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  1. Sithani liked a post in a topic by Circa in KOTOR remake officially coming to PC and PS5   
    It's coming to PC and PS5 at launch, with Xbox and maybe Switch later.
    They also had a brief interview about it at the end of the showcase, this clip should start the right spot but if not it's at 1:09:03
    They are making this from the ground up, while also respecting and taking inspiration from the original. They assembled a brand new team of AAA industry veterans just for this game, including those from the original KOTOR team from 2003 BioWare.
  2. Futuza liked a post in a topic by Circa in KOTOR remake officially coming to PC and PS5   
    It's coming to PC and PS5 at launch, with Xbox and maybe Switch later.
    They also had a brief interview about it at the end of the showcase, this clip should start the right spot but if not it's at 1:09:03
    They are making this from the ground up, while also respecting and taking inspiration from the original. They assembled a brand new team of AAA industry veterans just for this game, including those from the original KOTOR team from 2003 BioWare.
  3. Lancelot liked a post in a topic by Circa in Progress Report: August 2021   
    That’s understandable but I honestly don’t think it would be an issue. You’d probably be just as liable for including the audio, character names, weapons, etc. as you would be video. As long as your intention is not to redistribute the movie as a whole and to profit on it then you’d basically be clear to use them under fair use.
    But if cutscene recreations are the vision you have for the mod then that’s great. Maybe I just misunderstood what the mod’s goal was. Playing the movie through from top to bottom would still be cool in it’s own way.
    You mentioned reworking the Ambush on Tatooine mission, I’m curious if you have anything planned to diverge from what we see on screen? There was mention of taking parts from the TPM game for the Theed palace mission, I’m wondering if something could also be done with that one, as I believe there was a lot more of an elaborate chase in that mission with parts taking place in the town, IIRC. Been awhile since I played it. Could make it a lot more interesting that way, but just a thought.
    Looking forward to seeing more!
  4. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lancelot in Progress Report: August 2021   
    That's completely understandable. But on the other hand, it doesn't need to be 100% accurate. Less is often more.
    As you've already put a lot of effort into the cutscenes, I suggest you leave them that way. But for future missions, you should consider reducing the running time of cutscenes to about 20-30 seconds. That's enough time to put all the necessary information based on a familiar scene into one cutscene. Sometimes, you don't even need dialogue at all. Maybe you should take the cutscenes from the Revenge of the Sith game as an example.
  5. Koper liked a post in a topic by Circa in Can't join your server   
    You’ll need to go to JoF’s forum to ask that 
  6. Lancelot liked a post in a topic by Circa in Progress Report: August 2021   
    Love seeing progress reports for this! I’m super excited for Operation Knightfall especially. 
    Just a little piece of advice for y’all. Always look at these missions from a player’s point of view when constructing them. Seeing the dialogue scenes in Jedi Academy cutscene form is cool but I don’t think will ever truly be worth the effort and time unless they are all animated specifically for the scene. I feel like watching the heavy dialogue scenes like the Death Star Ambush in cutscene form will wear off its charm in practice. I feel like it’s probably more work than is truly worth it overall when your overall goal is to be creating missions inspired by the movies rather than recreating the entire film itself.
    I always thought the ROTS game did a cool method of this by just playing clips from the film itself to fill in gaps you may need in between missions, or otherwise assume you saw the movie and just have some additional parts scripted in cutscenes that are new.
    Not saying all that to diminish the work everyone has done, just my thoughts on it. It’s all great work.
  7. Aldro Koon liked a post in a topic by Circa in Can't join your server   
    You’ll need to go to JoF’s forum to ask that 
  8. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: August 2021   
    Thank you all for looking at this progress report, this has been a productive month for the mod! We hope to have more exciting things for our next report!

