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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Well, for some models that are not in the base assets of JKO i would say yes. For example there is a LOTR model that is JKO based and if someone want to improve it or use some parts of it on a JKA model it's a problem.
  2. It's possible, but isn't Thrawn always shown as a blue skinned humanoidish person with red eyes O.o
  3. There is another guy in here making the TFA Snowtrooper already and it turns to be good one. Just some small changes on his outfit later and adding a flame pack and u will get the flame trooper.
  4. I vote on that as well. We do need a converter based program or something similar, that is able to convert a Jedi Academy character into a playable Jedi Outcast character. And the same back ways: from JKO character into JKA character!
  5. There is a nice 3D model of the First Order 2 TIE Fighter versions seen in the movie, on Facepunch forums and the X-Wing as well. I did request some time ago for Kylo Ren's "V" shaped command shuttle, but no result. We do need new vehicles for sure.
  6. True, but is there any chance of him to be in the role of a somewhat...younger (mid aged) Tarkin? Dunno for you guys, but personally my first time watching the Rogue One teaser last night i felt very emotional and just the same way as of Tarkin when i saw him for first time.
  7. Hey people calm your tits. I am making Frankenstein models in order to bring the fans of SW in here something they want to have in game, since the people who can build a model from scratch are busy and not able to take each request! I do it for fun and to escape my f***d up reality cuz I work 3 jobs and on few side projects on my own. JKA just makes me wanna live one more day, so if you Chalk dislike a model or more, than no one can change your mind if u feel like not downloading it. BTW if you think this is not good to be here than you must feel the same way for the Imperial Gunner or for Lt.Claim and many others. So please calm and whenever you are ready to release YOUR OWN version just do it
  8. Not sure if this can work in MP as well, but u can try it: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Mods/Mini-Mods/27567/
  9. Starkiller "Galen Marek" Outfit Pack for JKA is uploaded and waits approval! https://jkhub.org/files/file/2818-starkiller-galen-marek-outfit-pack-for-jka/
  10. Version 2.0


    READ ME: ========================================================================================== Star Wars - STARKILLER "GALEN MAREK" OUTFIT PACK FOR JEDI ACADEMY ========================================================================================== Behold the amazing character from the games "The Force Unleashed 1 and Force Unleashed 2" - Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller or Vader's secret apprentice. I recreated some of his main outfits used in both games. Most of all I am thankful for the help on this project to Ruxith. SPECIAL CREDITS: RUXITH - For scaling and weighting the Galen Marek's original head onto the Jedi_HM Model, so that it can be used for this pack. XEBY & REVANKNIGHT: For using the "BETA" model of their "Dark_Apprentice" outfit from the Dark Side ending on TFU-2 and Adventure Robes. HELLKOBRA (user unreachable): For using the belts, chest plate, robes and bandage of his Version 1 "starkiller" model. DARTHPHAE: For using his Starkiller Clone TIE Flight Suit outfit to create the "Training Gear" outfit of Starkiller and for using his outfits (Armor, Arena, Clone) DARTH SHIFTEE: For using his Sith Stalker body. OTHER Credits: Star Wars The Force Unleashed 1/2, Jedi Academy, LucasArts, LucasFilm, JKA Jedi Human Male. BUGS: 1. When playing with the default (TRAINING GEAR outfit), you will notice sometimes when your character moves/fights the chest plate is going deep into his body. 2. When using the RAXUS Outfit (the one with the scarf), dunno why, but the Left Arm datapad is floating in game. I tried different ways to put it on his arm but doesn't work inside the game as it looks in Blender. So keep that in mind!!!! ___________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN DARK_STARKILLER (TFU2 Dark Side ending) NPC SPAWN GALEN_ADV_ROBE (Jedi Adventure Robe) NPC SPAWN GALEN_ASSASIN (Sith Assasin) NPC SPAWN GALEN_INDUSTRIAL (Industrial Explorer Outfit) NPC SPAWN JEDIGALEN (Jedi Robes) NPC SPAWN STALKER_DARK (Unmasked Sith Stalker) NPC SPAWN STARKILLER_ARENA (Arena combat gear) NPC SPAWN STARKILLER_ARMOR (Armor outfit) NPC SPAWN STARKILLER_CLONE (Clone outfit) NPC SPAWN STARKILLER_LTG (Light Training Gear) NPC SPAWN STARKILLER_RAXUS (Raxus outfit) NPC SPAWN STARKILLER_TIE (TIE Flight Suit outfit) NPC SPAWN STARKILLER_TRAINING (Default outfit) SINGLE PLAYER SUPPORT: YES Sounds: NO TEAM COLORS: NO
  11. Head is ported, chest plate and belts with the arm bandages are Kobra's ver.1 model and body is from the TFU2 Skin Pack, that is based on jedi human male torso.
  12. Good news is that this time life's good on me and my father lives.... but now he is becoming "Vader" in order to live lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dark_apprentice


      Well here is just a little bit different on the time, but the bigger operation is on 25th April. The sad part is, that in my family from the father's side all men (not so much with the girls) are having like 70/90% chance to have it by DNA.

    3. Rooxon


      Well I wish you him only the best!

    4. dark_apprentice
  13. What do you mean what's going on with the neck? That one there is an old version, that was not fixed with the textures of the body and the one with the head i fixed it but never updated it on SKFab. Don't worrie i won't release it that way @@ChalklYne I wanted only to help you with a good reference, that might give you a nice look, since personally I think you made one good head once and now you just make new versions that are far from what it is supposed to look like wow.
  14. Seems like he filled it up for me while i was away. That is what i wanted to tell you and you just need to fix the bottom of the white blade in Photoshop/Gimp and make it a bit thin, so the rest is good.
  15. On Laptop 1 is my side music project's debut EP cover, that i work on at the moment...... and Laptop 2 is a nice SW landshaft. Both running on x64 Win 7, icons are hide because i like to keep it up clean
  16. Seems that those 2 new stormtrooper that everyone hated few months ago are now to be official design in this movie. Can't every move have the same stormtrooper design?! I'm getting tired of all this designs. Now we have a paintball outfits huh?
  17. Here is a preview of my latest update over the Dark Starkiller outfit from TFU for Jedi Academy. This is made by the "beta" model of what @@Xeby and @RavenKnight have made, before their final release. Mine is just an alternative one. *NOTE* All objects that are in white will not bi visible in game like the 2nd hood, because i wanted to show the model with his hood up. Dark Starkiller by dark_apprentice on Sketchfab
  18. @ChalkIYne good to see some progress on this model. Not sure if I could help you with my frankenstein and the ported head, but perhaps you could use some reference of the head's proportions I guess? Starkiller Training for JKA by dark_apprentice on Sketchfab
  19. Not sure, but perhaps yes. I can see what i can come up with for this one
  20. Hey i was thinking about using his model, but i can't come up with how this could work as a statue O.o that's why i thought it would be easy to rebuild or restore the base statue in this map and thanks a lot ^^
  21. Could someone bring the JKA Vader's statue into full one and usable as an object in some maps or an object that the player can spawn in Single Player and put around some free spaces in the map. Inside base JKA on the map "vjun3" there is a statue of Lord Vader but i can't find it and i cannot restore it as full statue I just want to fanboy over Vader's statue using my own self kitbash as a Knight of Ren member xD
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