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  1. I've had some great times when I was in (JAWA) playing the various events, but I just don't game enough these days to stay in a clan without getting kicked due to inactivity. So, are there any cool events happening outside of clans or that allow non-clan members to join? Sorry if this isn't the proper forum, I just have no idea where to ask..
  2. This didn't age well, but what a classic
  3. I've always loved instagib back when I was in (JAWA), and am now thinking of hosting an instagib event myself. However, I need the configuration for such an event, with modified movement and being only able to spawn with an instakill disruptor. Does anyone have it?
  4. Not going to buy it with the microtransactions coming back. Reinstalled the original BF2 though and am having a great time. Even without the microtransactions, I don't think I would find it too interesting, it doesn't really offer much new interesting stuff other than the short SP campaign and updated graphics.
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