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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. Marth (IN A T-POSE AS WELL ): https://www.models-resource.com/wii/supersmashbrosbrawl/model/16462/ Isabelle, Mr. Resetti, or Tom Nook: https://www.models-resource.com/3ds/animalcrossingnewleaf/model/11002/ https://www.models-resource.com/3ds/animalcrossingnewleaf/model/19055/ https://www.models-resource.com/3ds/animalcrossingnewleaf/model/16152/ Thor: https://www.models-resource.com/xbox_360/marvelvscapcom3/model/2680/ The Dragon Fang Sword from Deus Ex: https://sketchfab.com/models/eb951f43b42c485daefe63c0008b76d3
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/64u0cosl8r96sbf/kaarinku.pk3?dl=0 Got it, problem here is still getting the ghoul2 model error. ...And I can't use OpenJK because it started screwing up on me last night. Was fine one night, now tonight SP got removed once I clicked it, and mp gives me tons of errors and won't let the characters use their default weapons, devmapall doesn't work, it's a mess, so I couldn't even test him out in OpenJK. I didn't change anything or remove anything, just started randomly screwing up out of nowhere, lol.
  3. will do. Thanks a lot Ashura, I really appreciate it. You do a lot for this community and you really don't HAVE to be as nice as you do when you do it. Just... thank you, from me to you.
  4. Do ya happen to know the person who submitted it? There must be some "rejected files" list or something. I'm sure you looked over it a few times.
  5. https://gamebanana.com/skins/download/154103 Anyone? I think this is slightly long overdue, considering it's popularity.
  6. If someone wants to port a grinch model?: https://forum.facepunch.com/f/fbx/qewx/Grinch-Player-Model/1/ OR https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=555210662
  7. There used a grinch model floating around, Yao G wants to do a Santa vs Grinch video but couldn't find it.
  8. Does it make every jedi in the game swing the sabers weird?
  9. Ugh, sorry, I forgot to post Seven's X2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9c6f1jorh4f5nnc/x2_jedi.zip If anyone could figure out what's wrong with em that would be great.
  10. Yeah I didn't think it was, had to at least bring it up though, haha.
  11. Hey, ya'll so Seven hasn't posted in a very very very long time, as a result of this, his (nearly) perfect X2 was never finished. The model was incorrectly weighted in a few areas, such as the torso, it kinda makes him look overweight, and in some cases it's caused the game to act up or glitch out entirely. Reason for this, I believe, is because (i think), it was optimized to work more with Mac computers as opposed to Windows, not sure if thats a thing, but it caused my game to react weirdly.
  12. Ik we already have the model in T-Pose, but I guess I'm wondering why it already wasn't in T-Pose when originally given to @@Jeff.
  13. This looks sick, but I'd try to give the armor a bit more "polish", make the armor have a sheen to it, y'know? As is, still looks awesome though.
  14. Then you can get a permanent force speed mod, and you can move like a blur all the time. We'll just stick to what we're used to, not the fastest, but to me, way more fun then "super-fast" would be. As for the blasters, they're always that slow regardless of what novel or comic book you're reading. It may irk you, but thats just how it is.
  15. When I asked if Desolous could be put in T-Pose, I got this response on Facepunch: Me: "Hello I noticed you ported a model of the wii version of Darth Desolous. Would you be able to get him in a T-Pose and then port him, i want to port him to jedi academy, but he's in an action pose which makes it almost impossible." Them: "He already is if you download the files and the converter. It will already be in t-pose then"
  16. It's spelt both ways. " modeller (plural modellers) Alternative spelling of modeler"\https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/modeller#English
  17. As in, people who model from scratch, how long did take you from beginning to end, to work on your best model, texture-wise, detail-wise, etc.
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