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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. that person just looks so small compared to R2D2 .....
  2. I hope he will comb back his hair like above, rather than looking like a hermit hippie ( not that I hate hippies, but.. ) it would make sense that luke has a hairstyle this time, since the world is nowdays more OK with men who take care of themselves, back in the 70's you had to be natural. That, and his outfit to be, troubles me alot; Luke was dressed up in a dark Jedi Tunic for the ROTJ but if the rumours are true, may we see him in the same outfit once more ? if you look at this character closely, it's not 100% certain that we're looking at Luke. Maybe that's a girl ?
  3. good skin, but I doubt he's in that good shape anymore...
  4. Does anyone have the GreyFox Model ? jk3files.com seems to be down, for now/ for god

    1. Syko


      JK3files works for me, in the US at least.

    2. z3filus


      mind finding me that file? :/

    3. z3filus


      nvm it works for me now

  5. z3filus

    Tatooine Sky

    @@Oobah did a great job on his Yavin map. I think the map blends well into the skybox
  6. one of the best maps ever made
  7. thanks for this @, I'll shut up now and Hooray for this mod.
  8. that's because he's not professional, nobody here is
  9. Cant you just release the graphics changes as a zip file? That's all I really want, just a graphics improvement mod (HDR, Depth of Field, etc.*) This all sounds great and I hope you can pull this off, but still, if you / anyone could just release a f*cking graphics mod, I'd be happiest dickhead alive.
  10. " Lambda Shuttle " or.. an elite version of it atleast, jedi academy has a poor model that some mappers have tried to re-create as a brushwork ( see jedi'shomeJL 2 e.g. )
  11. Just because you, me and he with his crew still plays Jedi Knight, doesnt mean it's canon in the eyes of modern game developers...
  12. not this again: " the game is old, lets improve it " nobody ever gets anything published so why bother
  13. yeah, Han Solo as a good example; they were OK with just one rebel to interrogate
  14. Vader is supposed to be the most feared person in the Galaxy, and the suit aint slowing him down almost at all. Anakin was one of the best Jedi Knights of his time, I mean, we're talking about the chosen one who turned evil, so how can Kanan stand a chance? as he said, he lived the clone wars and saw his master slain. I must quote Intone;
  15. the moment Vader "coulnd't beat them" was the moment I decided I'm not watching this anymore. the most evil thing I know, can't defeat a group of misfits when face-to-face ,that's just wrong
  16. I have to agree with @. This is a good reskin, but the ship vehicles in Jedi Academy are poorly modelled to begin with. I'm sure that someone will make a HighQuality StarWars 7 TIE & XWING pack for Jedi Academy sooner or later.
  17. why does it look so bad ingame ?? compared to the other shots (in ModView / 3ds Max) is it game engine related?
  18. reborn + bobafett mask + tie pilot gloves + dt_savage opress shoulerpad
  19. that is one handsome looking sandguy
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