    During most of the month of August, Linken's computer has been undergoing repairs and he has made no progress on the mod. What little progress that has been made was focused on the first cutscene of our upcoming Deathstar Rescue mission, which he hopes you enjoy. Please keep in mind a number of errors you'll see in this cutscene have already been addressed:

    As you all know, Operation: Knightfall is being remade. The current version you all have experienced was my first mission to produce for the Galactic Legacy mod, and I am super proud with how it turned out. However, I was not satisfied with it. I felt that it could be much more….deserved to be much more. I discussed with Linken and the team about redoing it altogether, and after several months of development, I can surely say that you all are in for a treat. As of right now the mission itself has reached 75% completion. There are going to be 7 Stages of the mission, 3 of them being cutscene related (with cutscene related animations), and 4 being the mission itself. Our mapper Lwkill has worked incredibly hard to help me realize our dream of a proper Operation: Knightfall. The maps are completely new, retaining some of the old rooms all while adding new ones, but the layout is MUCH different. The story and elements of the mission are going to be DARK, and bitter sweet. You will truly feel the somber, and ruthlessness, that Knightfall was. The intro cutscene map of the Chancellor’s Office with Anakin and Palpatine has also been changed to the Fate of the Republic map for continuity. We also, as a surprise, have a talented voice cast to help bring this mission to life. Plumb will once again be voicing Matt Lanter’s Anakin from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. RedSun has agreed to voice the Clone Wars variation of the Clone Troopers. And Sonam has once again agreed to lend us his voice to do Sam Witwer’s version of the Senate himself. It truly feels like a lost episode of the Clone Wars, and I hope you all enjoy the experience that they have worked hard to provide you. As a treat, here are several screenshots of what is to come:










    Before deciding to redo Operation: Knightfall, there were 4 missions that I also have cooking in the development oven.The first of which is Confronting the Count from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. The mission is 85% done and is close to being ready for release. There will be 2 POV’s for this mission. The first will be Obi-Wan, Anakin, and then Yoda. The second will of course be Dooku. Both are 80% done, the final cutscenes for both are still being worked on, as well as finishing touches on cutscene work to ensure that the experience is an authentic experience from Attack of the Clones. As a treat, here is a clip from the mission itself, keep in mind it is still being developed so there will be a number of fixes to make it look better:


    This is the second mission that I have in development. It is the final battle between Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren from Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. There will be only 1 POV, which will be Kylo Ren. This mission itself is 95% complete except for the last half of the final cutscene. Once that is complete we will release the mission with the Operation: Knightfall Remaster. Here is a clip of the mission itself:


    The third mission that I have in development is Ambush on Tatooine from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It will have 2 POV’s, one for Qui-Gon and one for Darth Maul. It was 50% complete, however after deliberation with Linken, we are going to rework this mission as well as hold off until we develop a better map to ensure that it is more accurate to the movie. However here is a clip from the original mission:


    This is the 4th mission I have in development. It is also from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It will have one POV where you play as Obi-Wan Kenobi. The mission is 20% complete. It will have 3 stages. The first draws inspiration from the original Phantom Menace PC game mission: The Gardens of Theed, the stage is named as The Gates of Theed. The 2nd stage, Rescuing the Queen, will be based off of the mission from the XBOX original game Star Wars: Obi-Wan titled: A Queen in Peril. The third and final stage will be based on the mission from TPM PC game once more, Escape of Theed. The stage is titled the same. This mission will be completed last, as it is on a similar level of time needing to complete it that Knightfall needs.
    A few of our team members, including myself, have taken up learning how to animate character stances, and cutscene animations.
    Here is the 90% complete first stance for Anakin’s Lord Vader model:

    Thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  9. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
    Probably one of my most favorite moments in the Anakin vs Obi-wan fight; when they both jump on the small beam. Such a cool scene, so I decided to try and recreate it in blender with JKA models. 🙂
  10. mjt liked a post in a topic by Circa in JA: Enhanced Code Base   
    @redsaurus sent me a new build to test.
    I started a new playthrough with a clean base to see what I could find, and unfortunately there is probably more than you anticipated. 😛 All of this is me trying to look at this mod from the viewpoint of a new player, which I think is important for any mod, but also keeping all the more exclusive features available for veteran players as well.
