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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. that is not a new han solo model, just another frankensteined model..
  2. Such a vast Galaxy, with a long long history, I bet one could add Planet of the Apes somewhere in there and it would still be called Canon StarWars, and the architecture, cultural style would instantly be seen as fitting, for StarWars. I'm not seeing where this conversation leads to....
  3. this sounds awesome.... will it work with force_lightning too ?
  4. member of the year " I was able to create a saber I had requested a little while ago. "
  5. hay are you shitting us? this aint JKA isn't it? a new STARWARS game perhaps...
  6. wow, hey can you make a crosshair that's just a dot? a fat dot with color options; green.blue,red,yellow ??
  7. @@NumberWan this http://www.ebay.com/itm/STAR-WARS-MEMORABILIA-EPISODE-IV-NEW-HOPE-EFX-STORMTROOPER-HELMET-PROP-REPLICA-/111687407200 it's not cheap, I know but, you can sell it for half that price after a year or two
  8. kyle katarns story is very possible though, TFA also hints of force sensitive beings, why couldn't kyle be canon ?
  9. Fans decide what is canon and what not, don't be especially with this kind of situation where an already created story is suddenly trashed. Too many cooks in the kitchen right now. So there's bound to be more than one opinion about the "foods on the menu" imhotep
  10. Not that you have to, but would u tell us what movies you might be talking about?
  11. yes, I'd say he was one of the real actors from Hollywood, you know? Filming has changed aswel as the actors. Christopher Lee represents one era of Hollywood, just like Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood and Max von Sydow.
  12. The Lord of the Rings legend, who also appeared in Stars Wars, passed away at 8.30am on Sunday at London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. He was said to have been treated at the hospital for respiratory problems and heart failure in the last 3 weeks. Sir Christopher Lee died aged 93.
  13. a simple head swap can do miracles, could you give her some JO taunts aswel ?
  14. The first time I played JO multiplayer with Bots, (dooku, obiwan, darthmaul, luke) But actually, Playing JediKnight Outcast & Jedi Academy in multiplayer is one of my dearest chapters in life, memories. I learned english by playing these games, and the years I spent playing these game were filled with happy memories from frist love to the first time driving a scooter, getting my first iPod and just living an easy life before the ' adult chapter' with lots of worries....
  15. yeah I belive I've read that somewhere else too, that there is not dark or light, only the Force which can be used in many ways. For good or bad. just think about episode 2, when Yoda confronts Dooku, the Sith tries the electrify Yoda when he had to only raise his hands to make this attempt useless, thus it was not evil Force that Yoda absorbed but simply the Force that had the form of lightning. Force is everything around us, that combines us -quote I don't watch TCW, but I'd say any jedi could choke a person if they wanted to do so
  16. Sorry but @ already posted that trailer
  17. z3filus

    Interview: SiLink

    "long awaited interview with retired JKHub staff member" I must agree with @@Syko - this interview was unnecessary
  18. I watched the first season, so I feel a need to also watch the second one. Vader will go after them now?? whoah.... but what is up with that thinner-than-pencil lightsaber ??
  19. this scene is perfect with as little music as possible, could u make this again, with the music playing quietly in the background? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSyb06rgO3s
  20. don't be like that, my previous comment wasn't just an opinion that I formed in 3 minutes, you can google this stuff. though I don't have to google this because this was part of my studies, now part of my job. Being a parent is not easy in todays world, because of these normalities; kids don't know what is good for them, they only know what they like. and if other kids at school can watch TCW and few can't, they'll be bullied. Why? Because someone rated the cartoon +7 or because parents didn't allow to watch this serie? see, I'm not trying to argue about anything, im trying to prove you that it doesn't matter what parents think if it's already been tested and proven, that most kids aged 7-8 can handle most of the violence and drama that's being put into animated films these days, TCW is no exception.
  21. LucasArts is dead isn't it ? Even if Disney has rights to it, they shouldn't be able to sue anyone for using LA content.
  22. There are these so called global normalities for everything, a rating is the evaluation or assessment of something. Television Programs are rated by either the organization that manages the system, the broadcaster or by the content producers themselves. From cartoon to toys, everything must be evaluated before they can be sold, however selling, is not the main/ only reason for any rating. Put yourself into the shoes of someone who has to evaluate TCW for example; you have to know what kind of stuff kids can handle, and at what age. Global Education, Pedagogy is the source of info. Numerous tests have set the game for normalities in our world. TCW season 2 doesn't seem to be too much for 7-8 years old kids. No one should set limits to their kids, as they are individuals. Thing is, that there are parents who encourage their kids to go faster and higher if the kid has interest for something specific, like, downhill carts. Some parents say it's too dangerous for their kid. So, my point is, that Disney is well aware of these normalities and the global level of education and pedagogy. They're doing nothing wrong just because you think it's not appropriate.
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