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Everything posted by RecklessJames

  1. You guys know all those different battle simulator type indie games popping up within the past year or two? Wouldn't be awesome if there was some sort of mod for Jedi Academy that sets it up like one of these? JK3 has been presented in other forms in the past, like a fighting game so this could technically be possible I think. For those who aren't sure what I mean I could post some videos of some of these types of games. (look, lightsabers! lol) Basically how I imagine it is this... you're flying around in like an editor mode and basically have a menu with all the different types of NPCs (custom NPCs addable too) and you place them on different areas of the battle area/map. Once ready, you begin the combat and you get to watch everyone fight eachother! Even better, being able to jump into the battle yourself. I was thinking this could be based on SP instead of MP, so it would be based on NPCs and not bots. Now... maybe we wont be able to do 1000s of NPCs cause I doubt the game could handle that haha. But maybe at least.... 100 or so? I dunno, but anyways that's my idea I had in mind so there ya go haha! Maybe someone will love this idea, who knows!
  2. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was wondering it there is a way to enable your own lightsaber damaging yourself? Similar to how if you brush against enemies and it could damage them. If this doesn't already exist in the game, is such a thing possible to code? Maybe it would trigger depending on lightsaber swings (like if you hit your leg by accident) or if you mess up with lightsaber throwing... stuff like that! I'm just asking simply out of curiosity, cause I think it would be pretty funny to enable this (plus realistic saber/dismemberments) and try to play through single player like this lol!
  3. When it comes to custom NPCs, I actually figured out how to add more than 12. Just sayin'! That being said, this mod has been one of my favorites for quite awhile now! Good job!
  4. Sorry if this has been asked somewhere, but I was wondering if this will use the NPC add/remove system that the old one had planned? Having something like this would be awesome, similar to this https://jkhub.org/files/file/2018-npcsp/ but with alot more choices haha
  5. 342 downloads

