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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Nicely done @@Jeff I like it more than mine version
  2. There is an interesting light on Dooku and his role when he join the Sith in the book of Darth Plagueis no matter it's not canon.
  3. perhaps you can release the old kitbash version for jkhub
  4. Keep patience, because there are a lot of his costumes in progress. I hope, when @@Ruxith is ready to show them he'll post update here. I feel he have something amazing in there.
  5. Here it is! Finally SARUMAN is in JKA https://jkhub.org/files/file/2742-saruman-lotr-hobbit/
  6. That sounds great, as a child i heard from one friend (no issue to prove like books or anything and i know it is not canon), but he told me, that there was once an older brother of Darth Maul, who was the first Darth Vader with the familiar armor and deformed from the Force, but when he died his master kept the staff saber to give it to his younger brother. Years later when Palpatine came he found that saber and the hidden costume and gave the saber to Maul, later he used this armor for Anakin and made some improvements. I think now this might be just a child's story made for fun. But back onto the topic, I really hope that the guys from Star Wars Rogue One movie (if we assume, that they are really going to have Darth Vader in this standalone movie), than he must be as much close to the desing he was shown in the first ever SW - ANH.
  7. Seems, that we have to wait a bit more for approving Saruman & Temple Guard.
  8. Still hope, for some one else, who is able to make it from scratch and is willing to help you.
  9. As many of you know Darth Vader is not just iconic Star Wars character, but he is also one that requires a LOT of people behind him to recreate in the OT and PT trilogy. I think that if we might assume a possible chance to see again Darth Vader to rise in yet one more movie (talking about SW Rogue One), I really wonder for one main thing on his design. How would he look like. Yes this might be a stupid one or not so important, because HE is great character and so on. But for me the detail on Vader is something, that is not to miss. Since the Original Trilogy movies, we saw Darth Vader in different costumes and mostly diffrent design on his !! warning !! --> chest controls. During IV (A New Hope), Vader has covered shoulder pads and white button on the controls, followed by few grey buttons. Something similar is in Episode III ROTS but instead of the white one it is red. On Episodes V and VI, we see him with the red button on his left side, while the others are white. What will you choose at the end?! We never know. But I really hope, that the people in Rogue One, if they really intend to show Dart Vader in his glory once more time for all the fans will have to make a version that is (if not the same as what we see in ANH), than just a very close one. If we assume, that Vader looked like what we know from Revenge of the Sith, and his armor is now a bit older and got some damage during the time and so on, I think the red button should be (if not white as in ANH), than a "rusty" red-white one. ROTS Vader ANH Vader: ESB/ ROTJ Vader So, please if you have mercy on Vader's design and want to be really close to the timeline from ROTS to ANH, If you didn't make it as in ANH, please make it so:
  10. Well that is the idea, one side is Anakin and the light, the other is Vader on the dark. I wanted to make it with the body as well, but I thought he suffered a lot maybe it's better to stay with his Vader body and put just Anakin ROTS arm. I would like to see this design in a movie talking to Kylo and later with Luke.
  11. I said that I will stop with this own concepts, but I just can't resist the golden middle of the Force xD. So here is my last (i really hope i won't make more) personal concept of a possible design *SPOILER* if there is any chance of a hybrid Anakin/Vader in the new trilogy of Star Wars. This one I call "Anakin VIII". This concept is based on a photo I've found on instagram, from "theforceawakensdaily" (credits to them and the original author), my own interpretation of the concept is not connected by any ways to LucasArts, LucasFilm or Disney. It's just for a personal use and design. Not going to release it (until i am sure, that it can be released in JKHub, without any problems caused). And yes I know that the facial texture is not very simetric.
  12. @, that is why if you check on Kualan's version 1 of the Inquisitor you will notice they are red, and those here are with more soft white brush still a little bit visible, but aren't 100% red or 100% white. Plus this one won't make it out soon. I will wait to see if Kualan releases his version 2 of the Inquisitor, since it's more accurate.
  13. It is sent few hours ago in the JKHub community waiting approval. When it comes out, feel free to make those changes I am not friendly with textures nor modelling, so it's open to everyone as long credit is provided.
  14. 1,088 downloads

