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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. yeah as impressive as it is, it's also old.
  2. feels empty without @@Rooxon working on these kind of requests...
  3. " Free model/ Download " http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/deadpool-87513.html Hi, I'm still level Noob with modelling, I'm barely able to follow instructions to kitbash anything... so I'm just going to drop this here. I've always liked Deadpool more than other "super heroes" and I'd think it would be great to have a Deadpool model in Jedi Academy.
  4. caint wait to replace the old stormtrooper in JA with this...
  5. yea that's how I'd do it too, @@Clan FJA ,that's the most logical way to do it, and I already thought that lighting is possible atleast with lugormod ?? using effects and scripts
  6. very faintly, reminds me of Skyrim Dragonbone armor
  7. easiest way is to maybe just use hs_obiwan or hs_anakin for you'r reskin project
  8. first of all: do you know how to make a skin? You need notepad++ and pakscape and any image editing program.
  9. A tusken warrior would be a first one. Now that you brought it up, Im forced to say I'm bored with the same old Tusken concept. (model) Let someone make a tusken warrior, something badass, don't they have their leaders and warlords aswel? This calls for a bong moment... *zen moment
  10. wasnt hat incuded in sit-j-culleys Battle over Coruscant -map ??
  11. but this aint an official website for anything, and no profit is being made, so...
  12. but then again... this game is so dead, and LucasArts is definetly dead, so Jkhub should stop being paranoid about this stuff. so what if I want to use hs_obiwan for a kitbash project and release it here, do you think he will sue me? who cares really?
  13. it's been a while sinceI saw something this original could you make more of these? with different hair styles?
  14. eventhough that is a nice head, from TFU (?) and I'd like to have this new Kit Fisto -- I don't think that the Jkhub staff will approve of this.. could you upload it somewhere else and provide us a download link here?? That would be cool, Fisto is badass, and we only have a jk2 model. had for 8 years?? this one really calls for an update
  15. Are you Sith-J-Cull ? Coz this is like... yeah, WTF.. this is awesome
  16. yeah wow, that Barabel is one of your good ones, can't wait to download it !
  17. Kyle Katarn's style; kill first, then ask
  18. it's definetly the best looking Han Solo wearing that armor, but there's nothing wrong about correcting someone, to create a thread for your own franken- projects, then talking about them as your new models, is worse than a few critics. I'm not a grammar nazi, just that this site is very specific about copyrights, so why dont you credit the right people when you show off your fine work? the same thing happend with the qui-gon that you "made". you used someone else reskin work and totally made it "yours" and it's still uploaded here.
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