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  1. Damn, I want Windows XP again. I miss it.

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    2. eezstreet


      8 is ok, it has a few things which are nice (mail app is built in, metro is sorta like a pseudo-multiple workspaces like xubuntu has)

      I think if they added the old start menu back, made it much easier to access files, added workspaces, added some customizability (new Metro stuff is a nice start but we need more complex means of customization), made Ribbon a bit more polished, made Notepad actually decent, and tweaked the command line, it would be really really good.

    3. eezstreet


      I don't actually mind Metro fwiw, it doesn't detract from the experience at all for me. It just needs the option to change the damn icons without third party software. And Metro is pretty helpful for viewing everything at a glance, unfortunately it is rather neutered by the lack of developers willing to support Live Tile.

      I say keep Metro, just make it way better.

    4. Onysfx


      I personally can't stand the metro. Makes me feel like I'm using a tablet. But it's mainly that I don't like the look of it. If people want to use metro, that's fine. But forcing people to use it, even writing the code so it's unavoidable, (even with classic shell or start 8) is just...wrong...

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