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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. 122 downloads

    READ ME: ========================================================================================== Star Wars - REBELS: TIE FIGHTER (painted by Sabine Wren & some more from Dark_Apprentice) ========================================================================================== I bring you a whole new re-texture of the base JediAcademy's TIE Fighter model. I have made it as the one from Star Wars REBELS - Season 1. The design is inspired from what Sabine Wren have made on the Rebels TIE, but since there is no new improved model of the one inside the game, I made some "extra" painting on it. Still hope, that you will like it. This TIE Fighter DOES NOT replace the base JKA Fighters, so you will be happy to have a: ONE-OF-A-KIND REBELS TIE Fighter, just for you! INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. SPAWN IN GAME: NPC SPAWN VEHICLE REBELS_TIE BUGS: None, that I could found. CREDITS: LucasArts, Raven Software, Disney, Star Wars Rebels.
  2. 1,798 downloads

    Ezra Bridger (not animated version!) as seen in the Star Wars Rebels. This model contains 2 versions of Ezra: one of Ezra with his face scars from Season 2 and one version with his stormtrooper cadet helmet. INSTALLATION: Put the ".pk3" file inside your GameData/Base folder. NPC SUPPORT: YES SINGLE PLAYER SUPPORT: YES TWO Outfits SPAWN IN GAME: * NPC SPAWN EZRA (for regular character) * NPC SPAWN EZRABRIDGER (for the version with his Stormtrooper Cadet helmet) PLAYERMODEL: * Playermodel EZRA * Playermodel EZRABRIDGER
  3. A New Thread (suggested as a possible name on Episode 8?), could it be.
  4. So, today as I was watching the news in my country (Bulgaria), I have found one article (it's not in english), which says that from LucasFilms and Disney have confirmed the official start of shooting both Episode 8 and 9. As they stated in the article: – "Most of the artist's crew, that were seen in Episode 7 (The Force Awakens), will return for the two new episodes (Episode 8 and Episode 9), also accompanied by Rogue One (coming on the end of 2016), and a whole movie devoted to the legendary Han Solo. Also, there was a little rumor in the article (NOT sure, of it's legitimate sources and if it's a fake one or just a 2-nd Working Title for the Episode 8 movie: A New Thread. Let me know of what do you think on this name guys, even if it is not going to be the official name at the end or if it's just a fake made up by the media.
  5. Star Wars Episode VIII: A New Thread ??

  6. Neither was I, but since the last few nights, watching all episodes of Season 2 until the last one came on 10-th this month, I think it's not that bad. The models are mainly from Jeff's kitbashes, while I made only Ezra last night and the 2 modified TIE Fighters :3
  7. Mostly thanks to @@Jeff for the entire crew (except for Zeb, who's missing) Star Wars - Rebels: Ezra Bridger (it is funny to make own re-skins of my own frankensteins lol).
  8. Star Wars REBELS - TIE Fighter is alive for JKA, see my W.I.P. models

  9. Star Wars REBELS - Season 2 modified TIE Fighter (used in Episode 14) it looks more like a taxi-desing to me, but whatever. @@Forceboat Star Wars REBELS: REBELS TIE FIGHTER (by Sabine and some little more drawings on it from me). Please keep in mind, that the basic JKA model of the TIE Fighter has a strange body texture, that is not on different parts, but all in one. So that have caused some not-wanted doubles on the body textures, as well as making the SW Rebels Logo look so dumb.
  10. Good idea, for start we do have the head https://jkhub.org/files/file/2234-jedi-temple-guard-version-2/
  11. Kylo Ren's soundpack could use some little improvement, but a good job there @ ! Also try to fix "combat1.mp3" (same for combat3) and "anger2.mp3" those words are not clear and it's hard to understand what he says, the "anger2" saying "enough" is good idea, but needs a little more work on it. And.... how could you MISSED the legendary phrase that all girls die for:
  12. No, Blender I have tired with the tutorial for creating vehicles using Blender, but nothing.
  13. What more than this could it be if we think of it? just a better looking robe with hood?
  14. Won't export to test it in ModView, since the head of Spiderman is from a JKO model and don't know how the trick works (tried even some old tutorials from Psyk0, but still doesn't want to work).
  15. Well I have found this one on facepunch forum and it is a .Obj file with it's textures. @@AshuraDX @@minilogoguy18
  16. Could someone able of making JKA vehicles to make or maybe use this model of the so called Inquisitor TIE Advanced.
  17. Nope, and does not have the time to work on any models pretty soon i hate my life
  18. I think i did not understand the problem you are having, but on most of the models, that I make them a new NPC files, they all have much more force powers and all of the other numbers are higher, than the basic one for JKA characters. For example: My JKA character has this walkSpeed 77runSpeed 600 in this case, the normal JKA "runSpeed" is somewhere like 300 (if i am not mistaken)? and I do like to play on high speeds, walk faster, run faster etc. etc. but what you have described above, sounds more like the "runSpeed" of the character is set to: 999 (which you can check by extracting the .NPC file of Cybernetic_Maul and open it with Notepad or Notepad++ and edit it on "runSpeed 350" if you want.
  19. What @@Kualan said above. I did respond you yesterday on your comment there, but seems the tagging is not on the notifications of the users. I did not included any shader or sound files, because i didn't had enough time to finish all of the models. Most of them are released as W.I.P.s open projects and so on. You could try to add this one and save it as a "t_vader.shader" file put it inside the .pk3 file or just use the original Toshi Vader model and replace it's textures and the "model_default.skin" files.
  20. I think you would have to separate them from the pack, because they are supposed to change the basic JKA Z-95 / X-Wing into the black-orange design. Try it and if it doesn't work I'll see what I can do, but when I tested it on different computer from mine, before the release it worked O.o If it still brings you the error when you separate them, I will make a new upload only with those 2 skins. @LucyTheAlien @Kibasennin yes if you are able to do it, go ahead. If you can't I'll PM you.
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