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Status Updates posted by NumberWan

  1. Jar Jar Binks, the Horror Movie. https://youtu.be/CH9eRNCnFiQ

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. NumberWan


      In various posts I often said, that Jar Jar should be considered a jester, a joker of sort. Most of the classic literature had this kind of character, stupid, silly or just funny. But Jesters as goofy as they might seem, often are the only ones to speak the truth (in presence of the kin). We see this moments before Amidala decides to leave Coruscant, as the gungan is the only one to say, why the Naboo and his people don't befriend each other. Also in Episode II it is Jar Jar who puts the...

    3. NumberWan


      ...first stone into building the Empire. Besides we have Jar Jar in many other films, their own kind. In Krull it's Ergo, the wizard, in Death Note it's Amane Misa, in Dungeons and Dragons it's Eric, while in Ducktales it's Launchpad McQuack. For me Jar Jar also serves as an important contrast for Amidala and Palpatine, each of whom also come from Naboo, but are remote in behaviou and attitude from each other as well.

    4. swegmaster


      oh sh*t, i knew someday jar-jar would go insane and screw over all the cool star wars dudes

  2. How is it possible, that only the "KOTOR not canon" flitches on the forum and prevents from responding? A bug in the only thread.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NumberWan


      No doubt. Funny thing is that if I don't open it, the forum works normally. If opened, the return to the main page might glitch a lot.

    3. Cerez


      Have you tried emptying the browser's cache? It could be a bug with the cache.

    4. NumberWan


      It could be an issue, but I tried opening this page from several different computers and from different browsers. It's the same...

  3. Thought of putting all the chars in SW in one pic. https://jkhub.org/topic/7494-star-wars-–-all-characters/ I am positive nothing is truly cancelled.

  4. "George Lucas in Love" – Wait... What?

    1. Numfast
    2. NumberWan


      Yes, I know. I mean, I missed this one somehow, but the movie isn't new.

  5. Yub Nub fans anyone?

    1. lang_french


      Victory Celebration, for me ;)

  6. Started watching old films with Peter Cushing aka Moff Tarkin, Alec Guinnes is on the way. :) As well as other good old actors. Mummy (1959) looks nice.

    1. Cerez


      Lawrence of Arabia (1962) :winkthumb:

    2. Syko


      Bridge on the River Kwai is pretty good with Guinness

    3. NumberWan


      Lawrence of Arabia is classics. :) Bridge on the River Kwai - I guess, I should have a look into this one. Sometimes it is just difficult to decide what to watch first. Thanks for some tips!

  7. On December 17th I will be rewatching the whole Saga right before seeing the new episode.

    1. Cerez


      Oh dear! XD Not sure that's such a good idea. Perhaps watch the new film, then rewatch the saga. ;) Otherwise you'll be putting way too much expectation on the new film.

    2. NumberWan


      Hey, no. ) It's not a problem for me at all. I see that as a logical continuation. :) Just like in real life.

    3. Cerez


      Well, good luck, then. XD

  8. Who is the heck Sana Solo? Oh, I see now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      I bet she's a looney.

    3. DrXann


      Finn Solo and Rey Skywalker go figure if this is correct.

    4. NumberWan


      The family stuff is even more problematic to comprehend than everything else with all the rumours.

  9. Just bought tickets for The Force Awakens. Now this is where the torture begins!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NumberWan
    3. Numfast


      Good. Very good.)

    4. Merek


      Same, seeing it with the crowd! (Unfortunately)

  10. Just returned from ComicCon Russia. Anthony Daniels was absolutely superb!

    1. Numfast


      When i've seen photos, i ask a question to myself:

      "Why i'm not live in Moscow?"

    2. Sentra
  11. Just received a newsletter from Lego, that on Sept the 4th The Force Awakens sets will be revealed. Not much news, but can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ping


      What I said is widespread amongst theologians as well. Earthly goods are fleeting, the breakdown of the body is inevitable and happiness is only found in the afterlife. Whether I accept this story or that one makes no difference for the way life goes.

    3. Flynn


      wow Force Awakens LEGOs sound great! :DDDDD

    4. Ping


      In any case, @Onysfx I don't believe in any deities. If there are any gods, they are either incompetent or cruel. In both cases worship is not warranted. The Greeks and Romans understood that.