    Player menu options what are the hooded ones for? they didn’t work for me; assuming I didn’t have the model for them maybe add an optional menu for the additional heads instead; seems more like cheats than part of the core game we could just add a cheat menu similar to the new console versions and include that portion there? Can’t click out of RGB saber menu without clicking the icon again (which isn’t huge, but did take me a bit to realize) Default saber core size and glow are huge, I think setting both at 0.75 looks more accurate to movies and original MP movement doesn’t appear to work at all, I think it should be on by default First person saber stuck when saber is off in first person (it fixed after the first couple times, can’t reproduce consistently) First person saber default FOV should be higher like 90 or 100, it’s hard to use so limited Grass sprite pop-in distance is very close (also an issue in vanilla, nvm) Stuck after every cutscene, clicking mouse fixes it Cutscenes in widescreen are cut off, maybe removing black bars would be the simple fix? Rosh has his saber in some cutscenes when he normally wouldn’t (academy1) One more light side power in menu? Is it supposed to be Repulse? Flipped holsters is opposite of what they should be in the menu, to my logic. I’m not sure the use case of it would be though. I think you made that when our solution was supposed to be adding a new tag to all saber models, but I think that might need to be hidden from the menu to avoid confusing people since that isn’t what we ended up doing headplayermodel doesnt work after reload, I actually couldn’t get it to work at all after the first time I tried it, it would just put the head on top of the existing one, creating nightmare fuel weapon 0 doesn't work  
    This is a list of things I would like to see happen but aren’t necessarily bugs.
    Default settings might need to be looked at (less time for people to mess with too many settings, the better) defaulting to widescreen might be a good option, maybe just r_mode -2 or whichever one sets it automatically in full screen FOV 90 for first person MP movement on saber core and glow .75 Default controls for force powers would probably be good to have Widescreen options in the menu, some common ones like 720p, 1080p, 2160p, and even 16:10 like 1280x800 which is what I normally play at in windowed. Cvar to disable idle animations for the player. Just another pet peeve of mine, but could be useful for others. Especially for taking screenshots. I had someone do this for my MP mod. Can holstered sabers be on the left side by default? Jedi traditionally wear their sabers on the opposite of their dominant hand, maybe make it default to left but have an option in the .sab file to swap it if desired for modders? Can holstered sabers be forced to always touching the nearest model mesh or something similar? I assume they are fixed to the bone or tag, but most of the playermodels will have a large gap between the saber and the player. I'm wondering if there's a way to always have it touching the player so it looks like it's attached, despite how slim or chunky the player or the saber model is. How much work would it be to add new weapons like sabers, fitting them to existing classes - like add a new model but it functions just like a blaster pistol with a unique sound and effect color, like sabers do. Instead of .sab files we could have .weap or files or something similar. As opposed to how it is now where you have to code in new weapons directly. (sounds like a lot of work, but I'm curious what you think) Adding to the above bullet point, could SFX sabers be translated into blaster effects with RGB and everything? Could we have headswap, but for all parts, so you can use the pants of one model, the torso of another, and the head of another?
  11. Jeff liked a post in a topic by Circa in Custom character NPC looking up in SP   
    It's probably something @Jeff could fix easily, if he still has the model.
  12. Mehdi liked a post in a topic by Circa in NJO-era short movies (voiced): Corran Horn vs Shedao Shai... and more   
    Nice job, these are cool! 
  13. Circa liked a post in a topic by Mandalorian in Mandalorian's WIP's   
    Yeah I have. New textures and a lot of work on the model to clean it up. It uses it's own unique _humanoid and animations for my mod but I could likely upload one to replace the vanilla Boba Fett. I have PBR and vanilla shaders. I also Have a Jango Fett model in the works, I still have to create Vanilla textures for. I might make a version with his appearance from The Mandalorian. Maybe I'll do ESB, ROTJ and Mandalorian, both damaged and new. Will take awhile.
  14. z3filus liked a post in a topic by Circa in how to add realistic fire to my map?   
    I'm pretty sure you can just use the scale key on fx_funners.
  15. Droidy365 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Change save location + adding portability   
    You can change the location of all of that via launch options for the exe:
    +set fs_homepath "." That should set it to whatever directory the exe is in, I believe.
  16. Droidy365 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Change save location + adding portability   
    Can't you just add that launch option to the exe shortcut itself? Right click the shortcut, Properties, in the Target box, add it to the end. Like this:
  17. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    That’s right, it’s been nine years since the Hub launched. Normally I would love to wait until the 10th year to make this big of a change, but I think this revamp is long overdue. Initially, when we announced JKHub 2.0, we planned for a redesign like this but life and complications get in the way. I’m sure most of you thought it would never come, or lost interest, but hopefully the wait was worth it.
    New theme
    This theme was originally designed by a designer named CodeByte, so all respect and gratitude goes to them. However, I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself. We still have our own identity, so anyone worried about JKHub using some random theme shared by various other sites out there: don’t worry.
    I wanted to make the switch to a dark theme by default, which I know can be a bit divisive among people, so I also wanted to have a toggle to easily switch between dark and light themes, give everyone a choice. You can find it at the top next to the Create button.
