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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. @@GPChannel Here he is, as somthing to play with until the Movie Battles 2 team releases their much better version of Kylo. Model does not have sounds because i am too lazy to do it. Single Player + NPC Support included. Credits added in the .pk3 file https://mega.nz/#!kptn2ZyL!tCr4gFhHscjwN3Pjv5IJ-afFaUpl2dX5ziU-00QDA9I
  2. It was an epic ending of Season 2 and I already can't wait for the Season 3 to begin. At some point i was really on the line, that Ezra will become a Sith and will kill both Kanan and Ashoka together with his new 'old' master, but the ending was really emotional and I do admit, for first time in my life I have CRIED on the ending of Part 2 on last episode! SPOILER
  3. Ey it's no problem at all, after all you are the one behind the mod and the story I am just giving ideas ;3 Do what must be done Lord Vader
  4. I think it will be a good bonus, if are able to make Vader in a conversation with an Imperial officer through communiator or even a hologram one? Also one more bonus that he (Vader) takes a call or something like that, and a bunch of his best Stormtroopers arrive on the battle to help out, but in the end it's all up to Vader to kill every single rebel. Perhaps something in this line of thoughts? Would be cool to see few TIE Fighters/ TIE Interceptors OR TIE Bombers to drop the bombs on Bespin. Ermm there should also be something really catchy about the story line behind this person who took Luke's lightsaber, that will make this mission more interesting and whoever plays as Vader will have the same desire to take that weapon (pretty much as Kylo Ren was also wanting it like it's a cup of Nutella if you can get my mind here)
  5. there is one really fat and ugly ANH Luke saber and one that i just fall in love based on the design used in both ESB and now in TFA just go to download section and type in the search: original trilogy sabers (or it was something like that).
  6. Rooxon, that saber hilt improving the base JKA "Luke saber" makes me wanna play it and love it's design as never before, since I am not a big fan on his ROTJ saber and/or the one made in the movie saber collections floating around.
  7. If @@Darth Sion screen doesn't work I can try one bigger (at moments like this, i wish i had a 4K TV at home and take one from it if i had the movie in 4K lol sadly i hate TV)
  8. Yes but that will require some C/C++ coding knowledge that not every single person is capable of you know, cuz he needs to change the SP code and use the tutorial for adding saber colors, that are not connected to JA++ and are not just recolored basic JKA blades, like what i have suggested as a much more simple way.
  9. @@Cerez first of all i really love your new avatar :3 and second why there are x2 Mustafar maps? Is the one without "Anakin's end" gonna be an alternative ending version, based on the PS2 game, when Anakin kills Kenobi and later Palpatine, tooking his new red lightsaber and "transforming" into the fan art concept I've shared of Emperor Skywalker?
  10. hey am.. honestly I am not familiar with this character, but isn't his torso supposed to be a little bit "fat" and not so skinny? If it's ment to be skinny, than I don't mind my missunderstanding, since i have no idea who this charachter is ^^
  11. I guess it was build up just like the Death Star in honor of it since we got the main one a huge fanboy of Vader... so i guess it's just a construction with a new generation of tech inside, that can take all the Sun's energy and convert it to a deadly laser that kills few planets at the same time and why not even a whole universe, but pls Disney do not make a 4th Death Star, just don't...
  12. Glad I could help you, if i may be in help with some other screenshots if you need (not that we got a moving actor or actions heh), but still there might be some details i could've miss.
  13. Well there is my realistic retexture of Toshi's good old Vader model and I could help with some effects over your voice records if you want and make it more Vader-ish
  14. The one you made for Kylo Ren. I have a good HD Blue Ray TFA movie and i can make some of his lines on .mp3 files if you want.
  15. BTW I can try to provide you with some voice lines for ur soundpack if u like
  16. No worries take your time and be happy your family won't visit an Orthodox's easter in a week later out of the fun, just take your time and do the best when you are ready. Btw i am looking forward to play on this one as Darth Vader *blush* *kylorenvaderfanboymuchmore* :D
  17. Until we are waiting for Movie Battles 2 team to release their Kylo Ren model, I used as they did HS_Dooku and Raven Knight's kitbash to improve a little bit the model
  18. New head and new body, no offence DT, but the old Ben Kenobi model is way far from what you are capable in nowadays with modelling and Ben's jedi robes are not really perfect. A good referense picture is TFU's old Ben robes or the one from Almighty Gir in his lost model of the dead project Movie Battles 3.
  19. @@Jrue I could do that, but there is no good head of Galen Marek from TFU made for JKA till now. If Chalk is gonna release one or someone else can make it from scratch, i can use it for the frankensteins, but i am not able to create one myself. Personally I would like to share it with all of u guys, but first of all I did not port it on my own, cuz i have no skills for this and i use it only for personal usage and second of all as far as I know the rules in JKHUb i can't release it, since it is a port
  20. I am not going to... unless the wizard behind the ported head agrees.
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