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Everything posted by afi

  1. afi


    Is something going to happen here then? http://jkhub.org/wiki/index.php/OpenJK
  2. Not really... You forgot feinting and mouse dragging. You can influence the movement almost like in JK, the only real difference is that the weapon deals damage only once. Feinting and mouse dragging are the reason why you need super fast reflexes in that game, way more than in JK sabering actually. When you play Chivalry the way you've mentioned it you get rekt in seconds. Jedi Academy still got the better combat system (and probably also the higher skill ceiling) though.
  3. Chivalry is all about having "good reflexes and making intuitive fighting" though.
  4. I can't believe I missed this thread until now
  5. Amnesia is currently for free on steam

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bek


      Can you add a link to it?

    3. afi


      I think it might be already too late :/

    4. Bek
  6. Wouldn't it be possible to do it the same way wall runs are done?
  7. The good thing with this mod is that not everything needs to be finished in order to release something. Not like a total conversion where everything needs to be at 100% before you can release it as a whole.
  8. Well having something like that as part of a singleplayer map would be cool I think (http://jkhub.org/topic/6269-story-changes/page-2) I'm not sure if people were really interested in playing that on multiplayer though
  9. Sounds like a plan
  10. Wasn't there a stardestroyer map with space battles made by raven?
  11. Looks great
  12. Maybe you didn't notice but you don't really get an idea what JKHub is actually about when visiting this page the first time.
  13. Could you try to place some kind of slogan after the logo? Something like "The number one place for Jedi Academy" or something just to see how that would look like
  14. The hud is pretty much completely hardcoded. You can change existing items but you can't add anything without code edits
  15. Hi, in gamedata/base/demos
  16. I think most people who are around as long as I am and worked on big mods will agree with me here. Almost all mod projects fail because of the unrealistic goals. And working with people who are enthusiastic doesn't help because half a year later one of them is busy with school/work, one other works on another project and the last one doesn't care anymore about modding at all. Again, I like all those ideas (and it's not for me to decide which are good or bad anyway) but I'd rather have a smaller but finished mod than one that failed because of unrealistic goals and infeasible tasks. If you come up with an idea on how to implement all this in a way that doesn't mean years of work then I'm all for it though (no sarcasm intended).
  17. If I remember correctly there are some SP mods where you play with scaled models (Yoda for example) so you could check them out and see how they do it.
  18. We should be realistic guys. This mod will never be released with tasks like that (rewriting the whole story, implementing new main characters etc). Even though the ideas are good and interesting, it's just not realistic for our small community. We should work with what've got from JK2 and JKA and try to make the best out of it.
  19. Yes porting is allowed but decompiling is always something different to me
  20. If porting from JKO to JKA is allowed, would it be okay to base the academy level on the decompiled JKO academy map?
  21. So as a preliminary conclusion: Let's do JK:E and SW: Saga mod?
  22. The main reason for doing the missions is to find information about the sith cult. The idea behind that is not bad but the problem is that the missions don't really have much to do with that (except for the hoth, vjun, taspir and korriban levels). Same thing with Rosh joining the dark side. It's a good idea to bring emotions into the game. Problem is that no one cared for Rosh in the first place. I think introducing completely new main characters might be too much. But having a couple more encounters with the existing enemies (Alora, Tavion, Rosh(?)) could definitely help the story.
  23. I just had this idea: I think the story/missions would be already more satisfying if the mission selections were not just some menus. Imagine having the actual academy building as a map (like in JKO) where you have to talk to people to get new missions. And you could even have missions in the building itself. The academy is supposed to be an important part of the students lifes but you only really see it in cutscenes. So changing that would give you more of the academy/student perspective. The feeling being a part of a group and sharing a home with other students.
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