    The biggest change I wanted to make with this theme is to give the front page more relevant and appealing information. The slider will serve latest news items, similar to the JKHub bar. It breathes some life into the front page and gives a contact point for new visitors to visit either the Getting Started page or the latest news items. Since news is quite sparse in the JK community, I felt featuring it so prominently in the past was a bit tacky in the way we used to, and hoping this new page is much more inviting and appealing, especially for newcomers.
    Achievement system
    You may have noticed a few weeks ago that you suddenly gained some random achievements for seemingly no reason. That’s because it is a new feature that Invision introduced and I decided to enable it early to see how it would work. Luckily it counts everything that you have previously posted, so if you’ve been around for awhile, chances are you have a few badges and ranks already. The ultimate goal of this system is to give a small incentive to engage more with the forum and file community. You gain points by posting, submitting mods, liking, getting likes, etc.
    The biggest benefit to this new system is that we can finally award contest winners with custom badges. All previous contest winners have proactively received a badge for the contest they won in the past. Each one is made custom to that specific contest by us, and will show as "rare" since only one person receives it. You can see an example on this profile.
    Tutorial & Wiki relocation
    Some may recall we used to have a dedicated tutorial system which was eventually deprecated from lack of development of the plugin we used. That forced us to convert them all into normal forum threads, which sufficed for getting the info out there for people to read. Now, with the newest software there is actually a good system built in that we also use for news posts called Databases. This is essentially a lightweight wiki-style system that we think will be perfect for tutorials to live, because it allows anyone to edit them (with approval of course) so we can ensure that our tutorials have the current and correct info, even if the original author hasn’t been seen in years.
    That same system is where the wiki is also going to be moving to. The wiki has been the neglected child in the JKHub family. There is a lot of good content on there, but it’s not nearly as much as what could or should be. Two big barriers we notice people not bothering with it is that it requires a whole new and separate account to contribute to it, and it also requires learning of wiki markdown which can be confusing for people to learn. Our new system will be much more user-friendly, convenient, and integrated with the rest of JKHub as a whole, like search and content feeds.
    I’m hoping this new system for the tutorials and the wiki will help put more of a focus on community-driven content, and not feel so out of reach to contribute to. Right now we are still in the process of moving things over. You may notice some tutorials have been moved and some haven't. The old ones are still accessible before they are moved. We are about halfway done, but due to the process, this will take awhile. I'm hoping to have them all moved over in the next 2 weeks or so. A full post will be made about it and how everyone can contribute and edit existing tutorials.
    Partner Servers
    This is more of a "bonus" feature of this big update, but I thought it was a pretty cool addition. We now have a page that displays servers of the groups that partner with us as part of the JKHub Network. The network is just a simple way to collect the major and minor groups and communities around Jedi Outcast and Academy into one area to make it easy for newcomers and veterans to find them. If you have a community you want featured in our network, just let us know! We link to servers on the server page, and websites and Discord servers in the JKHub Bar. It’s great way to expose your clans or groups to new eyes.
    Ported content policy
    I’m sure y’all are tired of seeing this come up in these news posts, and I agree. However, effective immediately, we are returning to our previous policy regarding ported content. That means as follows:
    Any content taken from a source outside of Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy is considered "ported content" and is technically the legal property of the relevant copyright holder. This content is allowed in our file section with the stipulation that more than the bare minimum was done. Some kind of original work must be put into the mod.
    An example of the bare minimum we would allow: a playermodel ported from Fortnite must be fully weighted to the JKA skeleton and work correctly in the game with NPC files, MP icons or SP menu support and sounds. Simply pasting it in Blender and exporting it to GLM may seem good, but then isn’t tested beyond the "it works!" factor and doesn’t actually work with animations properly or any way to actually use it outside of the /model command. If you use content you didn’t create, put as much effort into the experience as possible to show you also know what you’re doing.
    This is a very subjective policy and each case will be very different. But we feel that enough ported content is being made outside our Files section that we would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we didn’t allow it in some capacity. Our outlook has always been to encourage creators to do as much work themselves as possible when it comes to mods. Copying someone else’s work is never as honorable as creating it yourself, however a lot of knowledge can be gained from using another’s work.
