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Everything posted by Maksman

  1. I loved Outcast more than academy cant wait.
  2. No problem, but for gear you know the basics of arc trooper gear and maybe a phase 1 helmet too. It would look beautiful.
  3. perfect but could you add 212th and arc trooper gear? wait whys is this under Jedi Outcasts > playermodels?
  4. its perfect but i noticed in EOC IV the model is invisible out side of that it works.
  5. Yes! Kyle's saber reborn. Thank you very much I love the look Kyle's saber more than any other jedi or sith.
  6. torso_arms_white.png is missing i spawned the impweptech npc in EOC IV and his torse is missing.
  7. surprised no one did him for the last 10 years but now he has come.
  8. love this map
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