  12. How joyful is to find a SWWiki article, which is suddenly not labeled Canon or Legends yet - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Vors_Voorhorian

  13. Just read this article about Mon Mothma creation for Episode VI. I hope they make more of these about background characters. http://www.starwars.com/news/from-concept-to-screen-mon-mothma-rebel-leader

  14. There is already a mod for Battlefront II (old game) on Episode VII with new storms and X-Wing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      I dunno, none of the new stuff looks all that great. I used to mod that game, the community is odd, no one pushes anyone so most of the content looks pretty amateurish.

    3. DrXann


      A lot of the Empire/First Order(Remnant) are all reskins which look rather cheesy especially the Han Solo

    4. NumberWan


      Yes, I also don't like the Han Solo reskin. However there are new ones as well. The X-Wing model is new for instance. Some troopers are reskins, while others are actually new.

  15. Does anyone know, where the original background for Player Models Icons in JA can be found?

    1. Omicron


      It's not in the assets (like it was for JK2). Use this instead:



    2. NumberWan
  16. It's not a coincidence, is it? jkhub.net for Dark Forces II and MOTS, jkhub.org for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Legacy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      Putting "hub" at the end of something meant to be the "center" is common. Definitely coincidence that another community had the same name, otherwise I'm sure Caelum would have thought of a different name.

    3. afi


      Then again jkhub.net is/was quite well known in the JK community

    4. DT.


      They could discuss a merge. jkhub.ORG is where its at. ;)

  17. New KOTOR game? How can that be possible?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. eezstreet


      That's not even close to being an accurate comparison. It would be more accurate if saying "stuff that happened in the fifth century was of major importance to World War 2" because there's hundreds of years of difference.

    3. Bek


      @Circa - In all my time playing kotor annually, I had never once thought that remaking the game was possible. I almost want to try my hand at it myself, but I'm in over my head.

    4. NumberWan


      Eezstreet, I were comparing the SWTOR Cold and Great Galactic war with the events of the SWTOR DLC, which are the new war with the Empire of Zakuul.

  18. Thinking about playing SWGEmu... Anyone tried?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sithani


      But you totally just said "SW Galaxies is complete SHIT"

    3. minilogoguy18


      He must be young, games these days are so stupid easy they aren't even worth wasting money on anymore. Older games are much more challenging.

    4. Merek


      @minilogoguy18 I played SWGEmu for several days. I tried to enjoy it, I really did but it just didn't "spark" for me. I can't possibly enjoy every single game can I? I'm 17 BTW.


      @Sithani I MEANT to say "I didn't like it" I don't give a shit what I said. End of discussion.

  19. Vanity Fair revealed latest photos from Episode VII. Kylo Ren's face too, not mask.

    1. the_raven


      links or it didn't happen!

    2. NumberWan


      It was posted long ago, check Episode VII thread, everything is in there.

    3. the_raven
  20. Lego Droid Tales seem to feature a scene from Episode VII.

  21. Can anyone help me finding Dromund Kaas on this map? Use A-W and 1-21. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130325041255/starwars/images/1/10/MainGalaxy.png

    1. Ramikad


      It should be R-6, I think. Of course you can't be really certain on a 180x200 map :P

    2. NumberWan


      According to latest news, yes, it's near R6 or R5. Thanks for the help!

  22. Never truly liked Yuzhan Vong, but it seems one episode in TCW series was featuring a Yuzhan Vong spy and drone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NumberWan


      there was no episode, but a concept art.

    3. Bek


      There's also a Vong spy in kotor.

    4. NumberWan


      Though not directly, but you are right, that YV are indeed mentioned in KOTOR. Canderous was lucky to have survived the encounter and the first in the Galaxy to meet them.

  23. Clone Wars ~6 new minutes here: http://vk.com/video-31434822_171113340

    1. NumberWan


      Ventress, Ahsoka and animals from KOTOR!

    2. Onysfx


      I'll go watch it in a bit,when it's quieter for full enjoyment.

    3. Onysfx


      Just watched, nice.

  24. Wait... Rogue One trailer? Now?! How many more Star Wars trailers are there these weeks???

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