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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Sorry to necro the thread, but just my two-pence: I was born in the early 90's, so i missed the OT hype, not to mention that my country was in the Soviet Union just a couple of years prior, so the hype was mostly wasted anyway. In the mid-80's and the 90's, when western (pop)culture poured in en force, it was easy to jump on the hype train for anything that was western, especially if it was something extremely popular already, so a lot of the older kids got into SW, and even if you didn't see ANH, you knew who Darth Vader was, even if only by appearance. Additional stuff (books, comics, audioplays) was only available in the bigger countries, like Russia or Ukraine (maybe the former Easter Block countries), whereas in Moldova, we mostly had just the movies and knock-off toys. So my love for the old EU came in the late 2000s, when i was in mid/ highschool, and it mostly came from videogames and the internet, not the comics or novels (this is the reason why i don't have an issue with Luke being the way he is in the NT). When TPM came out, it felt like some kind of blessing, because we, the kids that missed the OT, had a chance to legitly become part of the crowd (that's why i liked, and still like TPM, even though it's actually a rather dull movie). Then came Clones, and i was 'bought' but the clone armors (as i got older, i got more and more disgusted with the movie because of the terrible cgi's, and obviously the boring plot, and the clone action only beginning at the end of the movie, and lasting only for some 10 minutes, if not less - the cg TCW annoyed me because the clones were drama-queens, and the series focused more on Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, and Ahsoka than on the clones, i wanted something closer to Republic Commando, focused on the clones, and showing exactly why the clones are supperior to the droids and are supposed to be pro-soldiers). RotS was alright, but the pacing felt off, and the cgi's were again an issue for me, plus some of the characters' choices were dumb as fuck! The New Trilogy, i don't like. On the one hand, i was glad that they moved away from excess cgi toward real props and more balanced use of cgis, i was also glad to hear technobabble (can't have sci-fi without it!), but the whole recycling of the OT, and the overal blandness, sjw propaganda, and pointless fan-service are just repulsive. Rebels and Rogue One i liked, because they felt more like the OT. Yes, they have their faults, no point denying it, but they were still better than the NT. As to Disney buying the franchise, yes, it was a factor that pushed me away from it, but i tried to console myself with the thought that disney has, and still does, deliver actually entertaining and quality-made products. Problem here is that these products have to be original-made, and not bought from someone else, because otherwise, as someone already mentioned here, they just turn it into some bland pile of crap. And disney is a megacorporation bent on taking over the world, just look at all the proof, both in the media-market, real-estate, and other domains. So once disney bought SW, nuked the old EU (even though i only cared for a part of it), and started to deliver products of mediocre (the NT) or questionable (BF2 with all the scandals) quality, i just lost my interest. To me, Star Wars was not just cool, it was a way to belong to a group (something that i've had trouble doing since i was a teen), and the whole spiritualist conflict between the jedi and the sith made the franchise stand out from among other sci-fi-fantasy mixtures because it was done in a very smart and original way (no technomagic, no god-level magic powers, no orcs and elves!), not to mention that i always was a sucker for spiritualist topics and philosophy (which is the main reason i love kotor2). The new direction does nothing for me, and frankly, not even the old EU is as fun anymore, because if you are to look at it, it's actually really repetitive - the sith want to take over the galaxy, they want to destroy the republic and the jedi, they create interstellar empires, the jedi fight and (in 98% of the cases) defeat them. Anything beyond that is either one-shot (doc Aphra), unpopular (Yuzhaan Vong), or irrelevant. Most other characters (i.e. non-jedi/ non-sith) are only important if they have any kind of connection to the said jedi/ sith, but otherwise, only exist to create a semblance of a functional universe. This is also something that made the OT so great - the universe didn't revolve around force-users, even though they were a big deal. Well, time to move on.
  2. I look at the list of users currently online and it shows google, bing, etc. bots. Can anyone explain their purpose? Are they spying on us? Or are they just here to make the site searchable on the respective search engine (the heck they are!)? I actually saw the google bot looking at one of the uploads, namely the one that replaces the Jaden-vs-Kyle Korriban duel music. Shouldn't we be worried?
  3. As far as i remember, he's supposed to be a samurai vigilente who put on armor and picked up his sword to fight in the tekken tournament because the main boss in tekken (don't remember the guy's name) killed his family
  4. It is not a story the Disney would tell you. It's a fan legend.
  5. I was thinking of trying to write one, but I'm not sure if my knowledge is good enough. Still, i suppose it doesn't hurt to try
  6. On a side note, is S-J-Culley the same guy as Sith-J-Cult?
  7. So, any such tutorial awaiting approval yet?
  8. I think you're in the wrong thread - that's modelling and rigging, if I'm not mistaking. This thread is about bots, which is closer to coding, I think.
  9. What's the "D'Qar sequence"?Personally, I don't know if anyone made these locations for jka (there are few mappers left, as far as I know), but I suppose some people are making them, just didn't say anything, or will make 'em, once they accept TLJ on a personal level
  10. Hey, do post some screens of before and after, aye?
  11. The .npc file from ext_data folder has nothing to do with multiplayer and/ or bots, its for non-player characters that "live" in singleplayer. Both singleplayer npcs and multiplayer bots are computer-controlled though, and therefore are almost the same thing, though only almost, because their behavior and other things are different.
  12. I'm not exactly sure what you did. Did you just rename a vanilla bot to 'legends thrawn'? If so, you'll also need to change the bot model in the .bot file. If not, then make sure the .bot and .jkb files are in the correct directories in the .pk3 file, and when making a brand new .pk3 file, make sure you compress it as .zip first, and then manually rename the extension to .pk3 because otherwise, the game won't "see" it (don't know why though).You are right, the game does have a limit of bots, but if you exceed that limit, they simply begin replacing the vanilla bots in the game's bot list. Once you remove the excess bots, the vanilla list returns. I don't fully understand the whole thing myself, but I rarely go beyond bot limit, so it's not so big a problem for me. If all else fails, write down everything you did in the topic here, because personally, I didn't understand what you did (no offense) and most people don't use bots anyway, so getting more answers would take a while (no offense to the guys)
  13. Well, it's not a specific picture, I just occasionally want to post a pic, and the site tells me this.
  14. I want to post a picture on the forum, but the site tells me ^this. What's the story with that anyway?
  15. I actually know this map, but didn't see anything unusual about it, aside from the fact that I got lost on it every time I played it :|
  16. So, any progress on those Zabraki heads?
  17. Cool! What do I need to open .menu files? If I remember correctly, they can't be opened with a simple notepad?
  18. You know how it is, you select a model in character creation, and it keeps rotating, so you can't see the whole model on your own terms, and have to wait for it to do a full 360. It's really a bitch when you have several models and want to check them all out, you know? I would like something similar to what @@redsaurus is doing/ did for JK:E: Note: Bitch isn't a swear word, or at least, it's admissible.
  19. Yeah, so apparently, microtransactions will be brought back with the new update, but at the same time, there'll be a new mode - Ewok hunt, and several new character skins. Check something out here (sorry, I just don't use twitter and have no idea about navigating on it)
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