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  1. Apple watch, so pointless.

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    2. Circa


      That's not really the point. First, it's made for and works with the Apple ecosystem (iPhone, iPad, Mac). Second, the point of the smart watch is to be another companion device. Sure, a phone can do that stuff, but that's what people said about smartphones. They said "everything that the smart phone has you can already do on your PC".


      And yeah, smart watches aren't for everyone. I probably won't get one for awhile, but I do plan on it eventually.

    3. Jango40


      The difference is that you can't take your PC with you anywhere while you can do it with your smartphone. These ''smart'' Watches look like a huge waste of money, since phones already got all the functions.

    4. Circa


      Fair enough. Yeah, they are a lot of money. They're catered towards high class watch wearers anyway, for the most part. Those people spend lots of money on watches anyway.

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