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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Maybe I should stop with the cyber-anain-vader episode 8 stuff. "Emperor Anakin / Vader" (if Anakin killed Obi Wan and Palpatine) - inspired design by instagram artist "Venamis"
  2. @@Ramikad Thank you for this tutorial it did helped. I searched in the .skin file, if it's with the "r_hand", but instead, i have noticed that the right arm and hand, that i was using from one model on another model, was like: left_hand (left hand indeed) left_hand_0 (instead of: right_hand) So i went back in Blender to fix that, than i exported the model's .glm and changed the .skin file as it had to be with the correct namings and now it works perfect in game, the saber blade does shows up. Love it.
  3. Nope, I made just a larger version of Hirman/Jeff version of Darth Plagueis, no matter if he really turns to be Snoke or if they turn out to be different characters. Just put him on a traditional sith robe and that's it. We do need a new model made from scratch of Snoke, one that really represents him.
  4. I made it from the game itself with print screen. But from what i can understand you are one of many people who want to improve/edit/fix/change/improve the basic all 3 levels of the Force Grip, or?
  5. If i am not wrong, isn't this supposed to be Force Grip icon: instead of the Force Heal, that you showed above.
  6. Because it is a W.I.P. released model. As i have stated not just once on my WIP thread called: The Path Of The Apprentice, which you can find here on JKHub, section: WIPs --> there are few models like Rey and Poe Dameron with his resistance outfit, which are not finished, and just open for every one in here, who is willing to continue/finish them. If you are one of those, please have fun.
  7. The hilt is there and visible, but the blade of the saber in both MP/SP game play is missing like it is invisible.
  8. Wow, thank you JKHub for making my SW Models Pack as a Featured Download :) that means a lot.

  9. btw, how many of you guys know, that Benicio Del Toro was casted for Darth Maul back in Episode I TPM?
  10. But still needs a new NPC or somehow the model of the AT-AT to be fixed, because when a person is near that thing, it feels wrong, like you have an invisible wall next to it. Also when you try to get inside the AT-AT model, it allows you, but you see the entire map like you watch it from the Fish Eye of a camera and that walker doesn't feel like walking but just moving it in the air WOW.
  11. That error is in both MP & SP with all kind of sabers. Yes every time when i want to test a new character, first of all i start a new game on the first mission, also tried on former saved games, still the same. I thought as DT mentioned in one other thread, that it could be from the .skin file since it was with \ instead of / (models\players\) and not (models/players/), so i tried that too and it didn't changed. Would it work if I try to remove the hands and search for similar hands of other JKA character, which can be attached to the arms. Could that solve the problem?
  12. Anyone else having suggestions on how to fix this?
  13. I don't have my JKO installed, but I do keep it's original files so I can give it a try soon. In the mean time, what would you say to check this one's head, I just find it a bit more accurate to what Luke looks like
  14. Because Sith have yellow-red-orange eyes? And there are 2 different models of Luke with that pilot outfit. 1. is Luke Skywalker from Empire Strikes Back 2. is b-a-s-e-d, on the game Force Unleashed, where Lord Stalker defeats Luke (son of Vader..i have waited many years) and than Luke becomes a FALLEN apprentice to Lord Stalker. Original reference:
  15. Ok I checked the model again in Blender. I constructed that custom model from a base JKA characters. The good news is, that "lhang_tag_bone" is correct. Nothing seems to be missing or named on the wrong way. Will look a little bit close on details now, since i do not find anything that could cause the missing saber blade in game play.
  16. Hi guys, I was testing one custom model in JKA. Everything is normal and works good (both in ModView and inside JKA SP/MP game), except for this problem, that might be already discussed, but i need a quick respond on how to fix it (if possible): So, as far as I know, every JKA Character have taggs on his hand, that cause the in game experience to handle the lightsaber with it's blade visible. My problem is that i see everything in my character, i can see the saber hilt, but whenever i want to turn it on – the blade is not visible. If i am not wrong, there was a very familiar problem to this one with Hell Kobra's first Galen Marek model, but i am having it on a custom non SW related model I kitbashed for personal use. What i have tried already: I thought, that if I remove all of it's Left & Right hand tagging I can replace them with the same ones from a different JKA character, so I tried that, but still does not work in game. PLS Help: Any ideas/suggestions or anything else, on how to fix this would be in a very welcomed. Thanks and sorry for the fire-post
  17. No there is no unrobed version of the Jedi ghost outfit from the EU but it can be provided easily.
  18. The "Luke Skywalker (Skin Pack)" - is uploaded and will wait for approval atm. Hope to see it soon and bring the fun to you guys!
