easily (something that involves less risk and less work). Make no mistake, the prequel era, as we know it, will end.
  19. Disney's Goofy inspired Jar-Jar Binks:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnonMC
    3. the_raven


      But Disney didn't own SW back when Jar-Jar was created. Your argument is invalid.

    4. AnonMC


      You're missing the point. :P This is a clever pun by Lucas (knowing his fans) to get back at Disney for never directly working with him, and to comment on the terrible quality of Disney's Star Wars work (worse than his own, prequel work), which actually received less backlash from the fans. It's humble (self-deprecating), and it's subtle, but it works for those who know what to look for. Notice the hidden smile. (He can't go all-out on Disney due to business reasons.)

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