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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Now I regret bothering to ask. I really dislike this mentality. I just asked about something simple and people are already jumping down my throat saying to "do it yourself". If you can't actually help me with my original request (which was to find this style cape/hood on an existing model) then..
  2. Yep all of them. Here's a good link for you: http://www.mtdindustries.com/xwa/ You'll find white links to vehicles on the right side. when you click on one, the .3ds download link will appear on the left along with an image of that vehicle. Also use the yellow arrows on the right to go through the lists of vehicles.
  3. YT-2400 with textures .3ds: http://www.mtdindustries.com/xwa/3DS/OutriderExterior_3DS.zip YT-1760 with textures .3ds: http://www.mtdindustries.com/xwa/3DS/YT1760_3DS.ZIP Sadly no YT-1300 yet. Only exists as a .exe download.
  4. Just found the .3ds zip file for the YT-2000. And it has textures! http://www.mtdindustries.com/xwa/3DS/OtanaExterior_3DS.zip @@dark_apprentice
  5. Well other than that, the only place to get this would be from the game X-Wing Alliance. a YT-2000 model is there and textured. Here's a page http://www.xwaupgrade.com/ If you go to "downloads" there's a ton of downloads for vehicles, though when downloading the YT-2000 I get an exe file. When running the exe, it attempts to add YT-2000 into my non-existent X-Wing Alliance game and fails. There's a good chance you can extract it from that game.
  6. https://cdn.thingiverse.com/zipfiles/1f/45/3b/60/71/Star_Wars_YT-2000.zip
  7. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1303-the-jedi-academy-texture-overhaul-tatooine/ Works fairly well.
  8. So I've been looking around the downloads section with little to no luck. I am looking for a tattered cape with a hood down and hood up. The cape would look like this: A brown color and is tattered at the bottom/sides of the cape. Just wondered if anyone knew of a model that had this since I cant find one.
  9. PSX models are ideal for JKA. If @@dark_apprentice can rig that sucker into the game, I am sure someone could easily update the textures.
  10. Here's the .NPC file. gabranth { playerModel gabranth rank commander saber single_1 weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 5 FP_HEAL 0 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 3 FP_TELEPATHY 3 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 3 FP_RAGE 3 FP_PROTECT 0 FP_ABSORB 3 FP_DRAIN 3 FP_SEE 3 FP_SABERTHROW 3 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 scale 120 height 68 crouchheight 39 width 16 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_DESANN sex male snd gabranth sndcombat gabranth sndjedi gabranth sndextra gabranth dismemberProbHead 100 dismemberProbArms 100 dismemberProbLegs 100 dismemberProbHands 100 dismemberProbWaist 100 } And here's a fine selection of Gabranth audio. http://www.mediafire.com/file/vak1wh20hy7hhda/Gabranth.zip
  11. Tell you what. If you port over Gabranth's swords, I'll make a .npc file and a proper Gabranth soundpack to go with it.
  12. I don't own the game, otherwise I'd do it. All someone would have to do is disable all sounds aside from voice volume, then record the audio with audacity as they played through the whole game.
  13. Say what you want about porting, but that Gabranth looks f***ing awesome.
  14. 4k textures are a thing of beauty. I believe JKA maps were given a 4k overhaul and look amazing, considering the actual models are low quality. It's just a case of re texturing the vehicle.
  15. The one on the video or the one available to download? Both are different versions.
  16. Well this was his "latest" video on it. Looks like he got all of it done. I recommend that the OP contact him via his site: http://rocz3dstudio.com/ EDIT: Here's a model that you can download right now. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1063262/yt-2000-ship-card-and-token Made by "Jan". I guess you could contact that Jan to use it for JKA.
  17. This guy was actually modelling one, no idea if he finished it or not.
  18. This is a thing that's been bothering me for such a damn long time that I am surprised that I haven't brought it up before. Volume levels. I always tried my best to adjust volume levels so that the music didn't seem overly loud, that the Sound effects volume wasn't too quiet, and also voices not being too quiet. I can never find a perfect volume level for each slider, where the sound effects will always be louder than the music, and the voices be loud and clear. So, I ask to you: have you managed to figure out the perfect levels/settings for this? If so I'd love some screenshots so I could try out these settings.
  19. That does look like it would be a fun duel map, and would have the fear factor of falling to death. I'd love to have a map like that.
  20. I was messing around with it all and you know what would be useful? A "workshop_list_weapons" command. It's just nice to get it there and then rather than go through game files. Also a command to set an NPC's saber color/style on the fly would be pretty neat. Would save going into the .npc/.sab file and altering stuff.
  21. If the model has an NPC file then you do "npc spawn name". Alternatively just do "playermodel modelname".
  22. JKHub is broken for me. Messenger won't load, profiles won't load, pages don't load. Ugh!

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      It works fine for me....This is weird. :(

    2. Daedra


      I think it's fixed now, but it was definitely having issues a few hours ago.

  23. If anyone wants to create a soundpack for a character, may I suggest this place: https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceWork/ There are some very talented people there. I kinda felt bad in turning down some auditions for a request I made recently, since I had already found the voice actor I need, and there's some real talent going to waste there. They are very cool people so please give them a chance if you ever need a voice for your project.
  24. May want to edit that quote to remove the link.
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