  19. Version 1.5


    Thanks to Jeff, for his model of YAVIN Luke Skywalker, that has the head of Star Wars The Force Unleashed (Wii version) model. I have enjoyed the good old Toshi’s model, but it was still missing something, so as I am n.o.t. a modeler, but just a simple Frankenstein-er and I decided to make a new pack of all the Star Wars ORIGINAL Trilogy outfits, that I am familiar with. Personally I like this head way much more, than what we had until now on JKA. OUTFITs LIST: * Luke_Tatooine (A New Hope – Tatooine outfit) * Luke_Yavin (A New Hope – Yavin celebration outfit: this one is from Jeff and I only added it to the pack). * Luke_Hoth (Empire Strikes Back – Hoth outfit) * Luke_ESB (Empire Strikes Back – Bespin outfit) * Luke_ESB_Cut (Empire Strikes Back – Bespin Damaged outfit: Darth Vader cuts Luke right hand) - WARNING – This outfit have two blacked eyes, because of the facial texture, that I was not able to fix. * Luke_Dagobah (Empire Strikes Back – Dagobah training outfit) * Luke_Pilot (Empire Strikes Back – Rebel Pilot outfit) * Luke_Jedi (Return Of The Jedi – from Jabba’s palace as Jedi Knight outfit), both hooded and unhooded. * Luke_Tunic (Return Of The Jedi – Tunic outfit) * Luke_ROTJ (Return Of The Jedi – Endor’s battle with Darth Vader outfit) * Luke_ROTJ_END (Return Of The Jedi – The end of ROTJ after Luke defeats Emperor and Vader outfit) * Luke_EU (Expanded Universe – Jedi Master, Original Trilogy outfit) * Luke_Ghost (Expanded Universe – Jedi Master, Prequels Trilogy outfit) * Luke_Fallen (The Force Unleashed 1 Game – Fallen Luke Skywalker outfit, after Lord Stalker won the battle and Luke become his student). * Luke_Endor (Return Of The Jedi – Endor poncho outfit). * Luke_Sith (Bonus outfit, Sith Luke – dark side) NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PAYER SUPPORT: YES Bugs: None Team Colors: No Sounds: Basic JKA Luke's sounds. NPC SPAWN LIST: NPC SPAWN LUKE_TATOOINE NPC SPAWN LUKE_YAVIN NPC SPAWN LUKE_HOTH NPC SPAWN LUKE_PILOT NPC SPAWN LUKE_DAGOBAH NPC SPAWN LUKE_ESB NPC SPAWN LUKE_ESB_CUT NPC SPAWN LUKE_JEDI NPC SPAWN LUKE_TUNIC NPC SPAWN LUKE_ENDOR NPC SPAWN LUKE_ROTJ NPC SPAWN LUKE_ROTJ_END NPC SPAWN LUKE_EU NPC SPAWN LUKE_GHOST NPC SPAWN LUKE_FALLEN NPC SPAWN LUKE_SITH Playermodel: Just instead of "npc spawn luke_rotj" (or any other of the outfits), use: "playermodel luke_rotj" and etc. PERMISSION: I am glad to give my permission to anyone, who is willing to make any changes over my re-skins, frankensteins and w.i.p. models. As long as you provide Credits for me and all the other authors mentioned above in the “Credits List”. I am also very happy if any of this models/frankensteins/re-skins could make it into someone’s Mod projects or whatever you are using them for! Just happy to bring happiness to you and give you something little from my abilities, since I am and will never become a real modder. Stay cool and May the Force be with You!
  20. The pack of Luke Skywalker is in progress, will make npcs & single player support for each one, also test it and then i will upload it.
  21. I just make simple frankensteins and the head is from Jeff.
  22. @ here is OT's Jedi robes Luke with a little bit brown-ish hair:
  23. Oh and about the OT robes yes not a problem, but the one Of Ben Kenobi doesn't look so good. If someone can make new version (even to use as a reference the one from TFU's Ben since it's more accurate to the movie). The prequels robes are based on the EU force ghost.
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