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Everything posted by afi

  1. I actually installed a plugin to make facebook and youtube mostly black. But yea, since most of the page is covered by forum elements and widgets it should be okay. Just wanted to point that out
  2. A few of them are really bright. Even though my favorite is a bright looking one, people need to keep in mind that a bright background can be stressful for the eyes
  3. cg_sabertrail 0?
  4. Would it be possible to save that in an external file like you can save bot waypoints? That way you could edit existing sp maps without having to decompile them and/or without icarus scripting. Sorry if this has been answered before
  5. This could be nice for JK:Enhanced
  6. afi

    #nL.Cube: Interview

    My interpretation judging from the second and third sentence was actually that he thinks that cube is a newish player
  7. One video for every language?
  8. afi

    #nL.Cube: Interview

    But cube didn't play since 2008...?
  9. best map ever
  10. Also why do people even like this stupid post. What does having your house being full of water to do with not crediting people? His house is flooded so he doesn't have time to credit people but he still got time to update his mod and post news on moddb. Where is the logic there? And eezstreet is supposed to do a mod with serenity cause of what? Cause you don't like MBII? Seriously? The whole post lacks any kind of logical arguments. I'm not hating on serenity but people really need to start taking responsibility for their actions and justifying them doesn't help at all. Ignorance is no excuse. If these "mistakes" get corrected everything is fine but until then the facts speak for themselves
  11. Can't believe I didn't see this thread until now, oh boy
  12. Don't expect any friendliness with that kind of attitude. Good bye is the most friendly welcome I can give you.
  13. Kayle Gratin
  14. Jyn Erso? Really? That's like "Jan Ors sounds nice but we want something different so let's change a few letters". No one can tell me that there isn't a relation to the name Jan Ors
  15. I wonder if there will be any Jedis in that movie or if it's going to be the first SW-movie without lightsabers. According to the old canon there were quite some Jedis that survived Order 66.
  16. This is getting off-topic but I liked the new movie even though the story was kinda boring and predictable. It was pretty much a remake of EPIV but with (imo) great actors and really good visuals and dialogues.
  17. Even worse is the fact that Kyle Katarn doesn't even exist in the new canon so the chance to see a new JK is pretty much zero (if it was ever higher). Maybe they are going to make movies that take place before EPI, maybe they have big plans for the time-period before and after the movies, who knows. Maybe they want to make references in the movies to events that didn't happen in the old canon. I think some events in the SW-universe are so well known and so important for so many fans that it would be really awkward if they would change it completely (for example the stories about Revan, Bane, but also young Obi-Wan and books that take place between the movies). I really hope that they won't just make games for kids and movie-adaptions from now on.
  18. afi

    #nL.Cube: Introduction

    Btw this was the first competitive-related article in the history of JKHub
  19. afi

    #nL.Cube: Introduction

    mrl (maerlin) called himself l1ght at some point. Balin called himself l1ght as well for some time. I think they both don't play anymore
  20. afi

    #nL.Cube: Introduction

    Haha that match is a classic cause of the statement. Icarus was also a very good dual player being #1 in the 1on1 ladder pretty much from 2008-2010. I think he played single against staff players though which gave him an advantage compared to other dual players who couldn't play any other saber type. bAtsu was pretty good as well
  21. afi

    #nL.Cube: Interview

    Great interview and article. As an example...There were only a couple really good dual saber players (probably not more than 5 over the years) so the average win ratio would be probably pretty low, even though there were some dual players that won pretty much everything at some point. And obviously you couldn't get the success ratio of all players anyway. You could get twenty top-players and get their relative success ratio but that doesn't mean that it would be the same ratio on all skill levels, cause some sabers are easier to learn and/or to master than others. Dual sabers for example are really hard to master. And how good you are against a certain saber-type also depends heavily on your own playing style. Also there are more single players than staff players and only a small amount plays duals. It could be like this though (at least in the higher levels): staff > dual, dual > single, staff ~ single On lower skill levels probably staff > dual, single > dual, single > staff It also depends on the time period. For example in the very beginning staff players dominated everything until single players figured out how to counter them.
  22. It disables everything but saber attack, saber defense and jumping. It's the setting that is used on most multiplayer servers
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