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Everything posted by Maksman

  1. Wait but why does the Launcher have a patchnotes for an update on 3/11/18?
  2. Um the launcher won't update my kotf assets.
  3. The only one on the list I really want is Twilight on Tatooine. But I would love being able to use the JK2 mp/sp maps if you guys could, like if you could make them apear if you have them installed in your kotf folder or something. I just kinda want a easy way to load em without typing them in, but it is a want not a need so I will be fine if it isn't added. Also you forgot Darth Talon guys. Sorry for long post.
  4. I personally love base games saber combat and I can confirm that it seems like the base games on my end.
  5. That is because it is all tided to the .nav files to maps. ALL JA/JK2 sp maps have .navs so npcs aren't that bad unless you got a map that doesn't have a .nav. So the only way I see fixing the problem is adding in nav nodes to the maps. Even just goal points could help it abit.
  6. Of course waypoint or navpoints are on only JK2 and JKA sp maps. Yeah some custom sp maps have them but most of the maps are kinda sketchy on them. But I have always wanted navpoints for some of these great maps, but that doesn't fix the weird barriers that some maps like Mustafar v2 has.
  7. The mod uses base Academy AI from what I can tell and that mod works to add alittle more to em but you need to know the npc's name in order to use them. Another note is that some of the maps have a weird barrier things which you can see with your crosshair as approaching them, which mean npcs can see past em.
  8. I will say the wording in the readme would kinda confuse players with less understanding of how to install mods.
  9. Just a question but will there be by any chance will the nav editor from JK2: Enhanced?
  10. Ok just wanted to to know thanks.
  11. Because most of us have been playing these games since release.
  12. Oh boy no outside npc selection. But im wondering if the maps will have navs for the npcs?
  13. Off topic sorry but I love the Bryar Pistol so much.
  14. I wait for the day JK2 weapons like the Reaper get a real HD models.
  15. Long live Kyle Katarn! Also thanks for this awesome model for my favorite pistol.
  16. Langerd do you think you could release your TL-50 by itself at some point? If not its ok ill extract it and throw it into one of my pk3 that i throw all my personal tweeks and additions in.
  17. i love the tl-50 model now i need to find a k-16 one.
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