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  1. Damn, I want Windows XP again. I miss it.

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    2. Jango40


      There's a 64bit version.

    3. eezstreet


      Unless you have an Itanium processor, you're limited to Professional x64 bit, which has a large variety of issues (GFWL doesn't work -at all-, drivers are glitchy etc)

      There's no real reason to use XP at all, 7 is vastly superior in every way, you've quite literally lost it if you think otherwise. Plus you don't have to deal with the fugly theme.

    4. eezstreet


      Unless you have an Itanium processor, you're limited to Professional x64 bit, which has a large variety of issues (GFWL doesn't work -at all-, drivers are glitchy etc)

      There's no real reason to use XP at all, 7 is vastly superior in every way, you've quite literally lost it if you think otherwise. Plus you don't have to deal with the fugly theme.

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