    The biggest part of this policy is honesty. You have to list where your content comes from. This has always been our policy, even with other modders’ content, but is even more important with ported content. You did not create it, so please do not pretend you did. Be as explicit as possible with your sources. Also be aware that your ported mods will be subject to termination if we ever get contacted by copyright holders. Our latest file submission rules can always be found here.
    Donations return
    You may have noticed that Caelum has left us again. You also may remember that he took over financial responsibility of JKHub for a few years, and we thank him greatly for that. However we are now back to operating all on our own again. This means we have costs again. Yay.
    The request is always simple: we need money. This community has always been generous with donating towards a resource like JKHub over the years, and I don’t doubt you will show up again. If you are fortunate enough to have some extra cash and want to see this community continue and thrive, please consider donating.
    I’ll be even more blunt than that. Our estimated yearly costs are around $400. We would love to get to that goal by December. Donors that donate over $20 USD will gain a special badge here on the website.
    A full post will be dedicated to this soon, complete with the traditional progress bar to help illustrate our progress.

    New contest
    Part of the birthday celebration is a new contest! It’s not "birthday" themed necessarily, but we will be thrilled if you make any (birthday cake thermal detonator mod when). The theme for this contest is called Summer Days, which is exactly what it sounds like. Summer themed mods are the goal here (sorry to those who live in the upside-down where it is not summer right now). I know this may seem a bit late, it's already nearly August, but that means we have 2 months left! Examples to help you out:
    pools beaches swimming attire lemonade beachball volleyball backyard barbecue fireworks campfires sunny weather rosh in a speedo ice cream A few modern games have done this as part of their seasons, like Call of Duty, Fortnite, etc. so if you need inspiration I recommend looking up what they did for those.
    Of course the winner will be voted on by the community in a poll here, and will receive a badge on their profile showing they won, and added to the contest page. The mod will be a featured file across the site until the next contest.
    You can only enter your own creations. You may team up with another modder. Any external content you did not make must be explicitly referenced in the description and readme file. You may enter more than one file. You may enter files that were created previous to this contest, as long as they abide by the rules. Any content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. If a large number of mods are submitted, more than one winner may be chosen. The deadline for submitting content is September 12, 2021, September 14, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of September 20, 2021. Submit to Summer Days Contest
    I'd also like to quickly point out that we are now moving contest submissions to their relative categories in the files area and instead use the tag system to organize them. You can see previous contest entries on this page. Entries are moved to their specific categories after the contest is over.
    That was a lot of info to cover in one news post, so dedicated posts for a couple of these topics might be made, to feature them more heavily and gain more eyes on them and provide more details. A lot has been going on behind the scenes over these last few months and I'm really glad we can finally show some of it to y'all. I'm sure it feels very stagnant until now but hopefully some of these things will breathe some new life into this place. Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comments!
    EDIT: We are also testing out language options for the website. Only interface items will be translated, and we still require all posted content to be in English where possible. Check out the language selector in the bottom left of the page and if we're missing your native language, let us know.

    View full article
  18. Setlec liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Academy: Enhanced   
    JA: Enhanced is a project to enhance the overall performance and experience of Jedi Academy single player, both visually and functionally. This includes many areas such as gameplay, new features, better effects and models, and more. Essentially this is what everyone needs to have the best JKA SP experience without needing to hunt for and download all of these mods individually, without having too much bloat that you may not want. This used to be a much bigger project recently scaled down to be a bit more attainable. Lots of code work has already been done for this mod specifically, while the collection of the rest of the mods have been made by creators in the community.
    THIS POST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AS LONG AS THE MOD IS IN PROGRESS. Go here to suggest a mod you think should be added.
    Version 1.1 released July 30, 2022
    Download Jedi Academy: Enhanced
    NOTE: If you don't already have it and you're on Windows, you'll need the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable.
    Jedi Academy: Enhanced is a mod for Jedi Academy Single Player which adds features and improvements to the core experience of the base game like RGB sabers, saber customization, saber holstering, new force powers, some extra character customization options using “head swapping”, optionally allows you to use AJL's SFX Sabers, and more. Full list of features and changes below.
    This is for new or old players who want to play through the single player story of Jedi Academy with some enhancements and new features without completely overhauling the core vision of the game.
    This was intended to be an even bigger collection of mods that improve it, and with many more features, but progress is slow. We release when we feel there's big enough of a change or addition. If you are interested in helping with the project, check our forum.
    For more improvement mods like HD textures, fonts, models, etc. please see JKHub's big list of recommended mods.
