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Darth Sion

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Everything posted by Darth Sion

  1. Version v1.1


    Description: This mod changes the Main Menu music in the 'Single Player' aspect of the game to the music from the final "The Force Awakens" trailer. As there's no background music on the Main Menu in Jedi Academy (unlike Jedi Outcast), I thought this is a very fitting theme for the game and it's overall direction. Especially if you have a number of Ep. VII mods installed, already. So, to complete your Force Awakens immersion, this small mod will add the Trailer theme to the menu system. Known Bugs: None Comments: Credits: Jaroslav Beck, for mixing what John Williams' wrote for the Original Trilogy.. And LucasFilm, for the impactful soundtrack from the 'STAR WARS: The Force Awakens' Trailer.
  2. 1,000 downloads

    Description: If you ever wanted the music for the SP Menu, back in Jedi Academy, then look no further. This mod changes the Menu music to "The Force" theme. As there's no background music on the Menu in Jedi Academy (unlike Jedi Outcast), I thought this is a very fitting theme for the game and it's overall direction. Hopefully, it also makes the immersion a bit more real and credible. This is all down to John Williams and LucasArts for their incredible work on the Star Wars score. Known Bugs: None, from what I can see so far. Comments: Credits: John Williams & LucasArts for the iconic soundtrack from the Star Wars Saga.
  3. Awesome news! So what's your next project @@Psyk0Sith.. Or are you keeping that under-wraps? . I know there's probably still a lot of people (including myself), who'd love to see you take your Kylo Ren helmet work, further and progress with that, with (hopefully) a full-blown model.
  4. Ok, guys.. So, due to No. 2 being the most popular, I've gone ahead and released the mod, which has been uploaded and is now available to download. It can be found here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2758-krildor-sky/
  5. 620 downloads

