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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Yes that may be an early concept too, good point.. but Kylo Ren is part of the Knights of Ren = a group that thinks alike. Each star wars movie has it's villain. So how can we be sure that if Kylo gets killed, or turned against the Empire, that there wouldn't be another hooded character to take his place ?
  2. Indie Revolver has new images, supposedly legit, concept art of the Knights of Ren http://indierevolver.com/2015/08/14/indie-revolver-exclusive-possible-images-of-the-knights-of-ren-from-star-wars-the-force-awakens/ Take this with grains of salt, as they say. IndieRevolver has been a starwars theforceawakens leaker since day 1.
  3. looks great, almost like the work of LucasArts
  4. Rofl yea you gotta fix that dude, no offense, I just find this funny
  5. once again you've taken someone elses photoshop work and just added contrast to it, same as with the EA quigon, that you used, this is EA windu. Put some more effort to it dude.
  6. No on can revive this game, please get over it alreadry. Take a close look at all the suggestions you all have listed, on how to improve the game. Basically if you want to revive the community; create a new game with SP and MP options. Geez hmm... oh wait, I know; The Force Unleashed e.g. Our clan keeps getting dozens of new adepts and from what I know, some are recruited while playing CoD or another game (you name it ) TDM games with the possibility to Team Voice Chat are IN at the moment. So if you insist on trying to revive the game, then concentrate on TDM..
  7. Both. From what I know he wanted to kill off Han Solo already in The Empire Strikes Back. Now would be a good time to write off some of the older characters as the saga is coming to and end (sounds sad still, but that's the truth) I expect these last 3 movies to be packed with drama and revelations, epic x 10 This has my 100% focus now. Trying to see what there is to be seen.. for example;
  8. DONNIE YEN WHAT THE FUCK this movie is now worth owning
  9. " Hello what have we here ? " - Lando Finn being Lando's son makes a good joke but that's about it. Why is he holding the saber, if the trailer supposedly reveals someone handing the saber over to Leia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQF5rxSC_-A
  10. I prefer them without robes, but nice work still
  11. forgot to answer it, it's actually dt_luke skywalker with a stormtrooperhelmet, so you need to contact DT85 not me i had his permission but I cant grant you the permission to use it, those arms would look great on the KyloRen kitbash .
  12. maybe I was unclear, I meant to say that Ja is comparable to TFA because its guestionable if either one of them were even necessary to create. I think it was weird of you to say that I couldn't (*no one could/should) compare JA to TFA. Both are trash to others, as they are golden for the rest. that's all
  13. old luke is something I would not have wanted to see in the first place, instead, they should have tried to make him look younger ! so I dont really care about this unless, as dark_apprentice said, a new model is made. I'm definetly interested in a model that has the biggest beard in starwars .... yup
  14. not sure if the black speeder trooper is in the movie or not, but I like that look. go ahead and make my day brrrricade
  15. the sith inquisitor looks really badass
  16. JA story was trash, ok, but how do you know the Force Awakens is any better? The crossguard saber alone started an argument between StarWars fans, but also the balldroid, black stormtrooper/ black lead character, ridiculous names like "Phasma" and "Snoke", even the new look of stormtroopers looks odd still. This new movie really stands out as very different, compared to the rest of the saga. I'm saying that there are many holes that could sink this ship. JA was equally guestionable.
  17. I liked him better old and grey, but thumbs up for this one! you're the first ever to do this
  18. Constable Zuvio The look on Mark Hamill's face tells a tale of a paparazzi who battled his way to the photoshoot. Also, i think we already agreed it would be wise to hide the spoilers/images with a [ spoiler. ] tag, ? ?
  19. just yesterday (prev. page) we got confirmation that he infact did built it himself http://io9.com/13-things-we-just-learned-about-star-wars-the-force-aw-1723645676 check 4) Lightsaber
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