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Darth Sion

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Everything posted by Darth Sion

  1. No, don't change the blue blade. You've done a good job replicating the colour. etc. It's just that thickness at the bottom (near the hilt) that makes it look buggy/glitchy and non-proportional. I really wanna hear the NEW ignition sound, you've done for it.. As you mentioned, after I posted the video: (Sound is at 0:22) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV6sjwqCQ2M Just need to get that Finn animation in, where he holds up the hilt, then ignites Seeing that in-game would be so orgasmic!! Could you upload the sound to http://vocaroo.com/?upload, so we can get a taste of it?
  2. @@GPChannel He's trying to say the blue blade is too thick, particularly at the bottom, towards the hilt. As the blade is actually a little wider than the hilt, itself.. If you look closely.
  3. Looks good! You might wanna maybe consider doing something with the sand, though.. To try to get the colours right, so they blend properly and doesn't make either the actual map or the skybox look "unnatural".
  4. Personally, if I was you.. I'd give some serious thought to "t2_rogue" (Coruscant - Capture the Crimelord). Entities, scripts. etc. is not my area of expertise. I'm trying to use this one: https://jkhub.org/files/file/162-sjc-coruscant-adventures-pack-night-and-day/, because the base game's Coruscant is horrendously outdated and not even accurate to the "real" Coruscant.
  5. I'm gonna go out on a whim, here.. And say it's an idiotic system, made for idiots, by idiots. It's all this politically correct stuff of the modern era, that's ruining everything. This isn't right because of this.. Or this is wrong because of that. People will always be offended by something. In this case, if women aren't shown to be equal to men (something that has only, in recent years, come to light), there's a massive out-cry and backlash from certain parties and activist groups.
  6. Whilst I too, would love to see Mara Jade brought onto the scene. They'd certainly have to find an actress of Luke's age, otherwise it would just look slightly weird and out of place. I have heard through sources I'd prefer not to disclose, that in Ep. VIII, Luke will have a love interest of sorts. Now, whether this turns out to be Mara Jade or not, remains to be seen (one can hope). Problem is, all of that is "legends" now (according to Disney.. which again, comes back to @@Cerez's original post towards Disney). Although they do pick different things out that they wanna use, which isn't all bad. But if they seriously have any interest in Star Wars lore and its stories, they need to keep what has already been written, included.. and not stray off and create their own content for the sake of their own profit and continuation. I think that's where LucasFilm (whilst now being owned by Disney, like Marvel is owned by Disney) still has control of the direction the movies take.
  7. Olivia Munn.. or Olivia Wilde.. Choices, choices!?
  8. Oh pish-posh! Everyone does a bit of a illegal downloading, now and then.. And if you don't, you're lying. It's Assassin's Creed III. It instantly makes it awesome!! Yeah, yeah.. That's what they all say. We know what you're secretly hiding. It might be gay porn, for all we know.. But if you're into that sort of thing, then.. Whatever floats your boat, I guess lol Oh. my. fucking. god! Just goes to show what curiosity did to the cat..
  9. Amen to that! I hate cluttered desktops. Makes me feel like I have so much tidying up to do, if all my icons are on my desktop. Good god! .. Look at that abomination! lol
  10. Ok, let me just stop you right there. 1) Before you start proclaiming too much and start talking like you have the moral high-ground, everyone has a right to an opinion, whether or not you think it's "bigoted" and "nonsense", is your problem. Deal with it in your own way. And 2) I was simply stating my own opinion of SW, as @@Cerez has done here, that has made him lose his passion for something he once loved. How is the opinion I've shown, any different than that of his?! Please, explain.. And finally, 3) I am expressing to Cerez, my disagreement with certain statements he's made and showing that not all the changes in the SW universe are bad. If you wanna be a feminist, that's fine. But don't push your whimsical "reasons because.." on people who don't appreciate your tone.
  11. Again, I re-iterate. It gave off a powerful notion of "empowerment to women". I didn't say it was necessarily a bad thing. Take that as you please. I'm not knocking the movie in any way, I was merely stating that the movie seemed to favour females over males. I just hope that it doesn't become a regular trend through the next 2 films. It needs to be mixed, rather than solely focusing on one sex group.
  12. Whilst there are certain aspects of this "epic", that I DO agree with (Particularly with Disney).. There are certain elements of the STAR WARS universe that Lucas changed for the better, I thought. Things that made perfect sense and felt like "Yeah, that actually DOES make sense and is a good change", (whilst there was also some bad changes, I'll admit). A prime example of some of the good changes he made, was in scenes like this: In the Death Star, Han and Chewie are chasing down like, 3 Stormtroopers, to stop them calling for "backup".. In the original version, before Han's scream, there were 3 maybe 4 Stormtroopers in a corner. Now, that's nothing to really scream about, when you consider the new version (in the video posted below) has greatly improved that scene and if you watch, you'll see why.. That is just one of the many "good" changes that was made. I won't even go into the bad changes, but one that DOES spring to mind, is in RoTJ, when Vader says "Nooooooooo!" and throws the Emperor over the railing into the abyss, below. **NOTE** For a list of changes made (just in case you're interested).. You can check them out, here: In regards to Disney, although not done by Lucas, himself.. I did thoroughly enjoy "The Force Awakens", but got a sense that it did give off the idea of "empowerment to women", maybe more so than men. Whether that is to do with Kathleen Kennedy or not, I don't know.. I haven't started watching SW Rebels, but the only thing I'm not liking about it so far, is how thin the lightsaber blades are in that show. But from snippets and such that I've seen, it does look very promising (especially if you consider the history behind it, leading upto it). "but now a foreign entity, a greedy corporation that's grown incredibly arrogant and selfish has decided to take control of the things we love, and revamp everything (with a solely for-profit focus) -- and with it force a change in our community as well, where it should really have no reach. I see Disney as a merciless tyrant, bent of tweaking and manipulating our world to please its selfish financial goals." To be perfectly honest, that's what most major companies are doing, these days. EA springs to mind, as being the most notorious of them all. Activision are up there and whilst not quite as bad, Ubisoft can tend to push that line, too. These are just gaming companies, sure.. And there are others, but unfortunately it's companies like the one's stated that are the cancer of today's modern era and how they treat their consumers. To make profit on a named brand for their own material gain, just because it's a popular work of art.