    It's based on OpenJK (so the code is released under the GPL and available at [https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/]) and a slightly modified version (for SP) of AJL's SFX Saber code. It also uses Open Jedi Project code for TrueView.
    Main coding done by @redsaurus
    Features and Commands
    All OpenJK features and fixes. RGB Sabers • These can be set in the menus or by setting the sabercolor to a hex code in the console - for example "sabercolor 1 xff0000" will set the first lightsaber blade to be red. It is possible to set the sabercolors of NPCs by setting their sabercolor to a hex code in the .npc file. If you want to set one sabercolor for base and one for this mod, you can set the sabercolor of the NPC or lightsaber to the base value, and sabercolorRGB to the RGB value for this mod. Higher blade numbers are set with saberColorRGB2, saber2ColorRGB3, etc. SFX Sabers • SFX Sabers can be enabled in the console by setting cg_SFXSabers to 1. This is on by default, allows for more vibrant and high quality saber blades. Ignition Flare • A lightsaber ignition flare can be enabled in the console by setting cg_ignitionFlare to 1. A custom ignition flare can be specified for a lightsaber with "ignitionFlare <shader>" in the .sab file. Ignition twirl animation disable • If that little twirl of the saber that you do in SP when activating it bothered you, you can now disable it to be more like MP with g_noIgniteTwirl 1. Disable idle animations • Use the command g_UseIdleAnims 0 to disable them. Very helpful when taking screenshots. Saber Holsters • Lightsabers are now holstered on the belt when not in use. A tag_holsterorigin can be added to a hilt for better placement. Adding "holsterPlace <none/hips/back/lhip>" in the .sab file specifies where a hilt will be holstered. Currently broken, default is right hip for now. Headswapping • Several new heads are available for the human male and human female species. You can add your own heads - see the .headswap files in the sp_custom.pk3 for examples. NPCs can have heads set using the playerHeadModel and customHeadSkin commands in their .npc file. RGB Character Colors • Adds an RGB slider option to all player species. Better Entity Spawning • The /spawn command now supports entity keys, e.g. "spawn fx_runner fxFile the/file". .eent files • Maps now load entities from mapentities/mapname.eent in addition to loading them from the .bsp file. MP Movement • Not identical to MP but close. Allows for bunny hopping and less "slide" effect when moving. g_bunnyhopping 1. Also in the menu. Extra Player Tints • (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints. If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 <R> <G> <B>”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this color rather than the usual. Ghoul2 view models First person view weapon models are now allowed to use .glm models using eezstreet's code. Detachable E-Web The player can detach an E-Web from its mount by pressing the Use Force button whilst using it. While the E-Web is equipped, the player moves more slowly. More usable weapons The tusken rifle and noghri stick are fully usable by the player. The DC-15A clone rifle (made by Pahricida), DC-15S clone blaster (Made by AshuraDX and Som3) and E-5 droid blaster (made by KhorneSyrup) have also been added. Only given via cheats right now. give weapon_tusken_rifle give weapon_noghri_stick give weapon_e5 give weapon_dc15s give weapon_dc15a Saber throw is now a force power • This was to be compatible with the katarn saber style (listed below) - this was restored to alt attack to work with all styles like before. New force powers • Force Insanity, Destruction, Repulse and Stasis have been added. Force Repulse is gained automatically during the SP campaign. Bind the keys in the Controls menu. NPCs can use Destruction and Stasis. For faster force regeneration, g_forceRegenTime has been brought over from MP. First person lightsaber with TrueView • As seen in Open Jedi Project and all the other mods that used it, TrueView shows the player model in first person view. You can turn it on for guns with cg_trueguns and turn it on for sabers with cg_fpls or through the menu. Change FOV with cg_trueFOV. Recommend set to 120 if using first person lightsaber. Radar • The radar system from Siege in MP now works in SP. Giving NPCs and misc_radar_icon entities the icon key will set a custom icon. A 2D minimap is also loaded from minimaps/mapname.mmap. AI workshop • Created by eezstreet to give more control over NPC AI. See full thread here. Switch pistols • Toggle between DL-44 and Bryar if added to inventory with pistol bind (+weapon_2) Saber ignition speed • cg_ignitionSpeed scales saber ignition speed Click-drag to rotate player model in customization screen • To help with seeing your character more easily instead of waiting on it to rotate around again. MP-style saber hilt list • Lists lightsabers in the menu without the need for adding menu listings r_mode -2 is now default • sets the game to the monitor's native resolution at launch. Change back to r_mode -1 to