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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Wanted to improve the unstable blade, so here's how it looks like in game:
  2. That is nice, but i would turn off in the skin file the helmet's details. Open up the "model_default.skin" with Notepad and search for "head_mask_detail" and than type replace it with: head_mask_detail,*off
  3. I thought that this is a Ep.7 Old Luke Rebels design, didn't come up with Anakin model in mind xD I have searched all my models i got, but it's not the 1:1 model u want, still it might work for you?! @ I am thinking it was from MB2 assets as something like Sith Warrior or Sith Armor....
  4. Who knows what they will come up with for Season 3. But if I am not wrong Rebels takes place somewhere before ANH era and after ROTS, but still some years before/after the "Rogue One" story. Also it is possible, that in the new season they might bring someone better than the Grand Inquisitor something more powerful and yet again a part of their group, but who leads into a later creation of the Knights of Ren, assuming that one may survived all this years in the shadows and waits for the right time to come, when Vader and the Emperor die.
  5. If you need to change it in a map's cinematics - what @@Torki said and it's not easy as far as I know. Perhaps similar to what you made with BB8 for the "t1_surprise" map. You can use my skins based on TFA/Poe's black X-wing and black Z-95 if you want.
  6. Thanks a lot man! Can I use the side belts you've made, it's not so important, but I just wanna know if you're ok with the belts
  7. Yea, I have heard about that, but i was more curios to find for the armor. Indeed it looks like a medieval gothic German helmet, but in the circle of fun as I like to use that metaphor - it can be also somehow a line to the LOTR/Hobbit saga in honor of Saruman (Count Dooku)
  8. Anyone finds something fishi with the new Inquisitor shown in the final episodes of Rebels Season 2? It might be possible, that his helmet is used later from the Ren Knights, did they went on search for such ancient objects.
  9. I think there is already such a model, something like from MB2 or MD2 mods not sure. But if i am not mistaken, I might have it on my other PC, will check it tomorrow.
  10. Dude, what are you made of O.O amazing HQ models, on Poe's pilot outfit it looks like he is from another game and so realistic. 10/10
  11. I have that in mind I wanted to make it open instead of writing a big message to all. Btw I may need a new neck for the head, the old one doesn't fit well any suggestions.
  12. OPEN REQUEST FOR YOUR PERMISSIONS - since it will be too much of PM's I am doing it here. Hello there, I think I will be able (starting from tomorrow 05.IV.2016) to release some old stuff, that I made, maybe some new versions and maybe some new packs. For one of them however I will need to request for your permission to use in order to release my own kitbash versions on certain characters. My request is directed to the following members: 01. @@Ruxith [GRANTED] 02. @@Xeby – I am in need of your permission to use your beta model, because personally I like it much more than the final version you've released and also I want to add the new belts over his hips, so that I can make it as an alternative version. [GRANTED] 03. @@DarthPhae – if anyone knows anything about Phae, please let me know. If Darth Phae is not able to reach, than I can use the base Jaden Korr "jedi male" models, since the textures are already working on them. But if you are around I will be happy to hear from you using few skins of your own skin pack. Thanks! [GRANTED] 04. @HellKobra – Yep we all know he's not around this community or anything related with JKA for a looong time, but I guess I can add special credit for him and say in both read me/description "users is not reachable" [uSER UNREACHABLE] 05. @@Kualan – I am willing to release version 2 of the Rebels Temple Guard and I want to include the unmasked version. I would like to request your ver. 2 Grand Inquisitor's head from your pack. [GRANTED] Thank you in advance to all of you! - Dark_Apprentice
  13. To all members here in JKHub, the next few days I will not be able to responde and/or release anything in here, because right now Life wanted to put me for one more time on the death trap, so I will have to play this game again. Sadly during the last few years I have lost toooo much people close to me.. and I cannot forgive myself. I thought that there is always a light somewhere in the shadows, but sometimes i am even out of mind and my body it's like I'm in some other universe. This...

    1. Daedra


      I see a light. A lightsaber. :D

    2. AuriusPheonix


      Hang in there man. The world is not rainbows and sunshine, as much as I wish it was. But the strength to persevere is within us all. Even you.

  14. Ok, so this post is to all of you who managed already to see the deleted scenes from SW Ep. 7 and what do u think of them? Personally i will say, that the scene where Finn and Rey are in the snow speeders chased by snowtroopers is so bad, because you can see the Blue/Green screen was not cut very smooth and the CGI is very ANH styled, i mean srly from 1977 - 2016 ???? And about the rest scenes like "Finn will be fine" seems that he may be ok in Episode 8 and the "Jakku Message" is a scene that would turn the entire movie on 360 degree.. Leia says about the map "take it back to Luke" WTF O.o
  15. As amazing as the ANH one i made earlier. You can test it if u want
  16. yea, i have no idea why the shaders doesn't work on it Perhaps it can be because my girlfriend's Photoshop on which i made it is somehow buggy and doesn't want to export good PNG files, I should have made it on my PS damn. will send update later or today There are shaders, but they do not work on it, perhaps it's what i said above ^
  17. and Maz later stole the saber from Raxle ESB Vader for you @@Langerd Download
  18. You can use my Starkiller Outfit Pack (not released yet), but you can check it on my WIP page "the path of the Apprentice" pages 9 and 10 if you want. However the head only is a port.
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