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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. I don't have a Steam account, but I just found a good looking map (not sure if it's for JKA or JKO).. any ideas how can I download it? Any suggestions on how can i download it and give it a try? Link is here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216974337

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. afi


      garry's mod exists since 2004 :D

    3. dark_apprentice
    4. Dat Chinchilla

      Dat Chinchilla

      Garrr's mod is a Mod for HL2, now a full game about a Sandbox world, you can build cars to bikes to aircraft if you can do it right, complicated in that. This map you speak of is used for 'Starwars RP' I am sure you can talk to the Developers to make it Quake 3 Compatible, however I do not think it is possible seeing as you need to do .bsp conversions. Sorry if I couldn't help you.

  2. I would like to see the chamber of Kylo Ren, where he was talking with Darth Vader's melted helmet. On the other hand the idea for the map where Han dies is also cool and on a 1000000% i would love if you release the Jakku home of Rey and Maz's castle.
  3. and perhaps most of us already know those facts, but i feel like sharing it here http://screenrant.com/star-wars-7-force-awakens-easter-eggs-spoilers/
  4. That still looks a lot like Toshi's Luke, maybe try a ke that.photo source on the textures or something like that. And i can suggest to try start with the base of what i uploaded over my JKA pack.
  5. Actually this images are confirmed by Star Wars, Disney and LucasFilm to be true, but we need first of all a finished full model of Kylo Ren, with the hood on, with the full helmet and without the helmet to be released. Than we can think of them, they all have a similar Darth Vader-ish / Kylo Ren-ish design of most their helmets.
  6. u can make the Orange blade to a red one, that way you can make the real red into unstable blade for Kylo.
  7. the truth about Kylo Ren: http://feedmelols.com/uploads/VCjzx.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McGroose


      Obi Wan is an awesome character. If all we had of him was that one prequel fight, he would have sucked. I think Kylo was pretty bad ass in his fight, but his character overall comes of as an over-emotional brat.

    3. MagSul


      Kylo's problem for me is that we're expected to care for his situation without being given many of the details that lead to where he is. That, and I didn't feel he looked anything like either of his parents. :P

    4. dark_apprentice


      I agree with you guys, but we must keep in mind Kylo is not a real Sith according to Abrams and the entire Ren cult. We may see them and Kylo in a very new bright light on upcomng VIII & IX

  8. As someone who have a little experiene on blades, that I have made, I am thinking you might want to make the red glow a little bit less, than what you show in here (it needs to be thik and not so fat). If you want i can try to help you.
  9. based on the "Maulkiller", Darth Maul and yes i know colors need more work.
  10. I'm honored to see my kitbash of Unmasked Kylo Ren over Movie Battles 2 FB cover! Thanks guys :)

  11. Actually i think this is from @@lervish according to the next image just of his head...
  12. I woul be very thankful i you can contact him. I wanted to create a personal kitbash of my own self as a character for JKA, since i really liked the head my girlfriend used in Sims4 (as desing i'm talking) and managed to almost make identical copy in JKA. And i was needing this his verison of the OT jedi robes, for that kitbash and also to use over Luke Skywalker
  13. Industrial outfit (raxus part 2), just used the basic jedi human male body and Toshi's vader breather
  14. So i guess Vader is really coming back with a major part in this movie, according to the source from Instagram's rogue_one_official page
  15. When your girl play Sims 4 and makes a model of myself dressed as Darth Vader, but without the helmet #BestGirlEvah

    1. lang_french
    2. dark_apprentice


      That is what I intend to do in a very near future. :)



  16. Galen Marek (training gear) from "Force Unleashed". The head is provided thanks to a friend of mine, who put it into JKA and all the credits for Galen's head goes to him! I am not going to release this model, since I created it for personal use so don't ask me to.
  17. So there's no chance to find this model? I so much wanted to use the OT jedi robes he made.
  18. Does anyone knows of Almighty Gir's canceled MB-3 Old Ben Kenobi, is there any chance of someone having this model or at least his active contacts?
  19. I have decided to improve a little bit @@Jeff 's General Kenobi from the Clone Wars. I am thinking about changing his arms.
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