use windowed mode. Widescreen HUD fix • Fixes the HUD to support widescreen resolutions without stretching the HUD elements, default to on. r_ratioFix. Removed black bars in cutscenes • this helps with widescreen resolutions not cutting off half of the scene. Included HapSlash’s improved stormtrooper model • because the default one is atrocious. Included Toshi’s Luke model • because of same reason as above Included AshuraDX’s high quality DL-44 model • because it is beautiful Ingame character and saber menu  • Change your character skin and lightsaber from the pause menu at any time! Ingame cheat menu  • A simple menu in the pause menu to give access to some common cheat codes like god mode, noTarget, setforceall, and increased dismemberment! Ingame photo mode  • Use sliders to get the right angle and take a screenshot. Thanks to therfiles for camSP! Screenshots save to the JAEnhanced folder (Windows: C:/Users/user/Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced) Optional features (separate PK3's):
    Improved jedi_hm • DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included with Jedi Robe options with RGB tinting features. Build Your Own Lightsaber • Now lightsabers can be customized like the player species. Example customizable hilts are included thanks to AshuraDX and Plasma.’ Improved effects • also known as "UltimateWeapons", this is a must-have to create a more authentic Star Wars atmosphere Unfinished features, only use if testing:
    Unstable and black saber blades • use with console command: sabercrystal 1 unstable or sabercrystal 1 black - the number is the saber number, so use 2 if you want to change your left hand blade. Katarn saber style • A gun / saber stance. No animations yet, but you play around with it (with cheats enabled) by doing "give weapon_bryar_pistol" and then "setsaberstyle katarn" in the console. Z-6 rotary cannon • Added slot for this weapon, but it has no model yet. give weapon_z6 Installing
    If you've installed an earlier version (from when this was just called SP Customization Mod or 1.0), it'd probably best to uninstall the old version.
    If you're using a Mac, you should put "Jedi Academy: Enhanced" alongside your regular Jedi Academy base folder - depending on your version the base folder might be hidden inside the original game's application bundle or in /Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/
    If you're on Windows, install the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable, then put all files in your GameData folder. For Steam this is in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy. For GOG.com this is in C:/GOG Games/Jedi Academy. For Amazon this is in C:/Amazon Games/Library/Jedi Academy.
    If you’re using Linux, install SDL2 via Terminal [sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0], then install Jedi Academy via Steam Proton, right click the game, browse local files. Put the files in GameData.
    You can launch the mod with or ja_enhanced.x86.exe on Windows, JAEnhanced.app on Mac, and ja_enhanced.i386 or ja_enhanced.x86_64 on Linux.
    User files will be saved to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/JAEnhanced on macOS or to /Users/user/Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced on Windows.
    Known bugs:
    holsterPlace for .sab files currently does not work, which should allow the option for left hip, right hip, back, and none. Some sabers in the saber pack do not line up well when holstered The ingame saber menu won't let you switch from dual sabers to single saber. Workaround is to use /saber kyle (or any single saber) and then use the menu to choose one. g_forceRegenTime doesn't go less than the default value Player RGB tints can't be removed in the menu Player RGB tints can’t be used in the in-game player menu The option to bind photo mode to a button in the controls menu currently does nothing. Workaround is to use the console: /bind key uimenu camsp Ultimate Weapons effects can be invisible if using all weapons back to back. It’s unlikely to happen in normal play sessions but is a bug (also in basejka). Potential future features:
    More bundled improvement mods Health regeneration Default saber holstering to left hip to be canonically correct For modders: add new weapons like sabers, fitting them to existing classes - like add a new model but it functions just like a blaster pistol with a unique sound and effect color, like sabers do. Instead of .sab files we could have .weap or files or something similar. As opposed to how it is now where you have to code in new weapons directly. Adding to the above bullet point, SFX sabers translated into blaster effects with RGB and everything Headswap, but for all parts, so you can use the pants of one model, the torso of another, and the head of another Aim-based blaster deflection for added difficulty License
    The code and menu files are GPL. The relevant GPL license is included in the "readmes” folder. For completeness the Open Jedi Project readme is included although permission has been granted to use the TrueView code under the GPL.