  13. If they're all gonna be Sith's, they need to have red lightsaber's. That's pretty much a requirement of being a Sith.
  14. Hey peeps, I'm currently working on some new sounds for the Force Powers, in the game. These will be more movie accurate and I almost have them at a stage where I'm happy with them. All that really needs doing with them, now is to have some new animations for them. I'm looking for NEW animations for the following powers: - Force Push - Force Pull - Force Grip/Choke - Force Lightning - Mind Trick and possibly.. - Force Sense If anyone's willing to help me out with these and work together, it'd be much appreciated. I'll try to convey the sort of posture/stances and movement, I'm aiming for with these powers, to help anyone interested in helping, to better understand what I'm wanting to achieve. Force Push For this power, there are a number of sources to choose from.. So choice and preference isn't limited to what it should or shouldn't be. But preferably, if it could be any of the following, that would be great; Obi-Wan's Force Push on Battle Droids (Around the 1:34 mark) Although this is a parody video, this is the next animation version of Force Push, by Kit Fisto (The original clip wasn't available on YouTube, unfortunately) Kylo Ren's Force Push on Rey, at 0:17 before the duel with Finn, and Rey, afterwards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV6sjwqCQ2M(Unfortunately, these are about the only 3 I've managed to find, thus far. But I'm sure there are other sources that could be found and used) Force Pull This would also probably work for calling the lightsaber back to you, when it's on the ground somewhere. But basically the stance/animation Kylo does at 0:53/0:54 to call the hilt to him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV6sjwqCQ2M During the duel on Mustafar, between Anakin and Obi-Wan, the animation when Obi-Wan calls the lightsaber back to him at 2:50/2:51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOhZ5wD6u7A Force Grip/Choke This scene from "Revenge of the Sith", where Anakin chokes Padme at 2:45, is probably still the best view/stance of seeing the 'Force Grip/Choke' animation from all angles. Force Lightning The scene between Yoda and Count Dooku in Ep. II, at 0:49, before their lightsaber duel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLV-Vpy1gqQ Mind Trick Although unsuccessful, the part where Qui-Gon Jinn waves his hand in front of Watto in Ep. I, at 0:24, is the perfect example of what the "Mind Trick" animation should be: Force Sense The moment when Kyle uses Force Sense to talk to Jaden in the main SP/campaign of the game, specifically the animation at 10:02 (Only, the animation would look much better if the hand is on the side of the head (temple region of the head), rather than the front). I hope all of these help, in some way.
  15. No, actually I did wanna change the sound for "pull", aswell.. To be more accurate to the movies. The sound for "pull" is actually a much weaker version of the Force Choke/Grip sound. Also looking to change the Force "push" sound, too. Most mods with this sound, all seem to include the one sound used in Ep. I by Darth Maul on Obi-Wan and then you never hear it again.
  16. Those Kylo Ren models could still use some work, but a good start, nonetheless.
  17. Hey peeps, Does anyone know the name of the sound that is used and looped, when your lightsaber is on the ground somewhere and you're calling it back to you? @@eezstreet said it was a file in the "assets0.pk3 > sound > weapons > saber" folder, but the only sound I've managed to find in there, that remotely relates to it, is "saber_catch.mp3" Any help here would be good..
  18. What I'm trying to achieve for the Force power, overall.. Is; The way I'd change Force Grip would be: - Lvl.1 - Standard Force Grip but make it interactive, as in apply it as long as you want, not just toggle it for a minute (This Lvl wouldn't kill the npc or enemy, after any duration of time, but just choke them) - Lvl.2 - The same as Lvl.1, only this time, if Force Grip is held for long enough, it will kill the .npc or enemy (but take away any the "over-the-top" levitation animation, that is seen in the base/default of Lvl.2 and Lvl.3) - Lvl.3 - Standard level 3 Force Grip, like in the "Battle over Coruscant" duel in Ep. III, when Dooku Force Gripped Obi-Wan, before trapping him under the catwalk.
  19. Here's the Force Grip/Choke sound.. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1TyIWLj9UVA
  20. Well, I've managed to do a proper Force Grip/Choke sound and managed to remove the "red glow" around the enemy's throat. Now, all that needs doing is to sort out the different level animations. etc. P.s Animations and such is not my field, just so you know. So if anyone wants to help out?
  21. Oh yeah?! And what exactly is your plan for level 3, numbnuts?
  22. That's slightly disturbing that you know what a Jawa's ass looks like.. I'd have thought it would just be cloth from the robes?
  23. The only good thing about TFU II was the graphics and the visuals. The story felt kinda' out of place and something they just threw together, because they felt they HAD to make a sequel to it. Not quite a cash-grab, but more or less along those lines. Now, if the first TFU game, had the graphics of TFU II.. Then you'd have a game on your hands.
  24. I really wanna start watching Rebels.. But I haven't even properly started watching The Clone Wars series, yet.. Since I downloaded all 6 seasons. 18GB's worth!! lol
  25. The Darkness shall consume you!
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