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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Why there is no other me, one to create models (instead of my frankensteins), and one who makes vehicles? Answering most of the requests :-/

    1. AshuraDX


      Because most people that do know how to create custom models from scratch are busy with life and their personal projects and usually only take up requests they deem worth it while new Users rather request things than learn how to do them - Modeling can be learned by everyone, for free it's not a talent inherited by brith it'S something you can learn

    2. dark_apprentice


      It is indeed something to learn, but personally I am not able of, not because I am lazy, but as you said I'm also busy with life, jobs, personal projects etc. But I still find time to work on few characters here/there, even if it takes an age to make it.

  2. Well for starter, I think to release only the full armored version, while we all wait respectfully for Inquisitor's version 2 head to be released, so that I can make it more accurate.
  3. Maybe a little bit more darker white, or a very bright grey color I assume?
  4. little update on the Temple Armored Guard, aslo not sure if those hips things around his belt are good or I should return those from the prev. version 2?
  5. Ah I've just remember it. Well to me it looks more like the one Luke had in ANH
  6. In Episode 1 huh? I have forgot that object is there, thought it was just in Ep. IV
  7. Well i want to make some tests on it, also I would like if @@Kualan ever release his ver. 2 of the Inquisitor I may need him.
  8. I will just watch it today. About the 2nd version, i will need to fix the hands, find somewhere a new hips stuff or whatever they are and will be good.
  9. As of a first version... hope you are happy with it.
  10. Yes, it is not finished yet. I still need to add the prostetic right arm on it, as well as to try a little more on the "tattoo" design, since it's not easy one i just improvise it. And sure the colors will have to match later, also the neck needs little adjustment, sadly I wasn't able to do it myself, seems that the verts on his neck don't work as i want and i cannot split them on half. The body I've used is from the Android model with the body skin from the Robed monk of JK2 character. Do you have any other JK-3 male torso suggestions with arms, that could work and not just sleeves that were re-textured.
  11. It is time to make my childhood request, since I myself am not able to do it and am not satisfied with my former attempt with my frankenstein version. So, I would be very very thankful, to anyone in this community, who is willing to spend some time, creating the Sebastian image of Anakin Skywalker. Got some toy pictures as a good reference, since there are not many good photos of the actor during this time of the OT saga. Hope, that this might help just a little bit. And yes, it has to have the original trilogy Jedi robes, that he and Ben Kenobi are using, I would suggest as a good reference, the model of OT Jedi Robes used in T.F.U. game on Ben's model. I can provide you with an .Obj version of it with his textures if you need the robes.
  12. Perhaps most of you are already familiar with this "new" (sorry, but i just found it out yesterday, so I have no idea of how new it is). A movie that is not official by LucasArts nor Disney, but is FAN made. In the role of a young version Han Solo, we can see in it's teaser video the man Jamie Costa (I am not familiar with him too), who some people and media pages describes as: "the young version of our beloved hero Han Solo, he not only looks like him and act like him, but he also has the same voice". After that I have noticed, that there is a campaing going on for SW fans who would like to make donations in this fan project. Ok, so here are my thoughts on it (no offence, just my personal opinion). First, this fan made movie seems to have it and I guess if it ever makes it out to a full lenght movie or a short movie, it will be awesome. It has some good vibe in it. However on the other hand, I don't like how much people are trying to copy Harrison Ford's own moves, that he had created during his young years of Han Solo in the Original Trilogy, all those stuff lately of people who pretend to be him for a stand alone movie (even one made by Disney /LucasFilms) is not likely on my taste. And here is - why - I love to see each artist to evolve and grow in his own ways. There is art, that has been made and sometimes there is art, that has to be redone in later days (talking from my own point of view as someone who claims to have the goal becoming an artist in the music industry). Yes it would be good to see side movies, that are like: Rogue One or whatever they are called, but just movies for heroes like Han Solo as young person or a Boba Fett.. that is too much for me. We had it all with the Prequels Trilogy and we saw where Vader came from and all that had it's own part for sure (for the record, i do not hate the prequels trilogy i love all star wars movies from 1 to 7), but there are just some stuff....... that shoud be left as they are. Sure kids and fans would like it (me myself would enjoy it too), but that is not the point. Are we so much out of ideas nowadays for such great masterpiece movies, music, books, etc. as it seems?! Perhaps I may be one old fool (22 y/o), but I don't think or like, that there would be anyone who is able to represent, play or get in the skins of any one from the Original Trology's cast. So that is just me. And as I said above, cheers to the efford. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiWy_AjSjMM
  13. Hopefully works better than the one that is already in the game. And much more hopefully wish to see it out (released) from DP Mod.
  14. What he said plus added on the NPCs file set force to 999 and health to 999 also @@KyleKatarn1995 I don't know what have caused this problem with the crest in game play, but on both versions of ModView it works good.
  15. BTW, how comes that old Master Luke in Episode 7 has gray beard and gray hair, while in the promo they released from shooting on Episode 8, he has a bit longer and curly hair, that is more bronze-blondish O.o
  16. Ok, so here is one Samurai Darth Vader since it was requested some time ago by @@KyleKatarn1995
  17. Wanted to give a second try on the Rebels version of Darth Vader, using @@RevanKnight CW Anakin's body. If I could only "damage" his helmet and make it look more the one in the Rebels TV series.
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