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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. ZanderNao

    TIE Striker

    Yes! This is delightful! Perfect timing too! Thanks so much for the release!
  2. I use multiplayer to make movies with because I can use spectator mode as a camera once the interface is turned off. I do, however, enjoy playing single player for cutscenes and stuff that can be useful that way.
  3. This is a beautiful map that came in the nick of time for me, I was needing some more bridges out there. Wonderful work!!!
  4. I really love taking advantage of subtle height differences. That's one of my favorite aspects of Jedi Outcast, and this raised walkway you added is perfect.
  5. That is absolutely magnificent. It has such a great presence to it. This would make for one of my favorite duel maps of all time.
  6. The one most convincing beach created for Jedi Academy was the Kashyyyk map by Sith J Cull. Other beach maps have had intermediate success pulling it off with horizon lines.
  7. That's a nice comparison between styles, good reference models.
  8. Jeff is an undisputed master at such things, though right now his workload is extremely high. Between 65 hour weeks at his day job and an infinite list of requests, I don't know if he'll be able to take this most worthy cause on.
  9. Hey all. Thanks to Jeff, and then some reverse engineering by myself, I was lucky enough to gain Jedi Holocrons as NPC spawnable and saber entities. They are super useful for my filming, and I really adore their aesthetic. Getting to my point, though, has anyone been inspired to create a Sith Holocron for use in Jedi Academy? With the new season of Rebels about to start, there's going to be a lot of reference art, lol. Anyhow, thank you all for taking the time to read this! May the force be with you all!
  10. Sorry work's being so rough, but thank you so much for all you do!
  11. Is the TOR droid mapped to a human player model like Chopper, or a droid Skeleton?
  12. HOLY! OMG, this is fantastic!!!! You already know I adore droids, but that vehicle! This is fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing!
  13. Ohhh! Oh! Vehicle reskins! I love them! My goodness, that Chiss mercenary is amazing too! What are your release cycles like for such beauties?
  14. One of the most useful files I ever came across for both RP and Machinima films in Jedi Academy was the throwable items pack by Jose Carlos. I've had the fortune of some amazing people crafting a variety of other items, and I kitbashed a few very humble reskins, but I always wondered if it would be possible to take Inyri's original Kotor map objects pack and make any of the items spawnable in game. The Kolto tank and work bench are obviously the most famous pieces, but the hexagonal containers and the control interface are pretty iconic too. Anyhow, even if my request falls by the wayside, I'm just amazed every day to see what mods people are coming up with. Thank you all very much for everything you do!
  15. Oh! I didn't know there was a newer version of that pitdroid. Neat! Can't wait to see your skin though.
  16. Ohhh! I love the diversity, and droids are some of my favorite things to add into my machinima! Wow, that's quite the pitdroid Kuluan!
  17. Oh! Oh! I had an action figure of that second one!
  18. As far as 0-0-0 goes, I have a black protocol droid in my base folder but we'd have to figure out how to change his eye color glow. Sadly, I don't know where I got him from, lol.
  19. Wow, that's quite the quirk! I hope it gets worked out because I adore new vehicles for Jedi Academy. Thanks for taking this challenge on! It would be interesting to see a few pictures without the wireframe images as well to get a better sense at what's going on.
  20. Wait, exactly! The Jakku map in the screenshots?! The model is amazing though!!!
  21. It took a lot of trial and error, but between Jeff's remote help and examples, I got the two he worked on to work as well as a third holocron pattern. I even got the glow shaders to work that I made myself! I know it's such a miniscule step, but thanks for your help in making me a better modder Jeff! I really need to keep practicing with skin files. Examples of the Finished Products:
  22. Thanks so much!!!! Ugh, I was forgetting steps with the skin files. I'm glad I was able to do this remotely with your instructions. I want to get at least a little better at modding so I don't have to ALWAYS bug people with my requests. Thanks so much! You're my hero, and my teacher
  23. At first I tried making an alternate copy of the npc model, but then when that didn't work I tried to make an alternate copy of the saber and instead got just the original holocron saber even when I got it to list itself as a second saber.
  24. I absolutely adored the first holocron, but I wanted to really delve deep and make a collection of different patterns. I am normally very good at looking at how someone put together a mod, dissecting it, and then making reskins and things... I've made a bunch of droid vehicles, some normal vehicles, player model reskins... But when I tried to re-wrap the holocrons with other textures to get a collection, they just spawned invisible. I played with the shader, I played with the files I made for the glow... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I used these as the holocron textures: I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong exactly.
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