    Author: RecklessJames Filename: lightsabers_blades_prismsaber.pk3 Filesize: 92kb Release Date: 1/7/2018 Version: 1.0 The other day I thought about how it would look if a lightsaber had multiple colors like a rainbow, so now I finally made it possible! Features the colors of blue, green, orange, red, yellow, and red. No it's not exactly positioned like the colors of a rainbow, I positioned the colors in a way that I personally thought looked the best! Also keep in mind that this will replace the Orange blade color. I hope you guys enjoy! For those who are curious, the player skin/model featured in these pics are from the mod "Kyle Katarn in Jedi Robes" which you can download here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/622-kyle-katarn-in-jedi-robes/
  6. This is the 3rd file I've downloaded from you with broken zips, should probably look into that... whichever way you are zipping these up, you are doing something wrong lol
  7. Imo whats really lacking is some good classic trilogy missions/duels, but sadly the Movie Duels version of that was cancelled..... regardless, still nice that this one is still being updated I guess. Of course we also can't forget the new movies too!
  8. I'm interested in this... lol. I tried myself to fix it but it didn't work out...
  9. I think its true that OpenJK has that, but this is still good info to know regardless I think! Thanks for sharing, Futuza!
  10. Hey there, this is just an idea/question that came to my mind the other day and I hope this is the right section for it! There's lots of cool animation mods out there that change saber stances, moving animations, swinging motions, and .etc right? But I was wondering... is it possible to have such things but only for specific bots/NPCs/characters only? For example, adding new animations to Darth Vader so that he fights/moves more like he would in the movies but without changing how everyone else in the game moves too? Or if I download a saber stance pack, is there a way I can take those animations and add them to only one or few characters? In addition, if it is possible then does anyone happen to know how this is implemented? I'm still fairly new at modding so forgive me if this is actually a common known thing, haha. But either way, thanks for reading!
  11. If such a thing exists and is still floating around, I'd love to see this as well!
  12. Funny enough I was actually just thinking about this the other day! I was thinking how cool RGB Sabers (and other additional Saber colors) are to have but always run into trouble when I want to combine it with OpenJK or other modded versions of the game. The issue that I come across commonly is how these mods tend to use edited .dll files and you can't combine them.... the most annoying of all is that I want to use "JK Unlimited" (which fully unlocks menu limitations and such) but if I use this then it means I can't add new Saber colors or RGB Sabers or anything else. Another big problem is that OpenJK fixes the max CVARs errors which I find very useful, but again you can't use any other mod that has its own .dll files... Sadly enough, tbh vast majority of the time I actually don't even use OpenJK at all due to these frequent incompatibilities... even though OpenJK has useful advances of the game engine that I'd love to utilize. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, but all I know is that I've never came across a solution for this in many years. :/ But I digress! Overall pretty frustrating but back to the main topic... maybe compiling OpenJK source code along with source code of RGB Sabers would do the trick? That would be a great idea but sadly it all depends on the authors permissions I think and obtaining the source code from the creator of RGB Sabers who is, I think, named Tchouky? Sadly I wouldn't know how/where to contact him. (also the source code of JA Unlimited would be great too, haha)
  13. Yes I have, added it as an exception and so did my friend. Also I use Windows 7 while my friend uses Windows 10, may as well throw that info out here as well. EDIT: I must admit that I'm actually starting to get very angry now... I've spent DAYS on this piece of s**t with zero results. Multiple friends of mine have tried to help and all with the same outcome, I really hope someone here can help with this because like I said posting here is the final option left so.... its this or nothing now. Its amazing that I'm learning new things each day regarding modding, yet for some reason one of the most basic things for this game isn't working? I just don't get it...
  14. I'm really needing some help right now with getting my server to appear online, I've spent 2 days on this with zero results. Posting here on the forums is pretty much my last resort now before giving up... Okay so I know what you might be thinking next, I didn't port forward right? Well yes I did, many combinations in fact! I tried... range of 29060-29062 and 29070-29081 as UDP, then I tried the same thing but with TCP only instead, and then both UDP/TCP. I also tried 29060 by itself and 29070 by itself (UDP, TCP, UDP/TCP). Despite all these port forwarding attempts and variations, my server is always located on local listings and not as an open server, and none of my friends can see it. So I figured okay... let me try Hamachi then, but NOPE that didn't work either! Even with me and my friends using Hamachi, they still cannot see my server. I tried BaseJK3 as well as OpenJK and JA+, all the same results. I've been following both these guides trying to do this: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/161-creating-a-dedicated-server-home-run-for-windows/ https://www.thejediacademy.net/articles_detail_page.php?f_id=4 I am 100% lost and have no idea what's wrong... so I'd really appreciate some assistance cause me and my friends really want to play together on a private server... so yeah thank you for reading! EDIT: Okay so I had my friend try hosting a server instead, and literally the same issues... so w/e the problem is its not internet related but related to the game itself I think. The only thing I can think of is that these guides are leaving out something vital (maybe outdated?) or that we are somehow missing something? This is mind boggling especially when me and my friends run servers all the time for many other games. :/
  15. 221 downloads

    Author: RecklessJames Filename: lightsabers_hilts_vinesaber.pk3 Filesize: 200kb Release Date: 12/13/2016 Version: 1.0 This is my very first mod for JK3, a lightsaber based on the Twitch stream known as Vinesauce! Vinesauce is a comedy focused stream, if you wish to know more about them then you can visit their website: http://vinesauce.com/ I'm very happy with the model, but I suck a bit at texturing since I'm new. Maybe in the future I'll do a better one (but probably not lol). If there's any Vinesauce fans out there, I hope you enjoy! For those who are curious, the player skin/model featured in these pics are from the mod "Kyle Katarn in Jedi Robes" which you can download here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/622-kyle-katarn-in-jedi-robes/
  16. Whenever I try saving... "Error: 7-Zip cannot find the code that works with archives."
  17. Fantastic! Makes testing some mods in SP extremely easy, instant results!
  18. Confirmed that this crashes the game when used in SP, specifically when using Maul's double-bladed hilt. It crashes with a .glm error every time someone shoots at me (at least in the first yavin level). Tested the other hilts, no issues with those. Still a great mod though, but even better if that gets fixed somehow!
  19. Is there any particular reason why we can only use single sabers and not any other saber types? Or am I missing something?
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