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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Please read the article before jumping to absurd conclusions.
  2. Apparently people don't read very well, but JKHub is not going anywhere. Our free web hosting service is gone. That's all.

    1. Rooxon


      haha well it seems some people joined, that's for sure but... imagine if all the guests would join at once. Daaamn. Like, everyone that bought the humble bundle. Crazy stuff, über crazy.. :P

  3. Right, none of our other services are changing. Good question.
  4. NOTICE: JKHub is not shutting down. Please keep that in mind before spreading rumors and assuming things. And please read everything below. As most of you know, JKHub has been offering free web hosting to the JKA community for a few years now. The intention was to help out new and old clans, mod teams, and others to create a center for their activities. Unfortunately, this offer hasn't been as beneficial as we had hoped. I'll try to describe what's going on as best I can, in FAQ style. Why the shutdown? There are multiple reasons for the shutdown. Here are the main points:JKHub staff doesn't have the man-power or technical resources to actually maintain the service fully anymore.In relation to that, it takes an abundance of the time that we actually have, complete with maintenance and issues that arise, setting up accounts, etc.It's expensive. We offer it free because if we didn't, there would be no point in offering it at all, but in turn, these issues above just aren't worth it.What is happening to the existing accounts? We understand any frustration this may cause the existing account owners, and we promise our intentions aren't to screw you over. We provided you free hosting for a few years, and we hope the service was satisfactory. Basically, all accounts will be given a month to figure out what they are going to do. You can receive a backup of your site, and move to a new host, or you can do nothing and let it be deleted. We will offer to help you out with moving your site to a new host if you like. You will need to be in contact with us regarding that. Otherwise we will assume you know what you're doing. Where can I find a new host? What do you recommend? There are plenty of great hosts out there, and for all the sites we currently host now, almost any of them would be suitable. Google is your friend. However, if you want to make this entire process as easy as possible, our good friend Caelum agreed to give a discount to sites we host. Every current JKHub hosted site will be able to move to his hosting for €5,50/month, which will keep you on the same server, with the same hosting you already had, and no need to move or do anything technical. It's a good deal, and for the convenience of doing nothing but paying for the service, it would be hard to pass that up. If you're interested in Caelum's hosting, click below or PM Caelum. Do I get to keep my domain name? If you had your own domain, yes. If you were using a subdomain of jkhub.org (e.g. circa.jkhub.org), then you will also be able to keep it. You will need to work with us on setting that up for you by getting the IP address for the new host that you end up with. This is for existing accounts only. Do not ask for a subdomain if you don't already have an account. If you sign up for Caelum's hosting, you will automatically get to keep your domain. When does all this happen? Like I said, you get one month starting today to get everything figured out. After that, we will be deleting all accounts. You will be notified by email a week before that happens. An email with this article will be sent to all account holders today as well. We want this to be as painless as possible for you guys. Again, sorry for the huge convenience this will cause. Remember to contact us regarding any help you need or anything of that sort. Send an email to contact@JKHub.org, click the grey button above, or PM/email me. Click here to view the article
  5. NOTICE: JKHub is not shutting down. Please keep that in mind before spreading rumors and assuming things. And please read everything below. As most of you know, JKHub has been offering free web hosting to the JKA community for a few years now. The intention was to help out new and old clans, mod teams, and others to create a center for their activities. Unfortunately, this offer hasn't been as beneficial as we had hoped. I'll try to describe what's going on as best I can, in FAQ style. Why the shutdown? There are multiple reasons for the shutdown. Here are the main points: JKHub staff doesn't have the man-power or technical resources to actually maintain the service fully anymore. In relation to that, it takes an abundance of the time that we actually have, complete with maintenance and issues that arise, setting up accounts, etc. It's expensive. We offer it free because if we didn't, there would be no point in offering it at all, but in turn, these issues above just aren't worth it. What is happening to the existing accounts? We understand any frustration this may cause the existing account owners, and we promise our intentions aren't to screw you over. We provided you free hosting for a few years, and we hope the service was satisfactory. Basically, all accounts will be given a month to figure out what they are going to do. You can receive a backup of your site, and move to a new host, or you can do nothing and let it be deleted. We will offer to help you out with moving your site to a new host if you like. You will need to be in contact with us regarding that. Otherwise we will assume you know what you're doing. Where can I find a new host? What do you recommend? There are plenty of great hosts out there, and for all the sites we currently host now, almost any of them would be suitable. Google is your friend. However, if you want to make this entire process as easy as possible, our good friend Caelum agreed to give a discount to sites we host. Every current JKHub hosted site will be able to move to his hosting for €5,50/month, which will keep you on the same server, with the same hosting you already had, and no need to move or do anything technical. It's a good deal, and for the convenience of doing nothing but paying for the service, it would be hard to pass that up. If you're interested in Caelum's hosting, click below or PM Caelum. Do I get to keep my domain name? If you had your own domain, yes. If you were using a subdomain of jkhub.org (e.g. circa.jkhub.org), then you will also be able to keep it. You will need to work with us on setting that up for you by getting the IP address for the new host that you end up with. This is for existing accounts only. Do not ask for a subdomain if you don't already have an account. If you sign up for Caelum's hosting, you will automatically get to keep your domain. When does all this happen? Like I said, you get one month starting today to get everything figured out. After that, we will be deleting all accounts. You will be notified by email a week before that happens. An email with this article will be sent to all account holders today as well. We want this to be as painless as possible for you guys. Again, sorry for the huge convenience this will cause. Remember to contact us regarding any help you need or anything of that sort. Send an email to contact@@JKHub.org, click the grey button above, or PM/email me.
  6. This sums up the staff's position on the matter. I'm closing this because our answer has been the same for awhile now. We will keep you all updated on the addition of a live chat feature in the future, if we decide to do so.
  7. Good point! I was just referring to your statement that a vector shape didn't exist yet.
  8. http://jkhub.org/topic/2951-now-using-dropbox/?p=78963
  9. Yes, it's fine. We're not overly strict on ported material, but just be smart about it.
  10. Looks like Toshi's Luke model. Looks really good too.
  11. This will be done in JKA Enhanced. Though I haven't decided what direction we'd go. It would be nice to have a female non-human.
  12. Raven has been a co-developer for the past few Call of Duty games. Nothing new here. JKG is open source now I believe, so you can probably contribute without "applying".
  13. You apparently didn't look here on JKHub. http://jkhub.org/files/file/545-jedi-knight-logo-photoshop-shape/
  14. Yep, you'll need a shader. And yeah, haven't even started the map yet. Haven't touched my other map in a couple weeks. Been busy with classes and such.
  15. Not sure. That'll be far down the road though.
  16. @@JAWSFreelao Oh. Your issue is probably that it's loaded before the assets, due to the file name coming alphabetically before them. Rename the pk3 to zAhsoka_Tano.pk3 and it should work fine.
  17. Default skins don't need to be specified. That's why they're default. It goes back to blank because it removes that line, as it is redundant. Upload your pk3 and we can take a look.
  18. Because "oppress" is a real word. I don't find that ridiculous. It's an honest mistake.
  19. Which one? And what do you mean "it just stopped"? Like, it stopped letting you spawn it?
  20. Not the original version, but in a delete scene that was added later, yes. Accompanies Jabba to confront Han. And he was actually a human in that original scene:
  21. Are these NPC's of yours for a map, or just random NPC's that you like to spawn to fight each other?
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