    Description: This simple mod changes the Kril'Dor skybox in the Single Player mission "Covert Operation - Kril'Dor" to look more like a proper, giant, gas planet as featured in the Wookieepedia link, found here; http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kril%27Dor. The default one in the base game, looks pretty bad, with a very ominous yellow sky and clouds, so this hopefully gives the level a bit more realism and that's much easier on the eyes. It also gives off quite a nice effect with the rest of the level/map. If you’re looking for an overall, better single player experience for this mission, then I'd certainly recommend this mod. Known Bugs: None Comments: None
  6. Ohhh, you should DEFINITELY consider doing a "Kylo Ren" model, after seeing this masterpiece!!
  7. Ok, so I was kinda' thinking about more "cosmetic" improvements that could be made to the 'Single Player' aspect of "Jedi Academy".. More primarily, the protagonist and his/her (depending on whether you make Jaden a male of female) direction and abilities at the start of the game. It also made me think of of how much Jaden is similar to Kylo Ren and the whole lightsaber ordeal, at the beginning of the game. For those of you that don't remember, let me refresh your memory. It's stated in the "Title Crawl"/intro to the game; "JADEN KORR, a promising student from Coruscant, is en route to the Academy after achieving the impossible: creating a lightsaber without any formal Jedi training...." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvfp8cuAqZ4 Which got me thinking, that in a more realistic world.. Due to Jaden's lack of knowledge/training. etc. His lightsaber would resemble that of Kylo Ren's lightsaber from 'The Force Awakens', with the "unstable" blade effect. Now, there's a lot of lightsaber mods flying around the site, but I do also have the "Movie Battles II" mod, installed and I know it currently has a Kylo Ren lightsaber included in there, with sounds and such. So for personal use, I was wondering if someone knew how to extract that lightsaber's blade effect and possibly the sounds, too.. And turn it into a .pk3 mod, in itself.. to replace maybe a certain colour saber on the 'Lightsaber creation' screen? Or failing that, if someone would be willing to create one from scratch? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! @@Circa @@eezstreet @@DT85 @@Barricade24 @@redsaurus @@The Unguided
  8. Although I don't remember it lasting as long as it could and should've done, I'm gonna have to go with Jaden vs. Kyle, on this one. Simply because it makes me think of Anakin vs. Obi-Wan (even though 'Revenge of the Sith' was released after this game was made). Maybe it was foresight, who knows.. But there's a pretty interesting story over on Star Wars (Wookieepedia) about Jaden's progress and aftermath of that duel, how he becomes the leader (with no significant leadership abilities as such) of "The Dark Order of Korr", (kinda' makes me think of 'The First Order' from The Force Awakens) found here: http://swfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Order_of_Korr And if you think about it, it all sounds like it's very connected. How different names from the SW movie universe has taken influence and inspiration from games like Jedi Academy and such.
  9. Does it even really matter that much? The suit is the suit.. You're just being nitpicky. This little button (that you probably will hardly even ever notice) is a slightly different colour to another version. Oh, look! His chest plate is grey instead of black. Does it really matter?! The director's will make his look like he did in "Revenge of the Sith", because "Rogue One" is set between "Revenge of the Sith & "A New Hope". They'll deal with it, properly.. Don't worry about it.
  10. Imagine a SW game like this on a VR system/device ..
  11. I remember this, like it was yesterday.. Always remember running back and forth down those long passage ways and if I'm not mistaken, at the very far end was a Hutt (Think Jabba the Hutt). KoTOR (in general) was never really my typical style of game, but I did become quite heavily involved in playing it, after the first game and the Jedi Training camp on Dantooine.
  12. I'll be releasing a sound mod, after my Skybox, with improved sounds and such that include more "movie like" sounds for things like Force Powers and such. All that I need to do, is find someone who can alter the animations for the 3 different levels of Force Grip.
  13. Apparently not, otherwise I wouldn't have done a new skybox, would I..
  14. I do REALLY like the look of these two images. Although I'm not sure the Jedi Knight logo is best placed in the centre, like that.. You'd never see it.But the concept and the artwork is great! They'd also need to have much, much larger dimensions, if either of them are gonna be used.
  15. For all commenters, I'd ask if you can place your vote at the top of the page, prior to leaving a comment, as this will help with the final result of the released skybox. Thanks!
  16. I decided to improve the 2nd and the 3rd versions by upgrading them to higher-res versions and included some new screenshots, below. The final release will also include 'levelshots' for the menu system, that showcases the new skybox. Kril'dor (v.2) Kril'dor (v.3)
  17. Your best bet would be to use "JK: Enhanced" (Jedi Academy: Enhanced). That has all the coding included in the mod, and is the closest to the movie sabers that you will find, in mods like 'Movie Battles II'. As it uses the exact, same coding.
  18. I've been working on some more Skyboxes.. This time 'round, it's the mission in Single Player, where you find yourself teaming-up with Wedge Antilles to bomb and destroy an Imperial tibanna gas platform on the planet Kril'dor. According to the information found on Wookieepedia, Kril'dor is a giant, green, gas planet and is a known source of "tibanna". (Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kril'Dor) As you can see below, the base map is very "yellow", bland and doesn't match the colour of the planet's atmosphere. So, according to public opinion and your own personal preference, I'm including a poll in the thread, below to vote on which version of the Skybox you'd like to see released.. Base Kril'dor Kril'dor (v.1) Kril'dor (v.2) Kril'dor (v.3) The poll will close at midnight on Tuesday 8th March, in time for the mod to be released on Wednesday 9th March. Happy voting!
  19. This replaces all of the sounds in the saber folder and consists of much higher quality sounds.
  20. Ok, I don't know how many of you will have seen this.. (Although I'm sure many of you have). This awesome experience of a "real world" Jedi with Force powers. Enjoy and May the Force be with you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJQdWc38Sq4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTmYMpJcwyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brjyUpcC9lA
  21. Hey @Darth Martyr, I thought I'd throw this out there for you.. For when/if you wanted to update your sounds on the lightsaber. These are the accurate sounds of Kylo's ignition and saber hum from the movie. Hope it helps.. And also the blade effect too, if you wanted to look into improving that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXCmbzOxUNo
  22. ¿Dónde se tire que Darth Vader? Los visuales generales en esa segunda pantalla parecen impresionantes! Al igual, como si se han aumentado los gráficos. Lo mod está usando para eso? O es sólo la película Batallas II?
  23. @@Kualan Do you know if there's any update on Captain Phasma model you were working on, with @@Barricade24? I spoke to him on Steam chat and he said you had a coupla' things left to do with it or something, before release. It's just that with @@GPChannel doing his TFA mod, I'm sure he'd wanna use it in his mod (with both of your guy's permission)
  24. Version v1.3


    This mod will update and replace all your lightsaber sounds, to use those that were heard in the 'Prequel' Star Wars Trilogy. These are sounds, such as lightsaber ignition, clashing, power-off, lightsaber 'hum' and many more.. Known Bugs: None Comments: Credits: George Lucas, Ben Burtt, LucasArts and John Williams for the sounds from the 'Prequel Trilogy'.
  25. 1,079 downloads

    This mod will update and replace all your lightsaber sounds, to use those that were heard in the 'Original' Star Wars Trilogy. These are sounds, such as lightsaber ignition, power-off, lightsaber 'hum', clashing and many more.. Known Bugs: None Comments: Credits: George Lucas, Ben Burtt, LucasArts and John Williams for the incredible sounds from the 'Original Trilogy'.
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