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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Fun fact: In the Kanan comic series, he and Ezra travel on a very familiar type of ship.
  2. Man, those two last episodes were good. The Kanan/Hera dynamic reminded me the kyle/jan dynamic in Jedi Outcast.
  3. This are the commands that I use to force the player to look at a certain direction. The numbers at "SET_ANGLES" depend on where do you want your character to look at. affect ( "player", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_ANGLES", < 10.000 90.000 0.000 > ); set ( "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", "false" ); } Maybe you could try to loop that for a couple seconds to see if the player can move his camera during that time, or if the game crashes because of the loop.
  4. You could try to create a loop that affects the player that makes him constantly reset his angles to a specific direction.
  5. The thing I find the hardest to do is shadows, though it seems AO bakes can solve that problem. I don't think your work looks unprofessional. Sure, it's not what you'd see in a modern game made by a big studio, but your assets are easily better than some of the Star Wars Mobile Games I've seen (and those mobile games have nice assets!)
  6. Do I need a drawing tablet to do some good hand painting, or is it possible to achieve good results with a mouse?
  7. I agree with this statement. Lighting seems to be the most important part of creating a good atmosphere in a map. I do think, though, that in your screenshot those red buttons are not casting any light, but I might be mistaken! I like how you've used Blender to create .md3 models that can achieve a better rounded shape than what GTKRaidant allows, I do wonder how you do your texture work, since it's the one area I haven't yet grasped.
  8. This looks absolutely wonderful, how did you accomplish such level of detail! Doesn't even look similar to JKA!
  9. Looking great so far, can't wait to see them textured!
  10. I'm sure this model has been ported from Force Arena. I think either Jeff did it or it's in the Penewoski pack.
  11. Geen probleem, English isn't my native tongue either! Everyday I'm closer to finish the map I'm currently working on. After that, I'll make a revamp of this one, it's time for my old projects to get some love!
  12. I don't know much about coding, but it'd seem you just need to add more "or" conditions to this part of the code. Would love to see how that works since it seems like it could be a basic thing to learn. if (!levelshot) { levelshot = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "menu/art/unknownmap" ); }
  13. Great! I'd love to see the way you work, it's great the level of detail something so simple can have.
  14. Is that some English slang for abandoned? If so, then no! I just started re-doing a two year old map and this one actually has much more development than the other one. What I'm planning to do with this map is to incorporate it to my main mod as a small quest.
  15. Maybe in the old canon. Current Palpatine is the most powerful Sith to have ever lived, but we don't know the extent of their power in the past.
  16. Nothing wrong with creating prefabs based on the game's default maps, in my opinion. It can even be a time saver if you're learning how to do stuff like door frames and computers.
  17. I wouldn't pick any big name actor. I'd instead search for classical theater actors.
  18. Isn't there a mod named JAMME that helps with movie making?
  19. Oh the memories of this map! I had stopped developing a couple years ago because the errors were too many to number. It was basically done with only structural brushes, which I didn't know back then was an issue. I might re-do it in the future as part of my main SP mod, after all, I already have done a lot of progress in my "Imperial Space Station" map.
  20. Can't you do this with Blender (or any 3D modeling software) and a personal library of free to use models, like those you can get in sites like free3d.com?
  21. Either I'd like an anthology of stories in which you played as a multitude of characters with different goals, abilities and objectives, or I'd play a long history in a multitude of settings and with heavy character progression.
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