    redsaurus for all coding and implementation. AJL for the SFX Sabers stuff (including SFX_Sabers.pk3). Circa for various icons, in-game menus, testing, release. Raz0r for the MP-style movement code. AshuraDX for the saber hilt, DL-44, and DC-15s models DT85 for the improved jedi_hm. HapSlash for the improved Stormtrooper model. JKG team for the unstable saber blade graphics and shaders. eezstreet for the Ghoul 2 weapon view model code. razorace (and the Open Jedi Project) for the use of the TrueView code under the GPL. OpenJK maintainers and contributors. Pahricida for the Clone Rifle (and omeewan for the textures). SoM3 for the clone blaster. KhorneSyrup for the droid blaster. Kahn Dahlaine for UltimateWeapons effects mod. Dark Forces mod team, Salvador Barale, Luke Ashdown, for E-11 blaster, thermal detonator, bryar pistol models. Toshi/DT85 for the ROTJ Luke model v2 therfiles for his amazing camSP tool for photo mode macsourceports.com team for the macOS Universal 2 build Daggo for general helpfulness  
    Bundled mod options for potential future releases:
      Feature Requests
    If you have any requests for features you’d like to see, please post them in the thread below. We will not include every request, but we encourage you to ask anyway.
    Suggest new mods here
  19. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in JA:Enhanced revised   
    I agree, that was the biggest feature we were all excited about. I do think @MagSul created a starting point for all of that, which looked and worked great, but I'm not sure how far along he is or if he plans to get it finished for this mod or if he'd rather keep it for his own.
  20. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in JA:Enhanced revised   
    We have revised this project a couple times now, but this is hopefully the last time. As many of you noticed, this project was very large, hoping for a big push from the community to contribute towards it. That vision mostly failed, with redsaurus being the only one to do the core work on the code changes. He has done some amazing work on his own over the years and we are looking towards a revamp of the vision with his code changes as the base of it all.
    Before, we planned for more missions, new mission picker layout, tons more customizations, etc. It was a lot. It was also going to cover both JK2 and JKA. After eezstreet left the project, the JK2 side also went with him. So we officially are focusing completely on Jedi Academy going forward first. If things go well and we get to a release we feel is good, we may move on to doing the same with JK2.
    What's different? Well, a more reachable goal. This mod's goal is to have the best possible experience for Jedi Academy singleplayer by fixing bugs, improving visuals, and adding features by collecting mods that have already been created and fitting them all in one package so it all works and all only has to be downloaded once. 
    Our entire description and to-do list can be read here
    We still need help with some remaining things, but also want any suggestions for mods that already exist that you think should be included. Let us know below!
  21. Circa liked a post in a topic by redsaurus in JA: Enhanced Code Base   
    for the ones I'm intending to do anything about:
    I'll add a more obvious way to close the RGB saber popup window. MP movement is just the OpenJK "allow bunnyhopping" cvar rather than full MP movement. The menu will be updated so that it points at this. We couldn't reproduce getting stuck in cutscenes as far as I remember. I've taken out the black bars for cutscenes in widescreen - I'm not sure it's great with subtitles though. Rosh has his saber there in base too. "full" headplayermodel with 2 arguments (model + skin) should work properly after reloads. Perhaps I'll just take out the version with 1 argument if it makes things seem buggy. This was a base issue again, but is fixed. Defaulting to fullscreen seems to make sense, along with the extra menu options. A cvar to disable idle animations should be easy to add.
  22. DarthValeria liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jeff's never ending WIP's   
    You can use this to use MP skins in SP:
  23. Lancelot liked a post in a topic by Circa in Merging textures together   
    Merging them into one for the model to use would require remapping the UV maps, which would be a lot of work. 
    What I have always done is just copy and paste one into a new layer on the other and work on them both in one project side by side there, and then flatten it down, copy and paste it back to the original and save both.
  24. bigphil2695 liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKHub turns 9 with a new theme, contest & more   
    As long as I can ride the baby rancors...
  25. Circa liked a post in a topic by Mandalorian in Mandalorian's WIP's   
    I thought I'd share some of the stuff I have been doing in JKA with PBR renderer allowing me to make more modern graphics.
     I have been working on a Boba Fett Total conversion for awhile and I picked it up again so I will share progress here.
          Mainly been working on this scene for Jabba's Palace, All the aliens here are md3's and they have been animated so it feels more alive.
    A small video of the palace
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