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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. Thank you for carrying on where Shadowstone left off, and thank you for expressing such intense skill in the execution of this task. This map is glorious, absolutely glorious, and I eagerly and patiently await its release. It's really stunning what you're accomplishing here.
  2. It's so nice to see a version of Proxy get released! The problems with him getting stuck in the submission system amuse me, lol.
  3. Oh my god, I almost missed something released just for me! I was going through old pages to make sure I didn't miss anything, then I found this reference. I found the pack with T7 in there! Thank you so much retroactively! You have always been such a hero to me Jeff!
  4. Thank you so much for continuing to fan the embers of Jedi Academy and bringing so many diverse options to this gaming environment... Lord Larith is amazing!
  5. *Jaw Drop* Oh my god, that's... that's so fantastic... And a proxy too? I've died and gone to heaven. As usual Jeff, you are an ultimate hero!!!
  6. Thanks everyone for even indulging the idea.I've always been an advocate of expanding the player options when it comes to unusual droids, and while some have eluded us for ages like Proxy and K2SO, there are others that might never have even been considered. One such anomaly would be the FX-series medical droid. I can see a lot of his greebling details as being just a texture to reduce model complexity, and I know it's a very unlikely model, but at the very least it is fun to ponder the possibility of it.
  7. Wow, that personal skin is really great! I love the menacing face and the unique hairstyle.
  8. That's really a cool kitbash! Wow! Love the vestment stuff!
  9. Oh wow, the Q3 bones would be very useful to film with... That's a good idea.
  10. ChalkYne was working on Kazdan before the great silence, but I think he's the only one that's tried? As far as I know anyhow.
  11. Oh wow, the Sith Witch and Mustafarian are amazing! It's so nice to round out the available species like that. Thank you so much for all your releases Jeff!
  12. I'm really excited to see how this turns out, thank you Kualan for all you are doing, and Jeff for helping!
  13. That's a really good attitude, and I wish you luck!
  14. I was a bit disappointed it didn't have the ewoks so I didn't dig around too much, but it had some enhanced assets that are usually only coupled with other mods... I don't think the demo had any content we haven't seen before, just a different combination of them.
  15. Yeah, it was only in their promo art. I downloaded the demo off ModDB hoping it would have it, but it did not.
  16. Looking at the legs of the MD Ewoks, they were probably just a re-skin as well? What do you think? Although the hood is clipped differently...
  17. This isn't so much a mod request as a research question, but was there ever a more recent ewok model than the lowpoly multicolor Ewok pack? There was one teased in "Movie Duels - Original Trilogy" but it doesn't seem like they were ever released. This is just to see if there's anything out there more than a model request.
  18. What an amazing cross section of characters! I love your itches! Can't wait to see them released. Good work as always!
  19. Decimate is such a scary term, but it makes sense. Good luck to all that take up this challenge.
  20. Even the topic of the thread is a minor spoiler, lol. The round platform seems very close to a Bespin carbonite pad. The angular design in the doors would be pretty straight forward. There are several different mappers here that are good with fog effects for the void around the platform. I could see it being a good two room duel map when people get suitable reference materials.
  21. That's a really cool aesthetic for a map! I adore the graffiti!
  22. So sorry about your hard drive crash Jeff, I know how demoralizing that stuff can be. Thanks again for all your hard work, for taking on so many tasks, and for all you've given to this community.
  23. ZanderNao

    TIE Striker

    Yes! This is delightful! Perfect timing too! Thanks so much for the release!
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