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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. For me they wouldn't look right in their clothes. It would be awesome if just the heads could be made, and put onto a droid body, the silver head on a silver droid body, and the gold head on a gold droid body, like this: But maybe with slightly different design on the body. It would look awesome.
  2. Just going to leave this here: https://jkhub.org/topic/9069-the-lord-of-the-rings-conquest/
  3. Looking at that face and hearing "If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you." I'd honestly believe he was a nightmare.
  4. Mobile games usually have lower poly models, even though the games themselves are modern, so they shouldn't really be an issue to port, especially because mobiles games are coded/encrypted rather poorly, enough to rip models from.
  5. Damn man, the speed in which you've done this is amazing.
  6. It was confusing because one of the objectives was like "go back to your ship that you came to Cloud City on" but you never actually go back to the start of the map, which is odd to me. Still incredible though, especially those Vader animations.
  7. Game worked fine for me, but I ran "devmap cloudy" in openJK which took off some of the load. However what is supposed to happen when I am just stuck there no doors will open and no cutscene triggers at all.
  8. Middle Earth Shadow of War looks incredible.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Daedra
    3. Noodle


      It does look much better, the nemesis system was such a good idea and the fact that they keep developing it is nice. Still, the combat in these kind of games always look so dull.

    4. Daedra


      Being able to ride Dragons and free roam around Middle Earth AND fight Sauron makes this game better than Skyrim for me. The new armors were a nice touch too.

  9. Doesn't the Terminator Genisys Revolution Mobile Phone game have a model of it?
  10. Seriously great job on that map, there's literally nothing else like it.
  11. There's a chance the head could be ported onto an existing Palpatine body, re-texture it and that should do it.
  12. I only agree with your view based on direct full ports with no credit or permission. That is just wrong entirely. It would be better if the person directly porting a full model would put their skills into learning how to make models and mold it into a self made clone of the full port model, that would at least be better. However I still stand up for those who sometimes use partial ports in their mods, as long as the right permission/credits are used, because not everyone can understand modelling or coding (not everyone has the same frame of mind about things). This is why I respect requests, because even though most do get ignored, it's what someone would like to see from talented modders of the community. How can the community be as such if we all just say "Hey, learn how to do it yourself!" instead of supporting and coming together to make something new? There is no advancement of any community like that.
  13. It's about time we got some realistic weapon mods, haven't seen any in a long time.
  14. That's actually incredible work, good job!
  15. Yeah, there are a lot of pirates that still exist today. It's not a dumb point of view, if it's what is true to you, then don't let anyone try to make you feel different about it.
  16. Congratulations on completing your dream! Looking forward to it.
  17. Agreed, proper credits should be provided along with an attempt to contact the creator by email/other means.
  18. To be fair, without that work, half of the completed requests would never get completed. Sure it's fine to say "Hey look it's a port! No originality there at all!", however there are mods that actually use partial ports to bring a character to Jedi Academy that would NEVER get done from scratch, because the reality is that making things from scratch take longer to do, and while I do encourage that people make their own models, I don't think it really matters providing they have the proper permissions and credits, because it actually HELPS people get their requests done quicker. Can you honestly tell me that the Requests Section isn't bloated with uncompleted requests? This is the basic mentality of people here. You make a request and other members give one of the following responses: 1. You should check out these tutorials so you can try this yourself! 2. You're asking for a port!! This is frowned upon and you should not do it! Seriously, the only "help" I mostly see are those that will combine mods with the right permissions to bring someones request to life. Want an example? Sure! Here you go: https://jkhub.org/topic/861-starcraft-skinpack-request/ Did you miss it? Was the text too small? Here, let me expand that for you: Check the post date of that request, too. 2012. There are many more like it. There are members that DO help people with their requests, and I give full applause to them for it. Other requests have just been lost in the ocean of the Requests Section. This needs to end. Either help someone with their request, if you can't then just offer some friendly support. And this is the so-called "community" that's being decayed? Looks like it's been decaying since 2012 to me.
  19. @@DT85 scrapped a Terminator project because the models were too intricate that he was doing. However from the screenshots he provided, it looks like he had some nice futuristic maps (I could be wrong, they could just be well done images). But that begs the question that there must be models for the Terminator that DO work in Jedi Academy. @@DT85 I believe you mentioned that you played through the PlayStation 2 version of Terminator: Dawn of Fate? I have to say it's one of my favorite Terminator games by far, and the 8th mission is particularly amazing where the entire level is facing off against a Terminator and you have to kill him 3 times as he takes different forms. It would be nice to get models of the first 2 forms from that Terminator. I have my PS2 bios loaded into an emulator so I'll put up some screenshots: First form: Second form:
  20. Found a good model for the T-900 right here: https://www.gtaall.com.br/gta-san-andreas/skins/47442-t900-terminator-3-war-of-the-machines.html It's a Model for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas so the actual model is a .dff file and the texture file is a .txd file. If anyone can port this over to Jedi Academy I would love it!
  21. It can help people to learn how to rig models at the very least. "decays the JK modding community".
  22. I've been trying to hunt down any sort of destroyed city map for Jedi Academy that looks similar to the Terminator 2029 future, I can't actually find any.
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