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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. that is what I have tried on my own, but my face texture is not good + we need a new hair.
  2. And here is a good video of a real sclupture of Sebastian's head on 360, if we just ignore the Darth Vader scars over there.. https://www.facebook.com/PropStore/videos/vb.104664682900207/1009421595757840/?type=3&video_source=pages_video_set
  3. Hmm what @@Lancelot mentioned is a good idea and in the same way of thoughts I can remember, that when the user is playing Single Player (not sure if it's the same for MP) he/she can type: Playermodel Boba_Fett and just after your playermodel turns to Boba you can type in "Playermodel Player" to bring your first charachter you've started with, but now when you try to jump, you will notice that now you can fly around like Fett, but without any visible jetpack or flames coming from your a** So that might be also a step to modify this?
  4. i am using DDS Viewer, it is a nice program and you can export the .dds files into JPG very easy, without any problems when using them for textures.
  5. So, there is a rumor around the internet world, that our belvoed iconic hero Darth Vader will be returning in the first Star Wars anthology movie - Rogue One. At the moment, there is a little known idea floating around, that Vader will appear as a hologram over one of the new main characters from Roge One, however.... there is a chance, that IF Darth Vader EVER make a return into SW Rogue One movie, that he will not be only on a hologram, but also killing off some rebels with Force and Lightsaber. What is for sure, is that if Vader really is gonna return he will be voiced by the iconic James Earl Jones, also he will have his "A New Hope" suit fully recreated. And that really makes me happy to hear!
  6. @ @@Lanader here is your character, now it is approved: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2743-temple-guard-armored-rebels/
  7. I just ran into this topic of the actor Oscar Isaac, who played Poe Dameron in the 7th movie "Star Wars The Force Awakens". He reads this letter from Sir Alec Guinness who wrote it back in the 1977, while filming "A New Hope". http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-35800241
  8. Not as good as this but might be a version for u
  9. I am confused you talk about the tv show rebels with ezra's helmet i put or the base JKA rebel helmet? What is the UV error all about?
  10. Well, i think the whole story behind FN-2199's nickname from the memes who has the electric Baton is really out of logic (personally for me), he only used to say "traitor a.k.a. tr_8r" to Finn, when he confronted him. I don't think that Mr. Electric Baton have betrayed the Order and that is why i decided it would be better to call Finn "tr_8r".
  11. Thanks for the note @Kylo Ren I have used "TR_8R" for Finn (FN-2187) because he was the Stormtrooper, who have dropped out from the First Order and betrayed the other stormtroopers by joining the Resistance. That makes him the tr_8r and his code name by fn-2187 is no more in the lines of the First Order. About the blood line on his helmet, I used as a good reference the model showed in Facepunch forums, FleetAdmiral1's topic that was rigged since I do not like piracy and I am waiting for April, so that I can buy the Force Awakens DVD/BlueRay with the extended movie. Yes this is a re-skin of DT's episode 7 Stormtrooper perhaps it should be on the Skins section, but I thought of putting in Player Models, since he is one of the main characters in the new saga. Also there was no version of bloody and dirty Finn on the movie, but I decided to add it as well. And no offense taken, just try using the search option a little bit more next time, you will perhaps notice there is already what you want (frankenstein of Finn's head onto the Stormtrooper) made by other users "Salvoo" check it here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2643-fn-2187/
  12. 497 downloads

    ============= READ ME: ============= Here is FN-2187 also known as Finn or the real TR_8R. I decided to make this re-skin of the Episode 7 Stormtrooper made by DT85 and add it to the JKHub collection of TFA models. There are actually two versions, one is the "normal" based on the movie and the other one is my bonus with more blood and dirt on him. INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PLAYER SUPPORT: YES TWO Outfits SPAWN IN GAME: * NPC SPAWN TR_8R (bloody and dirt) * NPC SPAWN TR_8R_NORMAL (movie version, more cleaner) Credits: DT85 for using his Stormtrooper Ep.7 model, Disney and LucasFilm for the inspiration. Permission: Personally I give my permission to anyone who wants to use/modify/kitbash this re-skin, as long as you ask DT85 for his permission as well. And add a little credit for me too.
  13. Obi's beard is just a texture, won't look much of a beard.
  14. scavenger Rodian from the force unleashed 1 game raxus mission.
  15. Perhaps, but i just wanted a quick test and also to make it funny cuz i needed something funny atm.
  16. I believe they are here in JKHub so i can try them? By the way @@mrwonko i tried last night a method suggested above, I just duplicate part of the front helmet and added it as an "extra" part on the model, so I came up with this. Not very good, but it works for me. Let me know what do you think .^^
  17. Actually it's a frankenstein and is far from a new one from scratch there are also two models one for the Youtubers and one from TFA Pinball game both will need porting so..
  18. Thanks to @@DT85 amazing model and also to @@Langerd for the suggestion...played around with TR_8R and i got a little red period there....
  19. I was wondering if someone who's more into this, than me - is it possible to use on a model that has only 1 texture for an entire object and make it as two different to use and i am not talking about making a right hand and left use same texture. For example i will use this two models that i wanna work on: 1. JKA's TIE Fighter vehicle, I made already a version based on the First Order design, but i want to improve it a little bit. The problem with it's body is that it has only one texture for the entire body and when i put the red on just one side, it will automaticly go mirrored on the other side. 2. DT's Episode 7 Stormtrooper helmet. Same problem as with the TIE Fighter, but now with his helmet I wanna make a good reskin of Finn with the blood mark from the hand of his former "friend" in the Order. Do i need to make some extra texture and am I missing a line in the .skin file, or it could be done with a simple shader file and if it's a shader, than how does it work?
  20. got it from filefront for years getting rust on my old PC
  21. It is flying around JKHub's files, seems that recently there is a massive WAVE of old Jedi Outcast files, that are covering all new interesting stuff. And dunno when some one of the admins in here will contact me or at least swear on my address for the sake of the file. And I am not the only one to complain about this long waiting in silent.
  22. @@Scerendo will you consider on making a full Kylo Ren model, after you finish those 2?
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