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Everything posted by Maksman

  1. I followed what he said.
  2. Awesome now we just need the Kyle Katarn remaster ported.
  3. Question what were the patch notes for the last update?
  4. Won't these work with rend2 already or is there something with the shaders?
  5. Bombad!!! This is the most HD ive ever seen I hope KOTF adopts these for sure. Also hope for more HD stuff for JA *Cough* HD TL-50 Repeater.
  6. I figured I was just wondering and said might as well ask, because the "NEWER" lunar base is pretty cool. It blew my mind when I saw it a few days ago.
  7. Um I was wondering if you guys will or could add and or replace some of the older maps that you used from MB2 like for example the NEWER Lunarbase. I just got back into that mod and Lunarbase looks WAY more interesting. So could this happen in the future?
  8. I missed that episode so I can't wait to see that in JA.
  9. "the offending song" was that a thing I haven't noticed.
  10. I'm not a dev but they did respond to this somewhere else and I have been fighting this problem and testing solutions.
  11. General Kenobi skin based on the Clone Wars like they did in Battlefront 2 EA.
  12. There is a FX problem with the Quake 3 Team Arena engine (Jedi Academy) and maybe it is because of the mods' use of greater detailed FX.
  13. Yes as I told the command is music music followed by the music root folder name and or just the name of the song depended on how it was packed for example of usage music music/vjun3/vjun3_explore or music music/vjun3 for the SP dynamic version but it works with all songs from the maps in the game so KOTF maps too type dir music for a full list then use the music music/ command with the song root and or name.
  14. The music command is Music Music/(path and name) for Example Music Music/Vjun3 for the dynmatic music SP only or Music Music/Vjun3/Vjun3_explore. I fiddle with the dms alot and always use that command also I added the JK2 music to the dms so Bespin_streets dynmatic music.
  15. That was cool and interesting to look at so a Droideka could be kinda like Galak in the sense that he could keep his shield up to shoot unlike the Assassin droids.
  16. Maksman

    EE-3 op

    As the title Boba's EE-3 alt fire is REALLY op shredding pretty much everyone. Maybe swap the the alt fire and primary fire modes so the burst isn't so overwhelming cause Class_Boba_fett toggles between fire modes. Perhaps nerf the alt fire damage just some ideas and other than that not much that needs addressing.
  17. Cool I liked that alot, thank you guys for it and I think you guys will know which one is mine.
  18. Well some like Anger or taunt are used by the taunt commad. Flourish is the grunts what not that you will hear npcs do when they push you down or block your saber throw. And gloat is the victory lines. I see your point but most of these are used by one of these again im not shooting down the idea of a new command for the sound detect.
  19. Yoo there are commands in JKA/ KOTF as follows: taunt gloat flourish bow meditate bind / taunt Those are used in JKA MP for the the misc controls and can be bound to a key in both for use.
  20. Clone Scout Trooper is in the 41st trust me I used them today.
  21. Maybe something like Phasma with the blaster deflection or something maybe even in a much more insane realm of giving him the ability to kick with his repeater although that is more of a INSANE idea. I use Galak as an example cause I do miss his UNIQUE-ness.
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