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  1. Woah, only now I find out that travelling past 2'147'483'648 units (I think that's the number, theoretically equivalent to 60'397.9776 kilometers) from the origin gets you into completely void parallel worlds, much larger than any map ever created. Mind = blown. Wonder if there's an infnite number of them...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Onysfx


      I used makermod to teleport to those coordinates that you showed in the pic. My god, it's extremely messed up out there. You're player model teleports around the screen when you move your mouse.

    3. Onysfx
    4. Ramikad


      Apparently /setviewpos 4'294millions 0 0 0 teleports you nearly at the heart of the parallel world. Still, it's frightening, considering that even fucking turning around makes you move around the space. Absolutely extreme and terrifying.

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