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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. Xioth

    TFU Stormie

  2. Xioth

    Zombie Skinpack

  3. Xioth


  4. Xioth


  5. Knock it off, man.
  6. I actually haven't checked it out yet, I'm feeling slightly less motivational then usual, but I'll certainly check up on it eventually.
  7. Please just do what Noodle said and post in Modding Assistance, and you can ask for help there, this isn't the place for it.
  8. I thought that was obvious. Maybe message him my man, this isn't really a place for asking for help. That being said @@Omega @@ShenLong Kazama You two could be a bit nicer to him, he's obviously new.
  9. @@yaogamers What do you think, ready for a battle?
  10. I assume you aren't naming names as they'll be hounded by everyone.
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