    ===================================== READ ME: ===================================== STAR WARS REBELS - Temple Guard Armored This is the Temple Guard - Armored version, based on the one from the TV show "Star Wars Rebels", Season 2 The full armored version is first to be released, while we wait respectfully for Kualan's version 2 of his Grand Inquisitor, since he will be used for the Unmasked version of the Temple Armored Guard. This character does not have the origina lightsabers from the TV show. I will leave that to those, who are able to make lightsaber hilts. INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PLAYER SUPPORT: YES SPAWN IN GAME: * NPC SPAWN TEMPLE_GUARD_INQUISITOR PLAYERMODEL: * Playermodel TEMPLE_GUARD_INQUISITOR SINGLE PLAYER SUPPORT: * Start a NEW GAME, than choose from your JKA character's menu the Temple Guard Armored, select your lightsaber hilt & blade. When you start with the first mission your character will be the Temple Guard Armored, but in cinematics he will still be called Jaden Korr by the other NPCs. Credits: Vade Parvis for the shoulder pads (Imperial Army Trooper), LucasArts, Disney, Star Wars Rebels and Base JKA for Kyle Katarn and the inspiration from the original TV Show character, Kualan (Jedi Temple Guard's head/mask hands armors), Jose Carlos for the parts used of his Gurren Lagann.
  15. Version 1.0


    Lord Of The Rings / Hobbit In honor of the greatest actor of all times, Sir Christopher Lee This is my kitbash version 1 of Saruman the White from LOTR/Hobbit saga. Beside my child love for Star Wars until nowadays, there is one more great saga and universe, that I love - and that is the one of the imortal J.R.R. Tolkien stories about "Lord Of The Rings". I do love all of them, from Silmarillion to Hobbit and LOTR. Since we all know, that our beloved actor Sir Christopher Lee has passed away in 2015, I thought that we need one more memory of him in the Star Wars universe and more likely for Jedi Academy. He was not only the man behind Count Dooku from the prequels trilogy of Lucas, but also the great Saruman figure in LOTR and Hobbit. So I thought I might use, what we already have in here and try to put some little magic on it to see, what happens. I know once there was a try for a LOTR based mod for Jedi Academy, but it never make it out and that was also a reason for this project. INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PLAYER SUPPORT: YES BUGS: Few small bugs, that I noticed in the test-game. 1. When you/he move the arms, the sleevles are mixing with the arms, but that is not a big problem. 2. When Saruman moves his Head you will notice, that his HAIR and BEARD will "dive" into his body/robes. SPAWN IN GAME: TWO VERSIONS OF THE CHARACTER * NPC SPAWN SARUMAN_NOSTAFF (If you just want to have Saruman) * NPC SPAWN SARUMAN (That one is more prefered for cinematics, slow walks, comics or something like that, where you don't need to move too much with Saruman, his Staff is on his back). PLAYERMODEL: * Playermodel SARUMAN_NOSTAFF * Playermodel SARUMAN SINGLE PLAYER SUPPORT: * Start a NEW GAME, than choose from your JKA character's menu the Temple Guard Armored, select your lightsaber hilt & blade. When you start with the first mission your character will be the Temple Guard Armored, but in cinematics he will still be called Jaden Korr by the other NPCs. ============================================= Scepter weapon included. I thought that you might want to use Saruman with his black scepter, so I had an old LOTR weapons pack that was from FileFront. It is included in the pk3 file, if you want to use just the scepter type in the console: saber b_staff CREDITS: J.R.R.Tolkien, Peter Jackson, Sir Christopher Lee, LOTR, Hobbit, LucasArts, Jedi Academy, RevanSoftware, HapSlash for his HS_Dooku head, DT85 for his Darth Maul body/robes, Ruxith for the special amazing work he did for the new scepter, hair+beard on the model. And not to forget Rapp_Scallion for his LOTR Weapons Pack.
  16. Dubrovnik set seems ready And Master Luke is back, oh Thank the maker!
  17. Ok, so who's gonna be Darth Vader in this one?
  18. Well, as far as I know there is none. But I can provide you with the .obj file from The Force Unleashed-1 model of Ben Kenobi for using his Jedi Robes as a reference. About the head and hair, I think they might need to made from scratch.
  19. In honor of Sir Christopher Lee - SARUMAN is alive for JKA, go check my W.I.P. page if you enjoy LOTR/Hobbit

    1. BelugaArts
    2. dark_apprentice


      I hope it get's approved by JKHub soon :)

  20. Ok, so thanks to the HS_Dooku's head, DT's Maul and some magical friend help I am glad to present you the glory of Sir Christopher Lee as SARUMAN from "Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit"
  21. I wanted to make this in honor of Sir Christopher Lee, but I would need some help for the long beard and hair. At the moment it looks like this, but I wasn't able to make better textures.
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