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  1. Anyone knows good bass guitars, for a nice price?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MoonDog


      Depends on your skill level, and how you project your skills to grow. A 100 dollar starter kit fits a learner pretty well, in a year or so you will find the equipment lacking. If you lose interest before then, 100 dollars isn't such a bad investment. I've seen newer players get higher end instruments near the 700 dollar range, lose interest and up reselling them. Always a shame :( Like afiNity said, Ibanez is an excellent choice for low end and high end guitars. Not so sure I agree ab...

    3. MoonDog


      -Not so sure I agree about Fender Squires however. ---- Did the length for comments on status updates get shorter?

    4. afi


      Fender Squier are quite good imo and you always have the option to buy better pickups and stuff. Many people actually buy cheap squier basses just to upgrade them with better electronics

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